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送交者: 多数民族[☆★以直报怨★☆] 于 2022-03-02 14:18 已读 704 次  


UNITED NATIONS, March 2  - The United Nations General Assembly 
on Wednesday overwhelmingly voted to reprimand Russia for invading
Ukraine and demanded that Moscow stop fighting and withdraw its military
forces, an action that aims to diplomatically isolate Russia at the
world body. 6park.com

The resolution, supported by 141 of the assembly's 193 members, passed
in a rare emergency session called by the U.N. Security Council while
Ukrainian forces battled to defend the port of Kherson in the face of
air strikes and a devastating bombardment that forced hundreds of
thousands of people to flee. 6park.com

Russia was joined by Belarus, which has served as a launch pad for
Russian invasion forces, Eritrea, North Korea and Syria in voting
against the resolution. Thirty-five members, including China, abstained.
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