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软摇一小下儿, 21枪 《21 guns》
送交者: 后海香山[♂★品衔R5★♂] 于 2020-12-14 22:09 已读 37976 次 2 赞  


如果这首歌没有副歌那几句,我就觉得太软了。就是那几句让这首刚刚好,我觉得。。。 6park.com


《21 Guns》  By Green Day 6park.com


Do you know what's worth fighting for 6park.com

When it's not worth dying for? 6park.com

Does it take your breath away 6park.com

And you feel yourself suffocating? 6park.com

Does the pain weigh out the pride? 6park.com

And you look for a place to hide? 6park.com

Did someone break your heart inside? 6park.com

You're in ruins 6park.com

One, twenty one guns 6park.com

Lay down your arms 6park.com

Give up the fight 6park.com

One, twenty one guns 6park.com

Throw up your arms into the sky, 6park.com

You and I 6park.com

When you're at the end of the road 6park.com

And you lost all sense of control 6park.com

And your thoughts have taken their toll 6park.com

When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul 6park.com

Your faith walks on broken glass 6park.com

And the hangover doesn't pass 6park.com

Nothing's ever built to last 6park.com

You're in ruins 6park.com

One, twenty one guns 6park.com

Lay down your arms 6park.com

Give up the fight 6park.com

One, twenty one guns 6park.com

Throw up your arms into the sky, 6park.com

You and I 6park.com

Did you try to live on your own 6park.com

When you burned down the house and home? 6park.com

Did you stand too close to the fire? 6park.com

Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone 6park.com

When it's time to live and let die 6park.com

And you can't get another try 6park.com

Something inside this heart has died 6park.com

You're in ruins 6park.com

One, twenty one guns 6park.com

Lay down your arms 6park.com

Give up the fight 6park.com

One, twenty one guns 6park.com

Throw up your arms into the sky, 6park.com

One, twenty one guns 6park.com

Lay down your arms 6park.com

Give up the fight 6park.com

One, twenty one guns 6park.com

Throw up your arms into the sky, 6park.com

You and I
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