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送交者: 雕叼貂屌掉鲷钓[☆★乡下土孩纸★☆] 于 2019-05-27 5:28 已读 1435 次 9 赞  


1. 来电 6park.com

窗外倾盆的暴雨已渐渐转为淅沥的小雨,午后的阳光刺穿厚重的乌云,消散着城市里的阴霾。 6park.com

握着手中被捂热了的手机,尽管挂了电话,耳边还是不断回响着“滴。。。滴。。。滴”的声音,我还沉浸在震撼中,不能自己。 6park.com

想要挪开望向窗外的视线;在脑袋里自己跟自己对话,试图让自己冷静下来,可内心里繁复的情绪就像电视机里快进播放的疯长的野草,抑制不住的扩散开来。 6park.com

刺眼的亮光迫使我闭上双眼,原本波澜起伏的心境好似因为这一缕金黄的暖阳而缓缓平复。 6park.com

耳边再次传来的已不是单调的电话音,似乎是许多的欢声笑语,仿佛又看见了飘舞着的白色棉麻裙与洗了多年的牛仔裤。。。。。。 6park.com

天又晴了,房间里安静得只听到缓慢的“滴答”声,墙上的钟停在了3点45分。 6park.com


2. The Stone 6park.com

It is a fine day, I can see lights between the green leaves and hear birds chanting songs from the heaven. 6park.com

Here I am, talking to you in an okay mood...I guess. 6park.com

It's been a long time since we last met, long enough that I feel like it's been a life time. I tried to email, to call and even to write a long letter to reach you, however, there has been no answers.  6park.com

How are you? I miss you, don't you ever miss me? 6park.com

In every lonely night, I couldn't help myself to ask why? why you smiled at me and left without any trails? Like you were never here. 6park.com

They keep telling me you left in a hurry but will return. I look at them with total silence. No point to argue with them as they would never understand: I don't need you to return, I am following you but slow. 6park.com

In the end, time will bring me to your side, I just have to walk through the phantom pain....


3. 空白 6park.com


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