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送交者: 壮丁[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2013-06-01 10:05 已读 52 次  


回答: 澳大利亚总理说,中国黑客攻击的报道是“造谣污蔑”中国政府 由 正义人士 于 2013-06-01 8:41

Sometimes I find it so amusing that all these "University Level" students from "Great Communist China" studying abroad are so pathetic. You don't even understand basic English, so basic that you lot can't even compare to kindergarten children!

Let me tell you; I love the Communist Party of China! They treat you lot less than animals and everyone are so grateful, Unbelievable!!!

Thanks to my beloved Party, I can enjoy life full of freedom without worrying about you lot coming over here to spoil my lifestyle. My deepest appreciation to my Party, my Country, and not least, my People.

Lastly, let me kindly remind every Chinese University students studying English abroad the following tip; you can Google Translate  what I have just written if my literacy skills are beyond you guys. Thanks for reading!
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