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送交者: zhiyuanjun[布衣] 于 2015-03-19 11:21 已读 218 次  


Graphic footage has been released of police shooting a mentally ill man three times during a brief confrontation on his own doorstep in Dallas, Texas last June. 

38-year-old Jason Harrison, who was described by his mother as "bipolar schizo", was shot by police after offiers had been called to the property to admit him back to hospital.

Police officers John Rogers and Andrew Hutchins can be heard in the footage telling Mr Harrison to drop a screwdriver he was holding before three shots ring out.

Police said they feared for their own safety and shot at the man self-defence.

The footage from one of the officer's body cameras was handed over to the family as part of a lawsuit claiming the police department was responsible for Mr Harrison’s wrongful death.

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