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送交者: 天湛蓝[布衣] 于 2016-12-02 9:38 已读 696 次  


你可以谷歌一下:“Is China dictatorship?” 谷歌自己推荐的回答:“China is communist by name only. It is not communist and it does not have a dictatorship”这里明确表示,中国不是独裁。 谷歌检索第二条,你点进去的话,会看见: When you can tell me if Sparta was a kingdom, oligarchy, or democracy, without misleading, you can tell me if China is a dictatorship, authoritarian, or democracy.

All the choice words are 18th century European intellectual constructs that have nothing to do with China's history, culture, philosophy, or reality. And not just China. If you look at these words through the cultural lenses of India, Japan, Korea, and many other cultures outside of Europe, you will find that all these intellectual constructs are conceptually narrow and incestuous.

It'll be more helpful if people first find out what China is, or for example, say, if you want to provide old-age pension for everyone in China, how will the idea be debated, decided, and implemented. This will tell you far more about how things work in China than any of these "is the giant panda orange or yellow or purple" question. 这是什么意思?意思是说西方的语言无法阐明中国的政治制度,也就是说不知道。 谷歌检索第三条,是一条雅虎回答,点进去的话,会看见: Best Answer:   China is not a dictatorship 一言蔽之,中国不是独裁

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