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送交者: 无极白凤丸[♀★☆天才☆★♀] 于 2018-11-26 1:11 已读 569 次  


Australian households have been officially advised to run their taps for at least 30 seconds in the morning amid fears of lead poisoning from plumbing products. 6park.com

The alert was issued in July by enHealth — a standing committee representing federal, state and territory health departments, the National Health and Medical Research Council and the New Zealand Ministry of Health — but not widely publicised. 6park.com

While lead is rarely used in water pipes in Australia, it is still widely used in a “range of plumbing products” such as brass fittings. It can dissolve into drinking water “particularly where water has been sitting in contact with these brass plumbing products for long periods”. 6park.com


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