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送交者: 误解的注释[布衣] 于 2019-10-12 20:07 已读 445 次  


奥尔加Olga Vsevolodovna Ivinskaya)俄语ОльгаВсеволодовнаИвинская; 1912年6月16日,坦波夫 – 1995年9月8日,莫斯科)是一位俄罗斯诗人和作家。在她生命的最后13年中,她是诺贝尔奖作家鲍里斯·帕斯捷尔纳克Boris Pasternak)的朋友和爱人,也是小说《日瓦戈医生》Doctor Zhivago,1957)中劳拉角色的灵感来源。


1946年10月,她在诺维·米尔Novy Mir)的编辑部遇见了鲍里斯·帕斯捷尔纳克(Boris Pasternak),在那里她负责新作者部门。[1]她一直浪漫地参与着他,直到他去世,尽管他拒绝离开妻子。[2] 1948年初,他要求她离开诺维·米尔Novy Mir),因为由于他们的关系,在那里的位置越来越困难。代替了他的秘书[1]

Ivinskaya与Pasternak紧密合作,将诗歌从外语翻译成俄语。在翻译孟加拉语言诗人Rabindranath Tagore的同时,Pasternak建议她:“ 1)尽可能清晰地展现出这首诗的主题及其主题; 2)通过内部押韵来加强流畅,非欧洲的形式,而不是在行尾; 3)使用松散,不规则的仪表,主要是三元仪表。您可以允许自己使用共鸣。” [3]后来,一会儿就的翻译与他合作,捷克语诗人维特苏斯夫·内兹瓦尔,帕斯捷尔纳克告诉Ivinskaya,“只使用直译为含义,但不要借用它们所代表的字眼:它们是荒谬的,并不总是可理解的。不要翻译所有内容,只翻译您可以管理的内容,并以此来使翻译比原始翻译更精确-在如此混乱,草率的工作中,这是绝对必要的。” [4]

帕斯捷尔纳克承认Ivinskaya为灵感齐瓦哥医生 “女主角劳拉。[2] [5]小说中尤里·日瓦戈Yuri Zhivago )的许多诗都被帕斯捷尔纳克(Pasternak)写给伊文斯卡娅(Ivinskaya)。

1949年10月,[6] [7] [8] [9]伊文斯卡娅因“间谍的同谋”被捕,1950年7月[10]古拉格被NKVD特别委员会判处五年徒刑[1]这被认为是企图迫使Pasternak放弃对苏联体系的批评。[5]在1958年写给西德一位朋友的信中,帕斯捷尔纳克(Pasternak)写道:“由于秘密警察认为她最亲近我,她因此入狱,他们希望通过严酷的讯问和威胁,他们可以从她那里提取足够的证据,将我送进监狱。在我的生命中,我要感谢她的英雄气概和忍耐力。[11]

在被捕时,伊文斯卡娅怀有帕斯捷尔纳克(Pasternak)的身孕,流产了斯大林去世后,她于1953年获释。[5] 日瓦戈医生于1957年由Feltrinelli在意大利出版,由Ivinskaya代表Pasternak进行所有谈判。[1]


帕斯捷尔纳克(Pasternak)于1960年去世后,伊文斯卡娅(Ivinskaya)与其女儿伊琳娜(Irina Emelianova)再次被捕。她被指控为Pasternak与西方发行商的联系,为Zhivago医生打了硬通货苏联政府悄悄地释放了他们,分别于1962年和一年后释放了Irina,并于1964年释放了Ivinskaya。[1]她被判处四年有期徒刑八年,显然是为了惩罚这种关系。[5] 1978年,她的回忆录在巴黎以俄语出版,以《时间的俘虏》为标题翻译成英文

Ivinskaya仅在1988年在戈尔巴乔夫(Gorbachev)的领导下得以恢复。帕斯捷尔纳克(Pasternak)给她和其他手稿及文件的所有信件在她上次被捕时都被克格勃没收她花了数年的时间试图重新获得诉讼。但是,这些被他的儿daughter娜塔莉亚(Natalya)封锁了。俄罗斯最高法院最终在地面上对执政党她说“没有所有权证明”和“论文应保持在状态存档”。[1]她于1995年因癌症去世。[5] NTV的一位记者将Ivinskaya的角色与俄罗斯作家其他著名的缪斯作了比较:“ 如果没有Anna Kern普希金就不会完整。叶赛宁是什么没有伊莎多拉,所以帕斯捷尔纳克不会帕斯捷尔纳克没有奥尔加·艾文斯卡亚,谁是他的灵感“日瓦戈医生”。“ [5]她的女儿伊琳娜·埃米利亚诺娃(Irina Emelianova)于1985年移居法国,出版了一本关于母亲与帕斯捷尔纳克(Pasternak)恋情的回忆书。[12]

''I did everything in my power to avoid a misfortune, but it was beyond my capacity to neutralize everything at once,'' she wrote on March 10, 1961. ''I would like to make it clear that it was Pasternak himself who wrote the novel, it was he himself who received fees by a method he chose. One should not portray him as an innocent lamb.'' 6park.com

Publication of the letter astounded the literary circles where Pasternak remains a godlike figure. But there was more shock than anger. 6park.com

Most Russians are all too aware of the compromises and betrayals millions of people were forced to commit to protect themselves and their families from the K.G.B. Few have a clear conscience. Many, including Pasternak's elder son, who described the article as ''insulting and disgusting,'' were appalled that a newspaper had sensationalized a desperate woman's last-ditch effort to save herself. 6park.com

But a few were delighted by its revelations. 6park.com

''It is the first concrete evidence that she cooperated with the K.G.B.,'' said Natalya Volkova, 70, director of the State Archives of Literature and Art. The archive is now in a bitter dispute with Ivinskaya's heirs over custody of a batch of Pasternak papers. ''But frankly speaking,'' she added with a sly smile, ''we guessed long ago.'' 6park.com

Mrs. Volkova is part of a small clique of scholars and intellectuals whose views can be summed up as ''Lara-Shmara.'' They readily believe Olga cooperated with intelligence services -- very few in her position did not. 6park.com


But mostly they feel she vastly overrated her own importance both as a muse and as a lover. 6park.com

''His second wife Zinaida was Pasternak's real guardian angel,'' Mrs. Volkova said. ''But,'' she added sourly, ''the mistress is always more interesting than the wife.'' 6park.com

Pasternak had a complicated personal life, but there is little question that he at one time loved Ivinskaya, wrote some of his greatest poems about her, and remained loyal to her until his death. 6park.com

Americans mostly know the love story through the melancholy strains of ''Lara's theme'' from the soundtrack to a 1965 movie version of ''Doctor Zhivago'' that starred Julie Christie as Lara. 6park.com

Pasternak met the woman who would serve as his model for Lara in 1946, when he was married, 56 and a famous poet, and she was a beautiful 34-year-old widow working at the literary magazine Novy Mir. He began writing ''Doctor Zhivago'' in 1948. It was banned by the Soviets, who considered it a slander of the Russian Revolution. In 1949, she was arrested and sentenced to four years of hard labor because of her association with Pasternak. 6park.com

In her memoir, she said that while she was in prison, she miscarried Pasternak's baby. ''The relationship ended a few months before she was arrested,'' said Yevgeny Pasternak, who wrote a biography of his father. ''By then, they were not close, but she was in prison, and he helped her children.'' Mr. Pasternak added, ''I am certain that, had she never been arrested, they would not have been close.'' 6park.com

He said that, as a former convict, she was an obvious target for the K.G.B., but that his father, who knew of her weekly meetings with intelligence officials, always believed she defended him. Mr. Pasternak, however, seemed less certain. ''Instead,'' he said, ''she could have said God knows what about him.'' 6park.com

But he said he did not wish to judge her by a letter written when she was in the Gulag. ''When she was arrested a second time, what else could she do but write to Khrushchev?'' 6park.com


In 1953, when Ivinskaya was released from prison the first time, she moved into a small house near Pasternak's dacha in the writers' colony Peredelkino, and became his secretary and literary agent. He spent his days at her house, his nights with his wife and family. Shortly after he died, she was arrested and convicted of smuggling foreign currency -- the royalties she collected for Pasternak from the West. 6park.com

She served four years, and was officially rehabilitated in 1988, the year ''Doctor Zhivago'' was finally published in Russia. She died in 1995 at the age of 83. 6park.com

In her memoirs, ''A Captive of Our Time,'' she wrote that the authorities forced her to serve as an intermediary between them and Pasternak, and described how she tried to protect him from persecution. 6park.com

She did not divulge the kind of informing or contacts with intelligence officers that she described in her letter to Khrushchev. 6park.com

''She was in a concentration camp -- you can imagine what kind of situation she was in,'' her daughter, Irina Yemelyanova, said in a telephone conversation from Paris. Mrs. Yemelyanova, who was arrested as her mother's accomplice in 1960, served two years in prison before emigrating to the West. She said she was horrified by the article. 6park.com

''The letter is typical of millions of letters written by people who were in the camps,'' she said. ''My mother spent eight years in the gulag -- to suggest that she was a K.G.B. agent is humiliating.'' 6park.com

There is considerable disagreement among scholars over how significant their relationship really was. Ivinskaya's defenders insist she was the great love of his life. Her detractors -- and there are many -- insist she manipulated his feelings of guilt to keep insinuating herself into his life. The Khrushchev letter has inflamed the debate. 6park.com


That dispute, moreover, looms over a bitter lawsuit between Pasternak's heirs and those of Olga Ivinskaya over custody of Pasternak papers that were confiscated from Ivinskaya's apartment after her arrest. They include part of the original draft of ''Doctor Zhivago'' with a dedication to Ivinskaya. Confiscated as ''seditious material,'' they were entrusted to Mrs. Volkova's archive, where they are now viewed as national treasures. 6park.com

A year before her death, Ivinskaya sued the archive to recover her papers. The archive fought back, teaming up with Pasternak's heirs to retain possession. For now, the papers remain in the archive under injunction, and the legal battle drags on slowly through the courts. 6park.com

Mrs. Volkova says she fears Ivinskaya's heirs will sell the papers abroad -- and pointed to a recent effort by the heirs to sell Pasternak's love letters to Ivinskaya at Christie's in London. The letters were put on auction a year ago at a starting bid of $700,000 and found no takers. 6park.com

To some, at least, the Khrushchev letter suggests that the heirs of Ivinskaya are not deserving of the disputed papers, because she was not deserving of Pasternak's love. 6park.com

The root of that enmity, moreover, goes back decades. In 1956, the poet Anna Akhmatova was told by a mutual friend of an ill deed Ivinskaya committed against a Gulag inmate. ''I have never heard anything like it in my life,'' Akhmatova replied in her letter. ''I hope you have already explained to Boris Leonidovich who he sings of, who he strums about on his sonorous lyre?'' 6park.com

The Khrushchev letter may inspire biographers

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