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送交者: 误解的注释[布衣] 于 2019-10-12 23:14 已读 482 次  


Sad, but perhaps true - "For a divided, balkanized America, it might take the looming-up of a rival power, the rise of a dark but all-too-plausible alternative, to remind us of who we are, and what we do not want to be." 6park.com

#chinazi alert US companies are on their target.. 6park.com

I have been having these thoughts as well. And I'm happy to see those on the left stick up for the Hong Kong protestors and speak out against the CCP. I hope it continues for all sides! The threat is real and dire

Act now. It’s never too late to stop
#Chinazi now.
Putting the human rights violators and the sponsors of genocides in China to the #OFAC list would be a good 1st step to take.
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