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送交者: 决战2020[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2020-05-07 1:14 已读 964 次  


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R 062057Z MAY 20 MID110000648398U 6park.com


TO NAVADMIN 6park.com


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RMKS/1. The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic brought an
invisible enemy to our shores and changed the way we operate as a Navy. The
fight against this virus is a tough one. But our Sailors are tougher, and
each of you plays a critical role in defeating this virus. 6park.com

2. We have embraced the challenge of COVID-19 and are learning, adapting, and
improving by the day and by the hour. There is no better example of this than
our actions and response on the USS Kidd. 6park.com

3. As we continue to learn about this virus and how to mitigate its risk, the
widespread public health measures you are actively practicing physical
distancing, face coverings, minimizing group events, frequent hand-washing,
sound sanitation practices, a questioning attitude on how we are feeling must
be our new normal. We must harden our Navy by continuing to focus on the
health and safety of our forces and our families. The health and safety of
our Sailors and their families is, and must continue to be, our number one
priority. Fleet operations depend on it. 6park.com

4. As the forward deployed force of our country, we have a duty to ensure we
are ready to respond. We cannot simply take a knee or keep everyone in port
until this enemy is defeated. We are America's away team. The uncertainty
caused by COVID-19 makes our mission of protecting America at sea more
important than ever. That is why the U.S. Navy continues to operate forward
every day. 6park.com

5. As state and local officials begin to re-open communities, we must
continue to focus on the health and safety of our Sailors and their families.
It is vitally important for every individual to take personal responsibility
to minimize risk to themselves and to their loved ones, as well as risk to
the members of our team who may be more susceptible. 6park.com

6. Each Fleet, region and installation will be on a conditions-based timeline
to open. OSD and Service guidance will be released to assist Commanders in
making these decisions. When we entered this pandemic, we quickly closed down
services to minimize interactions and the spread of the disease. We will need
to take a measured approach to opening up these services to prevent a
recurrence of the disease. I expect local commanders to understand area
conditions and to communicate prudent expectations and guidance up and down
the chain of command. I trust our Sailors to follow these guidelines. 6park.com

7. Each of us must continue to practice and follow all public health measures
necessary to minimize risk to our force and our families.
Take responsibility. Show courage in speaking up if you see shipmates falling
short. We have obligations for operational readiness and stringent
requirements for health protection measures. 6park.com

8. Continue to gather lessons learned at all levels, and prepare for another
wave of COVID so that we can minimize the impact and be prepared if that
happens. 6park.com

9. While I know we are asking a lot of our Sailors and families right now,
with measures such as extended deployments and pre-underway Restriction of
Movement (ROM) periods, these sacrifices are necessary to maintain a healthy
force around the world. I appreciate your commitment to selfless service. 6park.com

10. I know our Sailors ability to adapt and respond has been nothing short of
amazing and I am grateful. Your resiliency gives us all hope and assurance
during these uncertain times. 6park.com

11. Released by Admiral Mike Gilday, Chief of Naval Operations.// 6park.com

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