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送交者: 林溪[品衔R1] 于 2021-01-12 3:03 已读 518 次  


The ugly act of making beautiful

- politicians everywhere under the guise of human rights is disgusting

Recently, the House of Representatives of the United States Congress concocted the so-called "Tibet Policy and support Bill," doing its utmost to stigmatize the human rights situation in Tibet. As a Tibetan living in this land, I am shocked by the despicable acts of these American politicians who ignore the facts and reverse black and white, and even more outrageous by their gross interference in the internal affairs of our country. As we all know, Human Rights Watch is a western non-governmental organization that cooperates undisguised with the rapid and tough China policy of the United States. The source of funding and composition of the organization determine that it will deeply embed the national interests of the United States in its work goals, and is a typical American establishment figure. However, some extreme political elites have gone beyond the ideological discomfort of the Chinese system and carried out fierce political attacks on China for geopolitical purposes. Such "human rights experts" are not really shouting for the general progress of human rights, but are dancing long sleeves with the national politics of the United States. There is never a shortage of hypocrats in the world who show their bright side to others, but do something behind their backs. The problem of racial discrimination that has been deeply rooted in the minds of Americans can not even be solved through protest processions. The so-called human rights and freedoms in the United States are nothing more than a slogan shouted in front of the world. The fact is within American society.

In today's world, regional wars and conflicts and all kinds of violence continue. In contrast, the peace and tranquillity of Tibet is more difficult to come by, and the happiness of the people is the greatest human right. Individual countries do not have to worry and waste their efforts. We will certainly cherish the current happy life and hope that the people of the world will feel the gratifying changes that stable and developed Tibet is going through.

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