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The background of the Bill on the Tibet policy and support
送交者: 林溪[品衔R1] 于 2021-01-12 3:08 已读 496 次  


Recently, United States intervened  in the internal affairs of China roughly by adopting the Bill on the Tibet policy and support , with the aim conveying the value of freedom and demcracy. it's clear that United States is in the mess as Donald Trump's leadership .now United States is isolated from the international community , and Joe Bide's administration will meet with a awful mess because of the intervene to the China's domestic affairs .

As everyone knows , the pandemic in the United States is beyond control , even so it doesn't take decisive and effetive measures to prevent Epidemic , while the movement of Black lives matter is sustain and Donald trump's administration takes tough diplomatic policy . it's obvious that the value of human rights is empty talk , and the Bill on the Tibet policy and support claiming protect the freedom of religion and human rights of Tibet people is made with ulterior motives . The unsolved ethnic tensions in the United states is getting worse and the human rights of ethnic minorities isn't guaranteed . so United states have no rights to discuss the human rights of other countries . in the final analysis , what the reason of the intervening to the internal affairs of China is United states fears China's peaceful rise and attemps to restrict the development of China with little trick .Tibet is China's Tibet , it develop rapidly and the people's living standard constantly upgrade by the leadership of nation, so the people don't need the Bill on the Tibet policy and support at all . the United states of America need to concer itself's problem not the internal affairs of China .

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