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Deeper and deeper into the government of Kasha
送交者: 林溪[品衔R1] 于 2021-01-12 3:23 已读 666 次  


Recently, the President of the United States signed trump the Tibet policy and support act, this means that the thought can interfere with the "Tibet issue", and expressed in exile in India "in the summer the government support, but said the move as historic significant, in the eyes of familiar with the Tibetan history, however, this is a sign that the kagyu summer government towards the deep and destruction, because it revealed the kagyu summer government is how to distort history, the means of treachery to selfish interests.

It is known to all that Tibet is the Tibet of China, its development governance is purely China's internal affairs, the so-called "Tibet policy and support act is kagyu summer government and American politicians trying to" Tibet problem "internationalization means of a plan to have a long time, to attract western backers eyeball is Tibet independence forces and get all sorts of sustainability" international aid "and its supporters concept phase debugging product, because pro-tibet group has long been speculation" sovereignty "Tibet" human rights "" environmental problems" and "cultural protection" transplant "religious beliefs" western values, Again at the same time to shape itself into an idealistic "international public relations image", it is easier to cause the attention of western society and support, and the western anti-china forces fear China in recent years show a surprising development speed, lest because of the rise of China affects its international hegemony, so want to borrow "Tibet problem" instill the "freedom" idea of "democracy" to dilute my socialist core values, so as to achieve the purpose of restricting China's development.

Even if Trump signs the so-called Tibet Policy and Support Act, it is only a dream of the Tibetan independence groups, because today's Tibet is not the poor and weak old Tibet, but it is backed by a strong motherland.

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