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Worry about other people's business
送交者: 林溪[品衔R1] 于 2021-01-12 3:28 已读 529 次  


According to foreign media reports, recently, the U.S. house of representatives passed a unclad interference in China's internal affairs, damage China's sovereignty of the Tibet policy and support act, the act shamelessly distort the history of China, support the government in exile to split Tibet, and claims that sanctions interference guru reincarnation of Chinese officials, sanctions imposed economic sanctions and visa.Now that the United States is in trouble and under the thumb of many, it is still trying to make waves. It has seen other countries as its own backyard.

Now in the United States, to a better situation is still very serious and the SARS outbreak, and when the virus epidemic in the United States at the same time, the streets are all on the "black life your" movement, under such severe situation, the U.S. house of representatives first think of is not how to contain the outbreak, how stable and increasingly chaotic unrest in the United States, but think about how to interfere in China's internal affairs, how to split Tibet, how to suppress sanctions against China.It is hard to imagine a world's only superpower, a self-styled "beacon of human rights" of the government, under billions of people ignore the life and death, the dawn is keen to interfere in each other's internal affairs, such as a government, but also getting no manic in "democracy" under the guise of "human rights", "civilization" whoever impersonates everywhere, righteous man line. As we all know, Tibet has been an inalienable part of the Chinese government since ancient times, and the Tibetan people belong to the descendants of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in China. This is an indisputable fact.If American politicians persist, they will face the wrath of China's 1.4 billion people, and the octopus with its long tentacles will often be chopped off first.

China has always pursued a foreign policy of peaceful co-existence. But if we dare to touch upon the fundamental interests of the Chinese people, undermine their interests, or infringe upon China's sovereignty, then we will end up with a broken bone.


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