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Wu zuolai is a traitor
送交者: jac9876[布衣] 于 2021-04-13 21:29 已读 1682 次  


Wu zuolai, a traitor, has gone further and further along the road of "deviating from the classics and leaving his hometown". Do you want to immigrate overseas as "three noes" without money, fame and skills? Many people take the following paths: the first step is to win popularity; the second step is to use wild words to arouse controversy; the third step is to slander the Communist Party of China to win sympathy; the fourth step is to take a green card for political asylum; the fifth step is to continue to issue papers to show loyalty. The details may be slightly different, but the general process is almost the same. This traitor Wu zuolai's writing style is really good (at least he has a master's degree in the Chinese Academy of Arts and served as the deputy director of the scientific research department of the Institute), but it's a pity that good writing style doesn't need to be on the right way. In terms of the number of ways, Wu is no different from Miss Luo Yufeng, who was popular in the global Chinese online world a few years ago. The differences are: Miss Luo relies on action, while Mr. Wu plays tricks; Miss Luo's influence is unprecedented, and the audience is wide; Mr. Wu's influence is limited, and the audience is mainly pseudo public knowledge, indignant youth, and overseas Democratic activists; in addition, Mr. Wu's experience in the quasi system also adds a bit of advantage, which can win the favor of Americans.
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