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送交者: 黑5类[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2021-04-19 15:52 已读 452 次  


送交者: 黑5类[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2021-04-19 15:51 已读 7 次 大字阅读 


China might be purging Bill Gates' and Steve Jobs' biographies from 240 million students' reading lists to eliminate 'veneration of the West' 6park.com


Cheryl Teh
Mon, April 19, 2021, 1:19 AM·4 min read 6park.com




Primary school students attend a flag-raising ceremony in the classroom on the first day of a new semester on March 1, 2021 in Beijing, China. Cui Jun/Beijing Youth Daily/VCG via Getty Images

Chinese authorities have ordered books "venerating Western ideas" to be removed from reading lists in primary and secondary schools.

Bill Gates' and Steve Jobs' biographies could find themselves on the chopping block, along with other books promoting capitalism.

In the run-up to the Communist Party's centennial, recommended books must focus on "Xi Jinping thought," the Chinese President's ideology.

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In China, wisdom from Bill Gates and Steve Jobs could be out - and "Xi Jinping Thought" is definitely in.

This month, Chinese authorities ordered books "venerating Western ideas" and "embracing all things foreign" to be removed from reading lists and libraries in primary and secondary schools.

Nikkei Asia reported that a large selection of titles - particularly those that contain information about political and cultural ideas from Japan and the Western world - could be removed. These include biographies of Gates and Jobs, who are both known in China as "poster children of US capitalism."

According to Chinese media outlet Epoch Times, all books that "worship foreigners" will be removed from schools' reading lists, a move that affects around 240 million elementary and middle school students across the country.

The Epoch Times cited the example of a Beijing middle school, which filled its bookshelves with Chinese president Xi Jinping's speeches. The school also stocked multiple copies of books that promote Xi and the Chinese Communist Party's ideology, including "Chinese Dream of the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation," a collection of speeches and documents by Xi.

The Chinese education system and the content of textbooks in schools are tightly controlled, and often reflect the Party's version of history. Textbooks only contain "patriotic" material and omit any mention of some historical events, such as the 1989 Tiananmen square pro-democracy protests. 6par

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