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张旺,看Elliot Broidy最新证词,你别抱怨郭爆料,他是被迫爆料吧?
送交者: 骡克思[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2023-04-06 12:37 已读 403 次  



Elliot Broidy is testifying today in the Pras Michel trial about their efforts to lobby Trump on behalf of Malaysia and arguably, China. Background here.
Pras may have dozed during Broidy’s testimony about trying to arrange for the Malysian PM to golf with Trump. The “Ghetto Superstar” artist’s eyes were closed for a few mins.
Most of what Broidy is testifying about has already been reported but it is still a fascinating window into the epic corruption that people with ties to Trump attempted in 2017.
For example, Broidy talked about an Aug 2017 phone call Steve Wynn made to Trump in 2017 from Wynn's yacht with Broidy on hand. The aim was to push Trump to extradite Guo Wengui to China, an outcome that Broidy hoped would make him a lot of money
DOJ has alleged that Wynn was helping China in hopes it would help him get better terms when he renegotiated licenses to operate casinos in Macau. https://justice.gov/opa/press-release/file/1506786/download…. (They lost that civil case, in fairness to Wynn.)
Broidy testified that Wynn asked Trump about the status of efforts to extradite Guo. (Both yacht owners, Wynn and Guo.) Trump was on speaker. "The president said they were working on it; looking at it," Broidy testified.
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