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送交者: 胡翔天羽[品衔R2☆] 于 2023-07-31 8:20 已读 443 次  



Attached at the end of this letter is an English translation of this letter from the help of web software

——金 古 羽









附本文英文译文Because what this article wants to call attention to is that human beings urgently need a brand-new cosmology and world view to promote human beings to build new scientific ideas, so some new concepts that have never existed before may not be properly translated with the help of the Internet.Therefore, all human elites are welcome to check the aforementioned original Chinese text, re-translate and spread it.



From the hurricane of "Raksha Haishi" sung by Dolan so we can see that human beings are incapable of learning lessons and are now dying that what should we do about this matter?

                 ——Kim Guyu

From the words of the Chinese writer Ba Jin, we can know that all the sufferings of human beings are matched with human cognition.

Dao Lang, who was squeezed out of China's mainstream music scene, returned to the music scene and sang the song of the "Raksha Haishi" ,why is it spreading so fast and creating an unprecedented amount of song playback?The core driving force for the rapid spread of the song comes from the inversion of beauty and ugliness depicted in the lyrics, which arouses the overall resonance of the whole society, and it is only then that such a rapid and violent tide erupts.Such a state is far beyond Dolan's original intention.This is essentially a howling of the people's voice marked by Dolan pushed out by the tide of history, making Dao Lang and the Raksha Haishi song sung by Dolan bound to become a historical phenomenon and symbolized by legend.

I think that Dolan created this song because he had deep feelings and wanted to draw the attention of the society. The phenomenon of inversion of beauty and ugliness described in the song is a fundamental problem that human beings must solve.I don't want to guess whether Dao Lang used Wittgenstein and the fundamental problems of human beings at the end of this song to conclude the song. Does it contain the meaning that language cannot express the facts, which leads to the upside-down social chaos, or is there something else direction.But I personally think that our children and grandchildren should look back and understand that in this era, we are actually every human being, and we live in the"Raksha State" in our hearts where we don't know how to distinguish between good and bad.This is the fundamental reason why no matter how hard humans strive to pursue beauty, they will inevitably repeatedly push society into a situation where black and white are reversed and beauty cannot be distinguished.And the historical evidence is that the society has repeated such chaos repeatedly, and the cycle will repeat itself.Therefore, even if the phenomenon of "Fork Pole" and its inversion of beauty and ugliness appear, it is actually driven by the existence of the "Raksha State" in everyone's heart, which has no ability to distinguish beauty and ugliness, and it leads everyone to create it together.The The "Fork Pole" is also something that has to be done after being formed.Such a two-way cycle.The history of human civilization that has been formed for thousands of years is a history that does not know how to distinguish right from wrong, and does not know where the boundaries of safety lie.It leads to "the only lesson that mankind has learned from history is that man has never learned any lesson from history (Hegel)."Even the angels of the achievements of civilization are often used as devils to destroy human civilization at the same time.And from the fact that nuclear fission energy is enough to destroy all human beings, human beings are constantly accelerating towards the abyss of being completely destroyed at any time as they pursue the development of civilization.This human civilization is like a trap in a devil's realm.I think this is how Dolan will use Mahu and Youtiao to go around repeatedly, and connect it with Wittgenstein to express that all the phenomena that are difficult for human beings to clarify, such as the inversion of beauty and ugliness in the country of  "Raksha State", are the fundamental problems of human beings, and at the same time they are human beings   the most difficult philosophical problems to solve.If this problem is not resolved, not only the peaceful society established by human beings will be like a mirage, but the entire human civilization will also be a fleeting mirage.Therefore, the title of this song based on the "Raksha State" was named Raksha Haishi(mirage)!Perhaps this is the meaning of Dolan's writing of lyrics,perhaps it is the impact of the historical tide on the subconscious mind of human beings, which can meet the appeal inspired by the prophecy!

Therefore, I hope that people will not blindly fall into the existing phenomenon, but pay close attention to two points.One is that the fundamental problems of human beings sung by Dolan caused the mass media to spread wildly, which shows that this fundamental problem of human beings is closely and actually related to everyone. This is why history once again warned everyone to pay attention fundamental problems of humanity.The second is to warn people again that this is a fundamental issue that human beings must pay close attention to now.Because human beings have actually reached the crossroads of life and death choices, there will be constant anxiety in everyone's heart,now it is only vented by the guidance of Dolan's song, and it has become a wave of singing,but the deadly reefs with rough waves and low fluctuations are the fundamental problems we must clarify.

Then, among the many problems in philosophy, the most fundamental one is the problem of the nature of the universe.As mentioned above, we must feel from Dolan's song that the essential problem of the universe is not a problem that ordinary people can't reach.Rather, it is humanity's greatest problem that all people can and should participate in, and must participate in urgently.Because each of us and the various social cooperation models formed by it are the same as other existing models in this universe. In essence, they are the cosmic energy manifestation models formed by the cosmic energy movement in a dynamic and balanced manner.First, the fact that human beings, their society and nature can be related to each other so that human beings can have cognition is the expression of essential commonality, that is, identity, that is, they have common characteristics,Otherwise, everything that human beings perceive cannot be recognized by human beings through the communication channel of energy identity with human beings.Second, the commonality is the common essence, and only when the quality is the same can they be in the same energy deduction interface.Third, the essence of the universe must be manifested in every detail and interpretation of each cosmic energy combination and cooperation mode, and it can become the core rein to control the universe, so that all parties can coexist together.Fourth, if this rein can control the universe, there must be a specific point that can be grasped by human beings. It is not mysterious, and it can run through the entire universe and time and space.Fifth, it is not that human beings cannot see the essence of the universe when they explore, but because human beings are the deduction of the essence of the universe, and they are integrated with the essence of the universe, so they are too familiar with it and even turn a blind eye to the essence of the universe.

Only when human beings learn and grasp the essence of the universe can they grasp the reins of safely controlling the entire universe, including human society and their own life course, so that any behavior can be accurately balanced from point to point,from this, it is of course possible to get rid of the low-level civilization of blind fighting and internal friction, and move towards a high-level civilization of sustainable harmony and cooperation.

Based on this, while lamenting the crazy spread of Dolan  "Raksha Haishi"s song, I especially recommend a natural philosophy and science article from a new perspective of observing the world for everyone to review.Please review the 15,000-character textA brief introduction to the outline of The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws that fill the entire space-time of the universe perceived by human beings and dominate the underlying structure of the essence of the universe of all human beings》(览要简说满灌人类所知觉的整个宇宙时空而主宰人类一切的宇宙本质底层构架之程序定质规律纲要要点——兼及简说人类文明的本质及其循序定度之核心演绎机制》).Almighty netizens should be able to find this article.I look forward to encountering elites who will translate this article and distribute it widely to all media that can publish it.

What is certain is that human beings always reverse right and wrong in the building of human social cooperation and civilization,this has led to the process of repeatedly overthrowing and rebuilding the models of various social cooperation buildings for thousands of years.Such repeated results have clearly pointed to a conclusion, that is, the foundation of the cooperation building of human society is reversed.That is to say, the human’s perspective of observing the essence of the universe, and the direction of exploration and value judgment are all reversed.Therefore, I would like to emphasize again that when you review the above-mentioned articles, that is, articles that establish a new worldview and guide scientific values from a brand-new perspective, don’t reject it because of unfamiliar perspectives.For this reason, I have sent short articles on the Internet to guide the audiencerepeatedly warned people is that every snowflake follows the procedure, and the society will not avalanche》(《宇宙一再告诫人的幸福底线密码是每片雪花都循序则社会就不会雪崩》.But the survival rate of the article is very low and......This article is borrowing the tide inspired by Dolan, and trying to call,at the same time, starting from the search for a network that can be issued, the third appeal is issuedImportance to the scientific predictions here or   otherwise human beings will soon return to zero and restart——Especially the political leaders of various countries and the elites from all walks of life of mankind, please clarify your responsibilities》(致每个人类的呼吁信:请高度重视这里的科学预言否则人类将很快归零重启——尤其是各国政要与全人类各界精英请明晰自己的责任.I believe that the vast majority of people want human civilization to develop sustainably and scientifically instead of rushing to zero.Therefore, this article and the above-mentioned articles mentioned in this article are all expected to be translated and disseminated.




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