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送交者: 容易被狗咬的人[布衣] 于 2015-01-22 7:53 已读 299 次  


本,但官员人人清廉,华盛顿地铁多次出事,也没人辞职。 中国有哪个城市地铁老是涨价,老是出事故,要被老百姓骂死了。 WASHINGTON (AP) -- A week after its first fatal accident in five years, Washington's Metro subway system is considering raising fares and reducing the frequency of trains.

The cuts are being considered as a way to reduce the amount of money that Metro will be requesting from local jurisdictions that fund the system. Right now, they're being asked to kick in an additional $140 million in the upcoming budget year.

Metro says in a working budget document released Tuesday that raising rail and bus fares by 10 cents per ride would produce $22 million in revenue.

It's also considering increasing the time between trains from 6 to 8 minutes during peak hours.

Last week, a woman died and dozens were sickened after an electrical malfunction caused a train to fill with smoke.

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