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送交者: 不偏不倚[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2019-06-29 8:09 已读 176 次  


回答: 犹太人再次祸害了自由世界! 由 包大廳 于 2019-06-29 7:06

The agency discovered that Xi Jinping had succumbed to the CCP’s conservative hardlining forces and refused to agree to the trade agreement at the G20 summit. President Li Chupu should use this good opportunity to immediately implement the remaining 300 billion US dollars of Chinese goods.Tax increase!It started the official cold war with the CCP.However, Trump has even softened the cancellation of the commitment to increase taxes on the $300 billion CCP goods. Why?Of course, it is the ghost of the Jews!Just like the postponement of sanctions against the CCP after the Argentine meeting in December last year.That time, the Jewish son-in-law accompanied him personally, which led Trump to relax the sanctions against the CCP.This time, when I saw the daughter of Ipka, Trump, I immediately had a huge unpredictable feeling, and I felt that I must have bad food!Trump’s stupid daughter, in order to marry the Jews, actually betrayed her faith and joined Judaism.What is even more incredible is that this incident was actually carried out under the cooperation of the common spy Deng Wendi. After giving birth to his daughter, his nanny turned out to be a general agent.This apostate silly fork daughter has ruined the United States more than the Jews, really fucking incredible!Sure enough, this huge opportunity to win the free world was ruined again. This is 100% the result of the back of the daughter of the Trumps representing the Jewish forces!The Jewish financial black empire that controls Wall Street has long been associated with the CCP. In the context of globalization, these Jewish capitals can earn higher profits without the need of the American labor class. They and the princelings represented by Jiang Zemin and Wang Qishan.The financial group colluded and established the princely sectarian consortium to plunder the wealth of the Chinese and American peoples. They are the common enemy of the Chinese and American peoples.Trump wants to reshape the US manufacturing industry, make the US industrial workers class stronger, and violate the short-term interests of the Jews, which is bound to be hit by Jewish capital.When Kennedy rebelled and was assassinated, Trump is now again in violation of the interests of Jewish capital, and the pressure it faces can be imagined.But what is it really embarrassing to directly threaten my daughter-in-law?The results of the Osaka G20 summit show that there is a thief thief around President Trump and succumb to their pressure. In my opinion, Trump is no longer suitable to lead the United States once again to lead the free world and defeat the CCP’s autocratic expansion.people.It is hoped that Congress will impeach Trump, and the deputy president of the real anti-Communist and traditional values ​​defender, Peng Si, will take the lead in leading the United States and leading the decisive battle against communist expansion.It is hoped that the righteous forces of the free world will face the destruction of the United States by the Jewish dark forces and completely eradicate the Jewish forces behind the bones.Baotong News
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