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送交者: 纵横捭阖[♂★中国实话哥★♂] 于 2019-09-24 8:25 已读 1241 次  


最近,美国全国农民联盟主席罗杰·约翰逊(Roger Johnson)在接受里克·桑切斯(Rick Sanchez)的新闻采访时表示:由于唐纳德·特朗普总统的贸易战,美国农民已经损失了数十亿美元,而他们花了几十年时间开发的中国市场也丢了。他们(美国农民)更愿意让这些市场回归,而不是用纳税人的200亿美元纾困。 6park.com


随后,罗杰·约翰逊的一席“大义凛然”,很快便得到了美国农民联盟各州代表的广泛支持,一场声讨请愿眼见成型! 6park.com

但是出乎意料的是,就在同一时刻,一种截然不同的声音却在美国响起: 6park.com

1、Mike Chapman 6park.com

Lower food cost and sell it to the consumers 6park.com

降低食品成本,然后卖给美国消费者 6park.com

Farmers in the United States have been doing this for the past 50 years, forcing us to pay for it under the guise of patriotism. 6park.com

美国的农民在过去的50年里一直这样做,迫使我们以爱国主义的名义为之付出代价。 6park.com

2、Paul Mason 6park.com

Farmers 6park.com

would rather rot vegetables in the ground to maintain the profits of 6park.com

commodities! All they care about is profits. Did you ever see a poor 6park.com

farmer today? I live in Saskatchewan Canada and the poorest farmer is a 6park.com

Millionaire. 6park.com

农民宁愿把蔬菜烂在地里,也要维持商品的利润!他们只关心利润。如今,你见过一个贫穷的农民吗?我住在加拿大萨斯喀彻温省,最穷的农民都是百万富翁。 6park.com

3、Barry Eden 6park.com

Maybe you should ask the "farmers" why there helping Monsanto poison our environment 6park.com

也许你应该问问“农民”,为什么他们要帮助孟山都毒害我们的环境? 6park.com

4、Carrie Hatzlhoffer 6park.com

Ahhhhhh 6park.com

the Capitalists, reaching for socialism when the boat is going down. 6park.com

Come on America, if your a capitalist country then let the farmers fail 6park.com

and the market will fix it self. 6park.com

啊。。。当船要沉的时候,资本家们却在追求社会主义(注:提供紧急援助、干预市场)。来吧,美国,如果你是一个资本主义国家,那么就让农民破产吧,市场会自我修复的。 6park.com

5、K8UR Channel 6park.com

Patriotic farmers don’t care about that. We don’t need to feed an opponent . 6park.com

爱国的农民并不在乎这些。我们不需要喂饱对手。 6park.com

So let's discuss how we can contribute to the three-storey villas and Ford pickups that farmers'friends are about to buy. 6park.com

所以让我们来讨论一下,我们如何才能为农民朋友即将购买的三层别墅和福特皮卡做出贡献。 6park.com


[iframe][/iframe] 6park.com

6、timkiwi 6park.com

Welfare 6park.com

for the farmers. turn them into beggars. just give every family in the 6park.com

country 1M dollars and stimulate the economy. the USA is bankrupt any 6park.com

way and they just print there money. its not lixed to gold. 6park.com

为农民提供的福利使他们沦为乞丐。给这个国家的每个家庭100万美元以刺激经济。美国破产了,他们就印钞票。它与黄金无关。 6park.com

the truth 6park.com

is the rest of the world is sick of the USA and there endless bullshit 6park.com

wars. Hollywood sucks as well. the rest of the world has overtaken the 6park.com

USA. its an empire in decline. put some of your young brightest and 6park.com

smartest in charge. Trump/Clinton. what a joke, what an embarrassment. 6park.com

事实上,世界其他国家已经厌倦了美国,还有它没完没了的狗屁战争。好莱坞也很烂。世界其他地区已经超过了美国。这是一个正在衰落的帝国。让你最聪明的年轻人来负责。特朗普、克林顿真是个笑话,真是尴尬。 6park.com

7、William King 6park.com

Nothing top worry about, the US farmers can sell their products Canada. Problem solved and Trump wins again! 6park.com

没什么好担心的,美国农民可以把他们的产品卖到加拿大。问题解决了,特朗普又赢了! 6park.com

8、Brandon Ho 6park.com

Sometimes 6park.com

people who used to see USA as a leader of the free world until Donald 6park.com

Trump appear have suspicion that trump might be a spy planted in USA to 6park.com

make USA have more enemies than friends. 6park.com

有时候,在唐纳德·特朗普出现之前,人们一直认为美国是自由世界的领导者,但现在他们怀疑,特朗普可能是潜入美国的间谍,目的是给美国树立更多的敌人,而不是结交朋友。 6park.com

9、BahBahBS 6park.com

Double whammy for the American public, gotta pay the farmers AND the tariffed consumer goods. 6park.com

对美国公众来说,这是双重打击,他们要为农民和被征收关税的消费品买单。 6park.com

10、Khairul Anwar Mokhtar 6park.com

Trump supporting farmers should be familiar with this saying "you reap what you sow". So, tough luck! 6park.com

支持特朗普的农民应该熟悉这句话:“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”。所以,你们真不走运! 6park.com

That's what you get for having voted for Trump. If a farmer voted Trump, he got what was coming to him. 6park.com

这就是你投票给特朗普的下场。如果某个农民投了特朗普的票,那这正是他的报应。 6park.com


11、zhli 6park.com

A lot of 6park.com

damages done to America by Trump are permanent. This came from Trump’s 6park.com

lack of understanding due to his privileged background as a NYC real 6park.com

estate tycoon. 6park.com

特朗普对美国造成的许多损害是永久性的。这是因为特朗普的纽约房地产大亨的优越背景导致他缺乏理解。 6park.com

The 6park.com

“American” companies who have moved American jobs offshore, are short 6park.com

sighted traitors. “Americans” who hire illegals should be punished. 6park.com

把美国工作岗位转移到海外的美国公司是目光短浅的叛徒。雇佣非法移民的美国人应该受到惩罚。 6park.com

12、DR Ir M 6park.com

Trump 6park.com

says TRADE WAR IS FUN AND EASY. The tariffs threat is a BRILLIANT 6park.com

STRATEGIC MOVE. Very good strategy. Absolutely. However, it is not deep 6park.com

enough. It is not wide enough. Trump must be more aggressive to win. 6park.com

First get out of the WTO... 6park.com

特朗普说,贸易战既有趣又容易获胜。关税威胁是一个明智的战略举措。很好的策略。绝对的。然而,它还不够深,不够广。特朗普必须更有侵略性才能获胜。首先退出世贸组织... 6park.com

then 6park.com

IMPOSE HIGHER TARIFF ALL AROUND. This will make goods in US cheap. As 6park.com

Cost of Living Goes Down, Standard of living will go up. Brilliant 6park.com

Believe me, there is plenty of alternative markets all over the world 6park.com

from Latin America to Asia and Africa. If this doesn’t work arrest their 6park.com

CFO 6park.com

然后全面提高关税。这将使美国的商品变得便宜。随着生活成本的下降,生活水平将会提高。相信我,从拉丁美洲到亚洲和非洲,世界各地都有很多替代市场。如果这不起作用,那就逮捕他们的首席财务官 6park.com

But take a 6park.com

look. Now,Russia will be supplying a lot of agricultural products to 6park.com

replace US goods. Thank you for Making Russia Great Again. China has 6park.com

diversified their sources and Brazil is selling more. 6park.com

但是看一看呐,现在俄罗斯将提供大量农产品来取代美国的产品。感谢你们让俄罗斯再次伟大起来。中国也已经实现了资源的多元化,巴西的销量也在增加。 6park.com


13、Sam Sebastian Khor 6park.com

Trump is only interested in the short term and getting elected again. His Policies are a disaster for the USA in the long term. 6park.com

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