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先有制度还是先有社会效应?Institution first or social effect first?
送交者: 祖母绿[★品衔R5★] 于 2020-01-19 13:20 已读 652 次  


维基解密骂骂咧咧的说,美国抢劫了印第安人的土地然后卖了赚的第一桶金,因此与制度无关,与杀人放火抢劫有关。 6park.com

Wikileaker was growing upon the American immigration rubbing the land of American Indian and selling it in earring its first bucket of gold. Therefore, it is irrelevant to the institution but only to slaughtering and robbing.  6park.com

笔者想问的一个问题是:先有制度还是先有社会效应?美国人之所以能够杀人放火,征服土著华人移民,是因为他们从欧洲大陆移植到美洲大陆的资本主义社会制度,比起尚处于原始社会阶段的华人移民,在生产力等各个方面都要高出很多。武器的先进不过是其中一部分。你可以指责他们是强盗,杀人越货,只是这是他们战胜华人移民的一种能力。土著人在力图保住自己的领地的时候也进行了殊死的搏斗,但是因为力量太过悬殊,最终不敌被征服了。这是土著的悲哀,部落文明的被消除标志着资本主义在新大陆的扩张。因此,是先有制度然后才有了制度导致的征服。倒过来就是倒果为因的看待,因而是错误的。 6park.com

I would like to to ask: institution first or social effect? The reason why the American was capable of killing, be arsenic and conquering the aboriginal Chinese ancient immigration, is because of its capitalism social institution - being migrated from the Europe to the American continent - possesses much higher level than that of the ancient Chinese immigration, who was still living in the primitive life style, in terms of social productivity and the genre. The advanced weapons was only part of its civilization. You can blame that they are bandits and killing for wealths, but this belong to an ability in winning over the ancient Chinese immigration. The ancient Chinese immigration fought deadly in protecting their territory. However, the sharp difference of the strength caused their fatal defeat. This is the sorrow of the ancient Chinese immigration. The elimination of the clan civilization marked the expansion of the capitalism in the new land. Therefore, it is that, institution first, and the institutional conquer. If it is turnover, it is faulty make the effect to be the reason.  6park.com

上升到制度的角度来看,亚洲大陆的华人居民,比起移民美洲的华人明显的在社会形态的发展上要高出很多很多。在十九世纪中叶欧洲人入侵之前,亚洲大陆的华人文明是当时世界上首屈一指的。马可波罗游记对东方财富的不乏夸大的描写,用金子铺地的遍地黄金的文字吸引了淘金的白种人的贪婪的目光。这贪婪是什么?这就是资本主义不可或缺的一部分。资本主义的确是“每个毛孔都渗透着肮脏的血”。 6park.com

In the perspective of institution, the Asian Chinese residents, by comparison to those of ancient Chinese immigration, have developed much higher level. Prior to the invasion of the European in the mind nineteen century, the Asian continent Chinese civilization was above the top in the world. The extravagant writing of Maco Polo, in his travel adventure, mentioning using the gold tiles in road surface garnishing, attracted the greedy eyesights of the white. What does this greedyness stand for? It is the unlackable part of the capitalism, of which in deed, “every single pore is filled with nasty blood”.  6park.com

笔者认为,亚洲大陆的华人文明当时早已也是资本主义,但是这是属于资本主义的另一种较为温和的种类。资本主义的欧洲版本比起亚洲的要凶猛。而欧洲的资本主义内部还有一种更为凶猛的异种,那就是纳粹主义。希特勒那时的纳粹主义是资本主义与社会主义的合体,具有极强的排外性。两次世界大战的历史史实证明了这一点。最近有人提到一个词叫“中国纳粹”,笔者认为这种提法”莫须有”吧。如果有,那是说中国的资本主义发展到现阶段,具有与欧美资本主义不完全相同的特征,最明显的表现就是,中式资本主义在军备投入上不及欧美版本的资本主义。关于这一点可以参照笔者刚刚写的那篇歧视与信任的拙文。同时还有一个特征就是集权主义,俗称的威权主义,源自于新加坡模式,但是又被中国共产主义改造过了的另一种相当稳定的社会运作机制,具有极强的近乎残酷的内部淘汰制。 6park.com

I would assume that, by the time, the Asian continent Chinese capitalism had developed for a long time, but this belongs to another type of mild type. The European version of capitalism is comparatively fearsome and aggressive, of which a transformation of capitalism is the Nazi. Hitler his Nazism was a combination of capitalism and socialism. Recently someone mentioned a word “Chinazim”. Presumably it is a sort of “could have been”. Providing there does exist, that is to say, Chinese capitalism has developed to a stage, with some features that is different from the European capitalism, of which the most outstanding manifestation is that, the Chinese capitalism has less input of military investment than its Europe American counterparts. Upon this, please read my most recent writing. Another feature is dictatorship, or authoritarian, originated from the Singapore mode, but been changed by the Chinese communism and has turned to be a fairly stable social operation mechanism, with super powerful, close to cruel, inner eviction transaction.  6park.com

贴主:祖母绿于2020_01_19 16:24:17编辑
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