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送交者: 蓝翅蝴蝶[♀☆★夜光何德★☆♀] 于 2020-04-05 22:34 已读 562 次  


每日邮报Daily Mail 德国谴责美国是当代强盗/海盗逻辑截获船上医药设备 - 法国官员声称他们被迫与美国买家斗争多年购买上百万的中国黑市口罩 Germany accuses the US of 'modern day piracy' for seizing a shipment of medical equipment - as French officials claim they were forced to fight with American buyers for millions of masks on a Chinese tarmac Andrew Court For Dailymail.com and Milly Vincent For Mailonline and Afp 7 hrs ago a man riding on the back of a truck: The United States has angered Germany and France b allegedly seizing millions of masks which were set to be shipped to the European nations amid the coronavirus crisis. German officials hit out at America for 'intercepting' 200,000 masks they had ordered from a 3M factory in China. Stock image © Provided by Daily Mail 美国对德国和法国b声称的在流疫病毒危机期间。截获上百万只原本应该船运到欧洲的口罩的指责表示愤怒。德国官员指出美国“中途拦截”了20万只他们从中国一家叫做3M的中国工厂订购的口罩。The United States has angered Germany and France b allegedly seizing millions of masks which were set to be shipped to the European nations amid the coronavirus crisis. German officials hit out at America for 'intercepting' 200,000 masks they had ordered from a 3M factory in China. Stock image 美国对德国和法国b声称的在流疫病毒危机期间。截获上百万只原本打算船运到欧洲的口罩的指责表示愤怒。德国官员指出美国“中途拦截”了20万只他们从中国一家叫做3M的中国工厂订购的口罩。The United States has angered Germany and France after allegedly seizing millions of masks set to be shipped to the European nations amid the coronavirus crisis. 星期五,德国一位官员指出美国‘中途拦截’了他们从中国一家叫做3M的工厂订购的二十万只口罩。On Friday, German officials hit out at America for 'intercepting' 200,000 masks they had ordered from a 3M factory in China. 鉴于3M是一家美国拥有的公司,美国得以‘没收’了船运的特制的FFP2和FFP3口罩,这些口罩原本是要运送给在柏林奋战流疫-19号的医护人员的。As 3M is an American-owned company, the US was able to 'confiscate' the shipment of special FFP2 and FFP3 masks which were on their way to healthcare workers battling the COVID-19 outbreak in Berlin. ‘我们认为这是一种当代的强盗行为,’柏林内政部长安德鲁格格什批评到。'We consider that an act of modern piracy,' Berlin's interior minister Andreas Geisel blasted. You May Like Simple Way To Reduce Toenail Fungus? (Watch) fungussecrets.com ‘你不应该这样对你的泛大西洋伙伴',他在金融时报上进一步这样指出。You don't treat your transatlantic partners like that,' he is further quoted as saying in The Financial Times. 格什号召德国政府‘给美国施压使其遵守国际规则’,而柏林市长则在解惑事件之后谴责特朗普总统‘缺乏团结’。Geisel called on Germany's government to 'press the US to stick to international rules', while Berlin's mayor accused President Trump of 'lacking solidarity' following the seizure of the shipment. 川普总统因为本国缺乏应急货存而急于确保给美国提供口罩和其他隔离保护器材。President Trump is desperately trying to secure masks and other personal protective equipment for Americans as the nation's emergency stockpile depletes. Donald Trump wearing a suit and tie: Berlin officials called on Germany's government to 'press the US to stick to international rules', and accused President Trump of 'lacking solidarity' following seizure of the shipment © Provided by Daily MailBerlin officials called on Germany's government to 'press the US to stick to international rules', and accused President Trump of 'lacking solidarity' following seizure of the shipment 星期四,当流疫感染率在美国飙升到二十五万八千以上时,首席执政官为美国向3M订购了更多的口罩。超过六千六百人已经死亡。On Thursday, the Commander-in-chief ordered 3M to manufacture more masks for Americans as the coronavirus infection rate in the US soared above 258,000. More than 6,600 have died. 同时,截止到星期五下午,德国及时病人数更新到九万九百六十四,其中死亡一千二百三十四人。Meanwhile, Germany has clocked 90,964 cases and 1,234 deaths as of Friday afternoon. 美国对法国愤怒到极点,那里六万四千三百三十八人为流疫-19阳性,并且六千五百零七人已经死亡。The United States has also earned the ire of France, where 64,338 people have tested positive to COVID-19, and 6,507 have died. a group of people standing around a plane: Boxes being unloaded from an Antonov 124 aircraft transporting 10 million face masks ordered by France from China at the Paris-Vatry Airport in Bussy-Lettree, eastern France, 30 March © Provided by Daily MailBoxes being unloaded from an Antonov 124 aircraft transporting 10 million face masks ordered by France from China at the Paris-Vatry Airport in Bussy-Lettree, eastern France, 30 March 星期四,两位法国官员声称,美国买家将中国原本是要运往法国的口罩以三倍的价格保证其运送到美国。美国否认了这样的指责。On Thursday, US buyers paid three times the going rate to secure a shipment of face masks from China that were due to be dispatched to France, two French officials claim. The US has denied the allegation. 现金付款让货船改道空运美国,买家据说指令是在上海飞机场准备起飞的飞机上要求这样运输口罩的。Paying cash to divert the air cargo to the US, the buyers are said to have commandeered the shipment of masks as they sat on a plane at Shanghai airport ready for take-off. 几百万口罩订单原本是打算抵达法国西北部的大东区的,那里亟需重症监护设备以对付大量的流疫病人。The order of several million masks had been due to arrive in part to the Grand Est region in north-west France, an area where intensive care facilities are already struggling to cope with the volume of coronavirus patients. 简若特,大东区市议会的医生和主任负责人告诉RTL广播电台说美国买家使用上了黑金交易了。Jean Rottner, a doctor and president of the GrandEst regional council, told RTL radio that the US buyers had turned up on the tarmac offering cash. a close up of a map: More than one million people across the world have tested positive to COVID-19, with more than a quarter of cases occurring in the United States © Provided by Daily MailMore than one million people across the world have tested positive to COVID-19, with more than a quarter of cases occurring in the United States 他说:‘玩黑道,他们来了,拿了现金就走了...因此我们真的得跟他们斗。’He said: 'On the tarmac, they arrive, get the cash-out… so we really have to fight.' 法国乐得区,包括巴黎,也指责身分不明的美国人在船运订单已经答应给法国的最后一分钟用现金把货全部卷走了。The leader of the Ile-de-France region, which includes Paris, also accused unidentified Americans of swooping in with cash at the last minute to secure shipments already promised to French buyers. 瓦雷瑞佩克瑞斯,法国最负盛名地区的首领说,‘我们在已经排队船运给我们的订单上还失去了。(煮熟的鸭子飞了 - 译者按)Valerie Pecresse, the chief of France's most populous region, said: 'We lost an order to the Americans who outbid us on a shipment that we had lined up.' 佩克瑞斯声称,当法国人致力于全球至关重要的抗疫货物运输的时候,美国人看都不看一眼货物,现金提货就结了。Pecresse claimed that while France pays on delivery for such supplies - crucial in the global fight against the pandemic - 'Americans pay cash' without bothering to see the goods. a scaffolding in front of a building: A worker next to cargo unloaded from a different plane carrying 10 million face masks ordered by France from China, at the Paris-Vatry Airport in Bussy-Lettree, eastern France, 30 March © Provided by Daily MailA worker next to cargo unloaded from a different plane carrying 10 million face masks ordered by France from China, at the Paris-Vatry Airport in Bussy-Lettree, eastern France, 30 March 他们只是在全世界灾难的的当口等着做生意。They 'are just looking to do business on the back of the whole world's distress,' she told LCI television. 法国已经订购了一百万口罩,原定在接下来的十四周运输,并且已经布置安排了流疫-19期间由中国方面空运。France has ordered 1 billion face masks due to be delivered within the next 14 weeks and has deployed an air-bridge flight with China to deliver them amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 世界货运新闻报道说,有十六架飞机的吉欧迪运输公司负责由两架特许飞机运输。 Shipping company Geodis is responsible for the organisation of 16 flights by two chartered cargo planes, reports World Cargo News. 一位高级美国官员于星期四否认来自法国政客的指责,说美国在流疫危机期间攫取法国船运货物,整个做法‘彻头彻尾的错误。’A senior US official on Thursday rejected allegations from French politicians that Americans had accroached the French shipment during the coronavirus crisis, calling the stories 'completely false.' 在华盛顿,一位高级行政官员告诉AFP,美国政府没有购买任何打算从中国输入法国的口罩。’ In Washington, a senior administration official told AFP 'the United States government has not purchased any masks intended for delivery from China to France.' 一位不愿意透露姓名的官员说,‘报告彻头彻尾就是错的,’'Reports to the contrary are completely false,' said the official, asking not to be named. 加拿大总理贾斯汀特鲁多于星期四要求官员留心类似指称,说口罩是从他的国家转运的,称这类报告‘值得关注。’Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday asked officials to look into similar claims that masks were being diverted from his country, calling such reports 'concerning.' France has ordered 1 billion face masks and has deployed an air-bridge flight with China to deliver them amid the ongoing coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic © Provided by Daily MailFrance has ordered 1 billion face masks and has deployed an air-bridge flight with China to deliver them amid the ongoing coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic ‘我们需要保证运输的目的地是加拿大,我已经要求部长们跟进这类特别的报告,’ 他在一个记者招待会上说。'We need to make sure that equipment that is destined for Canada gets to and stays in Canada, and I've asked ministers to follow up on these particular reports,' he told a press conference. 当着眼于受感染的病人数量的高发,以及延缓病毒的传播时,渥太华已经承认预防保护性医药货存量供不应求。Ottawa has recognized that its stockpiles of protective medical equipment are not enough to meet demand, as it looks to care for a surge of infected patients and slow the spread of the virus. 加拿大已经启动了一百四十亿美元用以购买医药设备,要求当地公司开足马力制造口罩,医疗磨砂膏和呼吸机。Canada has earmarked US$1.4 billion to buy medical equipment while asking local companies to pivot assembly lines to make masks, medical scrubs and ventilators
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