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送交者: 赤精子[★品衔R5★] 于 2020-12-04 19:45 已读 628 次  


Nevada judge rejects GOP's latest attempt to upend results of presidential election

From CNN's Stephanie Becker and Katelyn Polantz

Nevada District Judge James Russell rejected a Republican attempt to declare President Trump the winner of the Nevada election.

One day after a lengthy evidentiary hearing, Russell wrote that the “contestant did not prove under any standard of proof” the long list of accusations against the Biden-Harris campaign, including paying voters to cast ballots.

Russell denied their request to replace Democratic electors with Republican electors.

Some background: After more than 30 defunct lawsuits in 30 days, attempts by Trump and his backers to overturn the election of Joe Biden as the next president have failed in court — sometimes repeatedly, with judges gutting claims and shutting down all possible legal avenues to interfere with the Electoral College.

The President's effort isn't stopping, with more lawsuits and appeals getting filed almost daily and more than $170 million raised in response to pleas for cash from Trump.

Officials across the country has confirmed that the 2020 vote was secure

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