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送交者: xiaoyao100nian[♀★龖龖龖龖★♀] 于 2020-12-15 18:37 已读 1051 次  


最帅的是联邦最高法院关于Pennsylvania的诉讼 就一句话:The court dismissed the case without a single justice dissent 6park.com

用中文就简单三个字 不接受 6park.com

Arizona: 6park.com

 "let alone establish any degree of fraud or a sufficient error rate that would undermine the certainty of the election results."

"Elections will not be held invalid for mere irregularities unless it can be shown that the result has been affected by such irregularity," he wrote. "The validity of an election is not voided by honest mistakes or omissions unless they affect the result, or at least render it uncertain." 6park.com

我用中文来概括一下就是川普团队用芝麻一样的小事来推翻西瓜 点票员上个厕所都说不正常 法官理你才怪 哈哈啊哈哈 6park.com

Nevada: 6park.com

“We also are not convinced that the district court erred in applying a burden of proof by clear and convincing evidence, as supported by the cases cited in the district court’s order.” 6park.com

这个很好概括 四个字 没有证据 6park.com

Michigan: 6park.com

"This court routinely chooses not to hear cases which raise interesting and unsettled legal questions in the abstract when we conclude the case would be a poor practical vehicle for addressing those questions — which is my view of this case and these questions. Moreover, I believe it would be irresponsible to continue holding out the possibility of a judicial solution to a dispute that it appears must be resolved politically." 6park.com

也很好概括 接受这个案子就是浪费时间 浪费纳税人的钱 而且不负责任 6park.com


Pennsylvania 6park.com

"[F]ailures to include a handwritten name, address or date in the voter declaration on the back of the outer envelope, while constituting technical violations of the Election Code, do not warrant the wholesale disenfranchisement of thousands of Pennsylvanian voters," 6park.com

拿几张没有写名字地址日期的选票就说几千张都有问题 愚蠢 6park.com

Wisconsin 6park.com

法官Hagedorn听都不想听.... 6park.com

最后是联邦最高法院 6park.com

9个法官7比2 小Amy不在这2里 没良心 7位法官觉得德州根本就是扯淡 证据一点说服力都没有 6park.com

那2个建议接受的法官怎么说的呢? 那两个法官觉得听还是听一下吧......

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