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Drain the Swamp成为过去式?
送交者: 军统六哥[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2021-01-09 20:44 已读 837 次  


================================ 6park.com

Drain the swamp 原本并不是一个常用短语,但在跟特朗普联系上以后,这个词开始屡见报端,并且和“lock her up”(把她关起来),“rigged”(被操控)以及“build the wall”(筑起高墙)三个流行语一起,成为了特朗普及其支持者的口号之一。Drain the swamp可以简单解释为特朗普在竞选期间对其支持者的一个承诺:从根本上彻底地改变华盛顿的政治生态。 6park.com

Drain的字面意思是抽干,指的是把液体慢慢移除的动作。Swamp和之前提到过的quagmire意思相近,指的是沼泽、湿地。 6park.com

Drain the swamp的意思是抽干沼泽。这个词语最早起源于疟疾在欧美国家大规模传播的年代 。沼泽环境中容易滋生蚊虫,而蚊子是疟疾病毒传播的主要媒介。为了控制疟疾的传播,曾有人建议说,捕杀蚊虫是不够的,应该将沼泽抽干,这样就能从根本上消灭疟疾的传染源。20世纪初,社会主义者们开始用drain the capitalist swamp(抽干资本主义的沼泽)暗喻一种从根本上消灭资本主义的方法:  6park.com

 “Socialists are not satisfied with killing a few of the mosquitoes which come from the capitalistic swamp; they want to drain the swamp.” 6park.com


有趣的是,一个世纪后的今天, “drain the swamp”成了资本家特朗普的竞选口号。 6park.com

在时报此前的《特朗普曾反对政治说客,但现在却将他们纳入团队》一文中提到,今年十月,特朗普宣布“抽干华盛顿沼泽的时候到了”。他承诺建立一项长达五年的禁令,防止一切行政部门官员在离职后对政府决定的干预和游说。这一言论被慢慢扩大成为一个政治口号,被越来越多的解读为作为政治新人的特朗普对于现存政治体系的全盘挑战。 6park.com

曾为里根、老布什和小布什三位前总统工作过的皮特·维纳(Peter Wehner)这样说:“特朗普作为一个外来者、将会摧毁政治建制、抽干沼泽的这一个概念,和他作为一个反对者的身份是相吻合的——他一直都被这样曝光。但他的第一次考试就没有及格,他应该因此被追究责任。” 6park.com

“This whole idea that he was an outsider and going to destroy the political establishment and drain the swamp were the lines of a con man, and guess what — he is being exposed as just that. He is failing the first test, and he should be held accountable for it.” 6park.com

皮特·维纳所说的“考试不及格”指的是,特朗普把许多原本被自己划分在政治沼泽之中的建制派官员都纳入了团队,帮助自己处理过渡期的工作。这明显有违此前他对于支持者的诸多承诺。 6park.com

在布鲁尼的评论文章《特朗普虚伪的平民主义》中,他也提到了特朗普昔日“抽干沼泽”的竞选口号与现在重用建制派的做法之间的矛盾: 6park.com

And for all his thunderous talk before Election Day about “draining the swamp” of Washington, the water level looks fine, the mosquitoes seem unworried and the gators remain plentiful and well-fed. 6park.com

回忆起大选投票日之前他(特朗普)那像雷霆一样有力的口号——“抽干华盛顿的沼泽”——现在沼泽的水位看起来挺高的,蚊子们也都不怎么烦恼,鳄鱼们也还是成群结队的,看起来吃的也不错。 6park.com

Drain the swamp 在《纽约时报》中出现的另外几个例子: 6park.com

“You rightly criticized Hillary for Clinton Foundation,” Representative Justin Amash, Republican of Michigan, said in a Twitter message on Monday. “If you have contracts w/foreign govts, it’s certainly a big deal, too. #DrainTheSwamp” 6park.com

“你就克林顿基金会(Clinton Foundation)对希拉里进行了合理的指责,”密歇根共和党众议员斯廷·阿玛什(Justin Amash)周一在Twitter上发信息表示。“如果你与国外政府存在合约关系,那当然也是件大事。#DrainTheSwamp(抽干沼泽)” 6park.com

After President-elect Donald J. Trump promised to “drain the swamp” that he sees in the nation’s capital, his millions of supporters are expecting vast changes in the sprawling federal bureaucracy, and conservative activists are drooling at the chance to remake, resize or reduce the reach of government. 6park.com

Now that he is president-elect, Donald Trump’s anti-corruption promise to “drain the swamp” of Washington lobbyists and powerful insiders seems to be rapidly dissolving in the swamp itself. An untold number of lobbyists and special interest players have been helping the Trump team’s transition to the White House, their path made easier, according to news reports, by vague and porous ethical standards. 6park.com

和drain the swamp意思最相近的中文表达是什么?对于drain the swamp,你有什么想法?你在时报的其他文章中也发现了有意思的词吗?
贴主:军统六哥于2021_01_09 20:45:15编辑
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