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送交者: 黑5类[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2021-02-24 0:11 已读 711 次  


Chinese Man’s Teeth Knocked Out, Suffers Brain Hemorrhage After Random Attack in NYC 6park.com



Carl Samson
Tue, February 23, 2021, 9:04 AM 6park.com

A Chinese man in New York ended up in a coma after getting beaten up on a street last Friday. The incident occurred while the victim, identified only as Zheng, was out for an evening walk just a few blocks away from his home in Flushing, Queens. After having a drink, Zheng went out and came across a “very tall” person, who made small talk with him. The next thing he knew, he was already on a hospital bed. “I vaguely remember running into a person on the street the night of the incident,” Zheng told World Journal, a Chinese-language news outlet. “Then I fainted. When I woke up, I was already lying on a hospital bed. Later I heard that I had been taken by an ambulance.” Zheng’s phone was also “picked up” by a stranger. He says his wife had to pay $30 to get it back. As a result of the attack, Zheng lost several teeth and suffered a brain hemorrhage. He spent two days in the intensive care unit at NewYork-Presbyterian Queens Hospital. Due to the hemorrhage, Zheng remains under observation and cannot go home yet. He is suffering from headaches. New York City recorded 29 anti-Asian attacks in 2020, 24 of which may be linked to the coronavirus. On Saturday, protesters gathered in Washington Square Park to denounce the recent surge in violence. 6park.com

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Zheng's case is now under investigation. Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). NextShark has reached out to the New York Police Department for further comment and will update this article accordingly. Do you have a hate incident to report? Help us document the recent rise in hate crimes against Asian Americans by going to STOP AAPI HATE to report an incident. Please stay safe out there. Feature Image via Zheng's Family 6park.com

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