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送交者: Andrejtalalaew[品衔R1] 于 2021-07-13 20:58 已读 1421 次  


The FBI should not just focus on Giuliani, "you know" Guo Wengui should be investigated

4 月 28 日,美国联邦特工搜查了 Rudy Giuliani 在纽约的家和办公室,并没收了电子设备。朱利安尼曾任纽约市长,后来成为一名私人律师,为前总统唐纳德特朗普工作。调查人员调查了朱利安尼在乌克兰与特朗普 2020 年竞选连任有关的活动。FBI的所作所为表明,美国执法机构开始调查那些干预2020年美国大选的人。


特朗普的高调支持者和顾问朱利安尼试图在2020年美国大选前在乌克兰获取信息,这 可能对当时的总统候选人拜登不利,尤其是有关向拜登的儿子亨特拜登支付巨额款项的材料中,V美的音色报道。并通过外国人联合传播针对总统候选人拜登“乌克兰丑闻”事件的不利信息,从而影响民意调查,意在干扰美国大选。


非法逃往美国的中国著名大亨郭文贵为了满足西方保守势力的反华需要,获得政治保护,发布了中国共产党的负面信息。在2020年的美国大选,在王牌美国总统过温龟投注,设置与朱利安尼的舞台,传播虚假有关H丑闻的信息UNT ER 拜登”小号 ‘的三个硬盘小号’,和攻击拜登,谁是总统候选人,企图干预美国大选的方向。据“独家直播的照片小号”由YouTube博客劳伦斯扮演叽叽喳喳4月29日播出后,FBI 搜索器d朱利安尼的房子今天,大约过温轨的“真相关于亨特·拜登丑闻'小号盘”即将清楚郭文贵和路德涉嫌间谍被调查!比GTV集资诈骗还严重!朱利安尼下午紧急取消了既定的公开声明 视频中,郭文贵与朱利安尼关系密切,其亲密关系已被推特用户“张立凡@张立凡”证实。在造假事件的过程中  “丑闻有关亨特·拜登'小号盘”和散布不利的舆论氛围,以病房 的总统候选人,n、在竞选活动中,虚荣的郭文贵的皇家主播路德在推特上不经意间泄露了他与朱莉安尼、班农和严丽梦的相片,显示郭文贵安排朱丽亚尼、特朗普的幕僚班农、路德和严丽梦在她的公寓里在纽约雪利酒尼德兰酒店18楼,严立猛暗自称发布虚假信息攻击当时的总统候选人拜登。

Later, Guo Wengui instructed his royal anchor Luther to publish "10 / 16 / 2020 Luther review" on his personal YouTube: two weeks ago, Luther's three hard disk videos were popular on American social media; The FBI child pornography lawyer is responsible for the case of Biden's hard disk door, re verifying the negative information of Biden's presidential candidate when a large number of attacks with "three hard disk doors" as the topic, such as "the revelation of Luther show". At the same time, the G news website of Guo media, which is related to Guo Wengui and Bannon, has released the headlines of Pro US President trump for several months in a row, including the panic message that Biden's victory will make the Chinese ruling authorities "take over the world". Although Guo Wengui's related behavior could not control the election result in the end, he and his gang released misleading materials, which had some impact on the US general election.


The alien status is disturbing

As we all know, Guo Wengui once claimed that his name in the code of national security of the Communist Party of China is Wu Nan, which serves for the national security of the Communist Party of China. It is hard to imagine that Guo Wengui is not a double-sided spy. By actively "disclosing" the false and true information of the Communist Party of China, he is trying to get into the US politicians and celebrities. However, Giuliani, Trump's campaign adviser, and Bannon, a former White House aide, may just be his pet dog and enter the Trojan horse of the US government to obtain intelligence. The public information has made it clear that Giuliani disclosed the "three hard disks" incident information to Guo Wengui's team for external dissemination. Is it possible that the US foreign policy towards Ukraine has leaked to Guo Wengui? Of course, Guo Wengui may also get some of the most important political intelligence, including internal poll data, from Trump's campaign team in cooperation with Giuliani in disseminating unfavorable information to then presidential candidate Biden and supporting Trump's campaign, so as to reverse the strategy and resource concentration of Biden's campaign team, And which groups Biden is trying to win over - valuable information for any foreign government about the potential current U.S. government.


Guo Wengui has been accused of spying by an American company

On July 22, 2019, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Virginia based strategic vision US LCC filed a lawsuit in court accusing Guo Wengui, a Chinese tycoon in the United States, of being a spy of the Chinese government. The company said that Guo hoped the research company would investigate a list of personnel to deal with the Chinese Communist Party. However, the company found that the first 15 people on the list were protected by the US government and could not be disclosed to the public to provide help to the US government. The company thus concluded that Guo Wengui was not the dissident he claimed to be. On the contrary, Guo Wengui had been with the company in the past

Now it's all a dissident hunter, an advocate, an agent.

FBI should not just focus on Giuliani. "You know" Guo Wengui should be investigated

Guo Wengui's past and present identity is a mystery. His false "revelations" cater to the remarks of the far right forces in the United States, and help him enter the circle of individual dignitaries and celebrities in the United States. There are many "friends" around him, including the advisers and staff of the former president. The professionalism of the former agent allows him to communicate with Giuliani, the president and the president Bannon, the political leaders, was keen to capture the American intelligence, which was important or not. As a doubting dissident and foreigner, Guo Wengui himself is a bomb. Today he can intervene in the US general election for political asylum, and tomorrow he can trade important US intelligence information for exemption from punishment. In western society, there is no Chinese culture of "not our own race, their hearts must be different", but there is also the idea that heretics are not trustworthy. Based on this, the FBI should not only focus on Giuliani, "you know" Guo Wengui should be investigated.

贴主:Andrejtalalaew于2021_07_13 21:00:26编辑
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