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送交者: 阳春白雪21[☆★★声望品衔12★★☆] 于 2022-03-08 3:34 已读 7259 次  


俄罗斯杜马主席两次说泽连斯基逃走了,不过,事实是—— 6park.com

泽连斯基周一晚间在总统办公室发表讲话。这是自2月24日俄罗斯开始入侵以来,他首次在基辅的办公室中露面。在这则发布于Facebook的简短视频中,他说自己没有躲起来,也不惧怕任何人。“我们不怕坦克和机枪,”泽连斯基说。“我们将使我们被侵略者摧毁的城市比俄罗斯任何城市都要好。 6park.com

Zelensky is seen in his office in Kyiv for the first time since invasion began. 6park.com


Ukraine’s president, Vlodymyr Zelensky, in Kyiv, Ukraine, this month.Credit...Lynsey Addario for The New York Times 6park.com

President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine spoke from his office in Kyiv on Monday night, the first time he had been seen there since the Russian invasion began on Feb. 24. 6park.com

In a brief video posted on his Facebook page, Mr. Zelensky said that he was not hiding, and he was not afraid of anyone. 6park.com

“We used to say: Monday is a hard day,” he said. “There is a war in the country so every day is Monday, and now we are used to the fact that every day and every night are like that.” 6park.com

In the video, Mr. Zelensky provided updates on Russian attacks, and also said he had signed a decree on Monday to present state awards to 96 “Ukrainian heroes.” 6park.com

Mr. Zelensky also criticized Russian troops for attacks on certain sites on Monday, including accusing them of firing at a bread factory in Makariv, about an hour west of Kyiv. 6park.com

“Think about it — to fire at the bread factory. Who should you be to do that?” Mr. Zelensky said. 6park.com

The president also condemned Russian troops for disregarding an agreement on a humanitarian corridor, after shelling prevented evacuation of besieged cities. 6park.com

“Did it work?” Mr. Zelensky said of the corridor. “Russian tanks worked instead.” 6park.com

In an update on Monday night, Britain’s defense ministry said that Russian troops continued to directly target evacuation corridors, which had resulted in several casualties of civilians who tried to flee Irpin, just outside Kyiv. It said the town had been without heat, water or power for several days because of fighting in the area. 6park.com

Mr. Zelensky’s nightly video addresses, rallying Ukrainian resistance and world opinion, have become something of a ritual since Russia invaded on Feb. 24. Russian offensives against several major cities have bogged down in the face of logistical problems and unexpectedly fierce defenses. 6park.com

In his Monday night message, Mr. Zelensky said that a national movement had unfolded in the southern part of the country, creating “a nightmare” for Russia. 6park.com

“We are not afraid of tanks and machine guns,” he said. 6park.com

Mr. Zelensky said that every day of resistance puts Ukraine in a “strong position” to guarantee the country’s future, adding that Ukraine will rebuild everything that has been shelled and bombed by Russian forces. 6park.com

“There will be no trace of the enemy,” he said. “We will make our cities destroyed by the invader better than any city in Russia.”

贴主:阳春白雪21于2022_03_08 4:03:36编辑
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