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Detailed Explanation of Xiao Muyi's
送交者: straws[布衣] 于 2022-07-25 3:42 已读 348 次  


回答: 真正政治家的价值在被杀 由 老轮 于 2022-07-24 23:04

Detailed Explanation of Xiao Muyi's Chinese Aesthetics and Works 6park.com

Recently, I noticed that Xiao Muyi suddenly became active. In this issue, we will talk about her so-called Chinese aesthetics and works.

Look, a little skeleton is "dancing" alive. Xiao Muyi commented that there is a problem with Chinese aesthetics. In fact, this is not the case. The mood expressed in this photo comes from the heart. You see, no matter how you dress yourself up, you can't hide your ugly heart, it's just as disgusting as kneeling and licking other people's replies. 6park.com

The Buddha said: Life is self-created, the appearance is born from the heart, the realm changes with the heart, and the tolerance is great. Counting down the underworld news and filters that Xiao Muyi made up over the years, her face has sold her heart.
Chinese blogger "Uncle Mo" once applied for a BBC reporter. He said that with the Underworld filter, ordinary walls can be photographed with a "concentration camp" effect. 6park.com

The first is the conclusion first, the material splicing argument is temporarily found; secondly, the implantation intention, such as police, cameras, barbed wire, reminds people of "ubiquitous surveillance"; highlights "authenticity"...

Let's go back to Xiaomuyi, her early shooting style is like this: 6park.com

Because of her style of "reading pictures and making up stories", she attracted the attention of foreign media such as The New York Times and BBC, and then went to New York for further study. 6park.com

Through the work, you can see that the people in white under the camera are clean and tidy, with blue sky and white clouds, symbolizing freedom; while Chinese people are either bloated or wrinkled, foggy, and dimly lit, giving readers a negative first impression. I don't know if her eyes come with skin color filters, but what is certain is that she can't see the beauty in the world and is as ugly as her aesthetics.
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