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HYGO: 拜登费劲读显示;咳嗽拜登拒绝让他的医生发表评论 8/9/2022
送交者: zhangd[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2022-08-09 19:59 已读 701 次  


HYGO: 拜登费劲读显示;咳嗽拜登拒绝让他的医生发表评论 8/9/2022

Biden struggled to read teleprompter; Coughing Biden refuses to make his physician available for comment
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https://facebook.com/HygoNewsUSA/videos/805095710625397/2022 年 8 月 9 日,尽管直接从他的提词器上朗读,乔·拜登总统在白宫发表讲话时仍难以朗读有关北约组建的部分内容。 “你知道,众所周知,北约是在第二次世界大战的残骸中形成的。战争——你知道,它曾经——看,直说吧:战争一再撕裂一个大陆,让世界陷入冲突,而且——如果我们不在一起,就没有办法避免这种情况。” 6park.com

好的,非常感谢大家,下午好。哈里斯副总统和第一绅士——嗯,实际上是第二绅士,但你真的是我的第一绅士。 (笑声)还有大使、国会议员——感谢你们今天来到这里。我认为这是非常重要的一天。 6park.com

拜登跌跌撞撞:就在几个月前,我欢迎——我欢迎芬兰总统尼尼斯托和瑞典首相安德森……瑞典和芬兰——瑞典和芬兰……他们将满足北约的每一项要求——要求……这个几乎一致的两党批准---RA---批准发送。 6park.com

2022 年 8 月 9 日,一名记者问白宫新闻秘书卡琳·让-皮埃尔·拜登的咳嗽,让-皮埃尔说,尽管乔·拜登总统咳嗽发作,但乔·拜登总统拒绝让他的医生发表评论。她不能说为什么行政对拜登拙劣的阿富汗撤军的“广泛审查”被搁置了。 6park.com

让-皮埃尔在破纪录的边境危机期间为总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)废除“留在墨西哥”进行辩护。 6park.com

On 8/9/2022, despite reading directly from his teleprompter, President Joe Biden struggled to read a portion on NATO’s formation, during his remarks at the White House. "You know, NATO was formed out of the wreckage of World War Two, as we all know. Where war — you know, it had — look, just be straight about it: Wars have repeatedly riven a continent, engulfed the world in conflicts, and — and there’s no way to avoid that if we’re not together." 6park.com

Well, thank you all very much, and good afternoon. Vice President Harris and First Gentleman — well, actually the Second Gentleman, but you’re really my first gentleman. (Laughter.) And ambassadors, members of Congress — thank you all for being here today. I think it’s a pretty big day. 6park.com

Biden stumbled: Just a few months ago, I welcomed — I welcomed President Niinistö of Finland and the Prime Minister Andersson of Sweden ... Sweden and Finji- — and Sweden and Finland have ... They’ll meet every NATO requim- — requirement ... This nearly unanimous bipartisan ratifi- — ra- — ratification sends. 6park.com

On 8/9/2022, a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Biden's coughing, Jean-Pierre said President Joe Biden refuses to make his physician available for comment despite President Joe Biden’s coughing fits. She can't say why Admin's "extensive review" of Biden's botched Afghanistan withdrawal is held up. 6park.com

Jean-Pierre defended President Joe Biden repealing ‘Remain in Mexico’ during the record-breaking border crisis. 6park.com

Biden struggled to read teleparompter; Coughing Biden refuses to make his physician available for comment
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