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HYGO:拜登赦免火鸡, 火鸡多的就像“某些国家”,巧克力冰淇淋,没有共和党红波
送交者: zhangd[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2022-11-21 19:15 已读 593 次  


HYGO:拜登赦免火鸡, 火鸡多的就像“某些国家”,巧克力冰淇淋,没有共和党'红波' 11/21/2022

Biden pardons Turkey Chocolate ice cream, turkeys are "like some of the countries", only ‘red wave’
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2022 年 11 月 21 日,乔·拜登赦免了两只火鸡,这是白宫一年一度的感恩节传统的一部分。拜登在白宫的活动中发表了讲话,他说他会保持简短,因为“没有人喜欢他们的火鸡变冷了。”北卡罗来纳州的两只火鸡“巧克力”和“薯片”——巧合地以乔·拜登最喜欢的冰淇淋口味命名,获得了总统特赦。拜登去年赦免了来自印第安纳州的名为“花生酱”和“果冻”的火鸡。今年的火鸡,“巧克力”和“薯片”,总统指出是他最喜欢的冰淇淋口味,乔·拜登总统向观众宣布巧克力是他“最喜欢的冰淇淋”,​​“巧克力是我最喜欢的冰淇淋”,​​拜登说。 6park.com

民主党人阻止了 2022 年的“红色浪潮”,拜登对此开玩笑。总统开玩笑说,今年唯一的红潮将是他的大型德国牧羊犬,名叫指挥官,在感恩节期间打翻蔓越莓酱,以向没有看到共和党预期压倒性胜利的中期选举致敬,“选票在……没有选票填充物,没有“家禽”游戏——本赛季唯一的“红色浪潮”将是德国牧羊犬指挥官,它打翻了我们桌子上的蔓越莓酱,”拜登说。 6park.com

乔拜登与全国土耳其联合会主席的交流很尴尬(像往常一样)。拜登然后看着火鸡说:“你想谈谈吗?”拜登说,一个火鸡农民的 950 万只火鸡“就像我去过的一些国家” 6park.com

“现在,基于他们的气质和成为社会高效成员的承诺,我特此赦免巧克力和薯条,”他说。总统还声称他的家乡特拉华州拥有“比全国任何人都多的鸡”,这是错误的。家禽业在特拉华州发挥着重要作用,但该州甚至没有进入鸡群数量的前十名。 6park.com

自 1947 年哈里·杜鲁门总统领导下,全国火鸡联合会在感恩节前向总统捐赠了火鸡。约翰·F·肯尼迪总统被认为是第一位放过火鸡的总统,而乔治·H·W·布什总统是第一个正式确立“赦免”传统的总统。 6park.com

On 11/21/2022, Joe Biden pardoned two turkeys as part of the White House’s annual Thanksgiving tradition. Biden delivered remarks at the White House event, which he said he would keep short because "nobody likes it when their turkey gets cold." The two North Carolina turkeys, “Chocolate” and “Chip” – coincidentally named after Joe Biden’s favorite ice cream flavor, received presidential pardons. Biden last year pardoned turkeys named "Peanut Butter" and "Jelly" from Indiana. This year’s turkeys, "Chocolate" and "Chip," which the president noted is his favorite ice cream flavor, President Joe Biden announced to the audience that chocolate is his "favorite ice cream", “Chocolate is my favorite ice cream,” Biden said. 6park.com

The Democrats stopped the 2022 ‘red wave’ and Biden jokes about it. The president joked that the only red wave this year will be if his large German Shepherd dog, named Commander, knocks over the cranberry sauce during Thanksgiving, in a nod to the midterm elections which did not see overwhelming Republican victories as expected, "The votes are in… there’s no ballot stuffing, there’s no ‘fowl’ play — the only ‘red wave’ this season is going to be a German Shepherd, Commander, that knocks over the cranberry sauce on our table," Biden said.
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