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HYGO 拜登吹自己以墨镜和巧克力冰淇淋而闻名。拜顿献丑 4/21/2023
送交者: zhangd[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2023-04-22 15:43 已读 424 次 1 赞  


HYGO 拜登吹自己以墨镜和巧克力冰淇淋而闻名。拜顿献丑 4/21/2023

Biden known for Ray Ban sunglasses & chocolate chip ice cream. Biden Gaffes
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("乔·拜登(Joe Biden)在4/21/2023说,他以两件事而闻名:雷·潘(Ray Ban)太阳镜和巧克力冰淇淋。
“正如我告诉我的马萨诸塞州和好朋友Markey参议员Markey的杰出朋友一样,这确实非常非常非常乏味,这些年来,您以两件事而闻名:Ray-Ban太阳镜和巧克力 - 冰淇淋。(笑声。)一个非常沉闷的总统。但是,看看 6park.com

乔·拜登(Joe Biden)坐在桌子旁,立即指出桌子很热。
“好吧,我在特拉华州的克莱蒙特(Claymont)长大,它位于宾夕法尼亚州的线路上。当时我在那里长大的地区在一个名为Brookview Apartments的区域,在树林的那个脖子上有更多的炼油厂,在那个东南角宾夕法尼亚州比得克萨斯州休斯顿的地方。 6park.com

然后我上了大约一半的时间 - 四分之一米 - 在一英里处,这是一个叫做费城派克的东西。妈妈曾经开车把我们赶到,因为那是一条非常繁忙的高速公路,会把我们送下来。在那几天的那几天,第一个霜冻,您会打开挡风玻璃刮水器(不是开玩笑),窗户上会有油脂。从字面上看,前挡风玻璃上的油脂浮油。 6park.com

全国有多少人也有类似的经历?您知道,我们知道毒素在空气和水中的公共卫生影响。而且有真实的效果。听着,我认为这是我童年哮喘的原因之一。这么多人在该地区 - 我们是美国癌症最高的人之一” 6park.com

“以及白宫环境质量委员会主席,布伦达XXX,在哪里 - 在哪里 - 马洛里。” 6park.com

“根据该命令,环境正义将成为每个联邦机构的责任。我的意思是每个联邦机构。(掌声。)” 6park.com

在2010年4月20日,拜登吹嘘要为电动汽车提供“新税收抵免”,但实际上很少有电动汽车资格。乔·拜登(Joe Biden)迟到了自己的会议,并告诉约翰·克里(John Kerry)他站在那里等着。"
"On 4/21/2023, Joe Biden said he's known for two things: Ray Ban sunglasses and chocolate chip ice cream.
""As I’ve told my distinguished friend from Massachusetts and good friend, Senator Markey, that it’s really very, very dull when, after all these years in public life, you’re known for two things: Ray-Ban sunglasses and chocolate-chip ice cream. (Laughter.) A very dull President. But, look"" 6park.com

Joe Biden sat down at his desk and immediately noted the desk is hot.
Biden again told a story about oil slicks on his windshield, but changed a few key details.
""Well, I grew up in Claymont, Delaware, which is just on the Pennsylvania line. At the time I was growing up there in an area called Brookview Apartments, there were more oil refineries in that neck of the woods, in that southeast corner of Pennsylvania than in Houston, Texas. 6park.com

And I went to school about a half — quarter mi- — a mile up the road on a thing called the Philadelphia Pike. And Mom used to drive us up because it was a very busy highway, and would drop us off. And on those days early on when there’d be the first frost, you’d turn on the windshield wipers — not a joke — and there’d be an oil slick on the window. Literally, an oil slick on the front windshield. 6park.com

And how many folks across the country have had similar experiences? You know, we know public health impacts of toxins in air and water. And there’s real — real effects. Listen, I think it’s one of the reasons I had childhood asthma. So many people in that area — we had one of the highest cancer rates in the nation"" 6park.com

Biden introduced White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Brenda (unintelligible)
""And the Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, Brenda xxx Where — where’s — Mallory."" 6park.com

Biden stated that environmental justice will become the responsibility of every single federal agency.
""Under this order, environmental justice will become the responsibility of every single federal agency. I mean every single federal agency. (Applause.) "" 6park.com

On 4/20/2023, Biden bragged about ""providing new tax credits"" for electric vehicles, but few EVs actually qualify. Joe Biden walked late into his own meeting and told John Kerry he was standing out there waiting."
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