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HYGO 参议员质问DSH头为什么不t弹劾你?隐藏边界真相 4/18/2023
送交者: zhangd[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2023-04-22 18:06 已读 369 次 1 赞  


HYGO 参议员质问DSH头为什么不t弹劾你?隐藏边界真相 4/18/2023

Hawley to DSH Mayorkas: why should you not be impeached? Lankford: Mayorkas Hiding the Truth on the Border
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在美国参议院国土安全部的政府运营和边境管理小组委员会期间,美国参议员詹姆斯·兰克福德(James Lankford)向国土安全部部长亚历杭德罗·梅卡斯(Alejandro Mayorkas)询问边境危机。 6park.com

霍利:为什么不为此弹each? 6park.com

Mayorkas:参议员,我期待进一步讨论这个问题,因为您嗯,误解了事实,嗯,嗯。 6park.com

霍利:我正在阅读新闻中文章的事实,而您通常的作案手法是您今天再次在做的事情,只是为了否认,否认,否认。你为什么允许 6park.com

Mayorkas:参议员,我们要做的是执行法律, 6park.com

霍利:但是我只说,你不是。这对我来说真是太棒了,很高兴听到您说先前的政府团聚...所以这是他们的错。但是,您不会对契约的奴役承担任何责任……您转过身来责备事先政府。秘书先生,这是您的课程。每次出现在这个委员会面前时,您都会每次出现在国会面前。我一方面厌倦了这一点...您应该很久以前就辞职了,如果您不能更改课程,则应将您从办公室撤职。 6park.com

在周二的美国参议院国土安全部关于政府运营和边境管理的小组委员会中,美国参议员詹姆斯·兰克福德(James Lankford)询问了国土安全部部长亚历杭德罗·梅卡斯(Alejandro Mayorkas),就拜登政府对国土安全部的预算请求。 6park.com

兰克福德:我们正在努力我们的需求和我们认为实际上也有效的东西,但是我们很少有人从您的团队那里回来说:“这就是我们需要确保我们实际上可以的保护东西。”我们在行政上做事,这是我们在立法上需要的。那有意义吗? 6park.com

Mayorkas:是的,确实如此。确实如此,参议员。我非常期待与您合作,并提出提案,以解决我们的移民系统,以建立在总统在任职第一天送往国会的提议。 6park.com

"On 4/18/2023, Sen. Hawley Grills Mayorkas on Biden Border Crisis.
During U.S. Senate Homeland Security Subcommittee on Government Operations and Border Management, U.S. Senator James Lankford asked Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about border crisis. 6park.com

Hawley: Why should you not be impeached for this? 6park.com

Mayorkas: Senator, I look forward to discussing this issue further because you are, um, misstating the facts so, uh, terribly. 6park.com

Hawley: I am reading you the facts from articles in the news, and your usual modus operandi, is what you're doing again today, was just to deny, deny, deny. Why have you permitted 6park.com

Mayorkas: Senator, what we do is we enforce the law, 6park.com

Hawley: but let me just say this, you're not. It is stunning to me, stunning to hear you say that the prior Administration reunited ... so this is their fault. But you're not going to take any responsibility for the indentured servitude ... you turn around and blame a prior Administration. Mr. Secretary, this is par for the course for you. You do it every time you appear before this committee, you do it every time you appear before Congress. I, for one, am sick and tired of it ... You should have resigned long ago, and if you cannot change course, you should be removed from office. 6park.com

On 4/18/2023, Lankford Challenges Mayorkas for Hiding the Truth on the Border from the American People.
During Tuesday’s U.S. Senate Homeland Security Subcommittee on Government Operations and Border Management, U.S. Senator James Lankford questioned Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on the Biden Administration’s budget request for the Department of Homeland Security. 6park.com

Lankford: We're working on what we need and what we believe will actually work as well, but we've received very little back from your team to say, ""This is what we need to be able to make sure that we can actually secure things."" We're doing things administratively, this is what we need legislatively. Does that make sense? 6park.com

Mayorkas: Yes, it did. It does, Senator. I look forward very much to working with you and presenting proposals to fix our immigration system, um, to build on the proposal that the president, uh, sent to Congress on this very first day in office. 6park.com

Lankford: Well, that proposal was universally not accepted because it actually opened the border up more. So, if that's the proposal we're talking about, we're in trouble. Now, two years later, the regulatory piece that you're trying to put in place right now with the comment period is very different than what the president proposed on his first day of office, as you know well. If this is about the regulatory piece that you're proposing and going through the, uh, rule-making process now, we want to talk about how we can actually fix that to be able to make sure we close the loopholes, that we actually secure the border."
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