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HYGO 国安部吹牛95%的跨界减少,但总数继续上升,要等10年避难庇护 4/18/23
送交者: zhangd[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2023-04-23 10:35 已读 339 次 1 赞  


HYGO 国安部吹牛95%的跨界减少,但总数继续上升,要等10年避难庇护 4/18/2023

DHS brags 95% drop encounters; Lankford: total numbers continue to go up, called out 10-year asylum wait
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在周二的美国参议院国土安全部关于政府运营和边境管理的小组委员会中,美国参议员詹姆斯·兰克福德(James Lankford)询问了国土安全部部长亚历杭德罗·梅卡斯(Alejandro Mayorkas),就拜登政府对国土安全部的预算请求。 6park.com

Mayorkas:“导致来自我们南部边界这四个国家的个人的相遇数量下降了95%以上。因此,这是建立合法途径并带来后果的典范。” 6park.com

兰克福德:“但是,正如你们和我都知道的那样,数量继续攀升。这些国家的总数急剧下降,但总数继续增加。在这个财政年度,仅此的六个月财政年度,比去年高约160,000。去年比前一年高一百万。因此,这些数字仍在继续攀升总数。我试图确定的是,这是对合法途径法规的规定您打算全面实施,您是否希望在实施后在确定的国家 /地区看到的那些人看到的95个减少?如果是这样,什么时候可以实施?” 6park.com

Mayorkas:“ ...这是过去曾经起作用的模型,我们打算以来,我们确实在基础上。” 6park.com

兰克福德(Lankford)召集了梅卡斯(Mayorkas)进行10年的庇护等待时间。 6park.com

兰克福德(Lankford):“如果他们要求去纽约,目前,他们现在在纽约的下一个听证会是2033年3月。因此,这是他们听证会的10年,那不是对此的最终裁决,众所周知。这只是其中的冰部分,然后他们在那之后排队。因此,在实际审判庇护所宣布之前,我们实际上可能是15至18年才能在该庇护系统之前进行15至18年。部分。我对此的斗争是当我与USCIS访问此事时。如果他们不在非遗嘱中的案卷中,我对此有一个整体的法律问题,如果他们在未遗嘱的案卷中,他们会'根本没有与他们联系,因为他们在被拘留的案卷上的优先事项正确,所以这是法律要求他们做的。 ``要去了。冰已经在未来的10年开始听证会,以达到他们的第一步。这显然在此过程中不起作用。最重要的是,我很震惊地看到您的预算要求减少新拘留空间或维持拘留空间的要求。因此,虽然我们在非遗嘱的案卷中获得了令人难以置信的积压,但实际上,当我们加速这里的人数时,您实际上要求更少的空间。我想念什么?” 6park.com

Mayorkas:“嗯,如果我做出了第一名,则在四个回复中,我们不会寻求拘留空间的减少。我们所做的就是将额外拘留空间的资金放在应急基金中……” 6park.com

兰克福德(Lankford):“拘留数字应该在史诗般的水平上,这是一个历史性的数字。所以,当您的证词之前,我们可能需要弯曲其他事物,当时我们预料到了42章结束,我们会看到因此,人们再次激增。因此,人们期待着更多的人越过边境,但您将拘留所的货币转移到了应急基金中,以说我们可能需要或不需要这些。” 6park.com

""On 4/18/2023, Lankford Challenges Mayorkas for Hiding the Truth on the Border from the American People.
During Tuesday’s U.S. Senate Homeland Security Subcommittee on Government Operations and Border Management, U.S. Senator James Lankford questioned Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on the Biden Administration’s budget request for the Department of Homeland Security. 6park.com

Mayorkas: ""Has led to a more than 95 percent drop in the number of encounters of individuals from those four countries at our Southern border. So, that is a model of building lawful pathways as well as delivering consequences."" 6park.com

Lankford: ""But as you and I both know, the numbers continue to climb. Total numbers from those countries, the numbers have dropped dramatically, but the total numbers continue to go up. For this fiscal year, for just the six months of this fiscal year, it's about 160,000 higher than last year. Last year was a million more higher than the year before. So, the numbers still continue to climb total numbers. What I'm trying to figure out is for this circumvention of lawful pathways regulation that you're planning to implement across the board, do you expect this 95 reduction that you've seen in those identified countries after it's implemented? If so, when is it going to be implemented?"" 6park.com

Mayorkas: ""... That's the model that has worked in the past, that we intend to build upon, and we are indeed building upon."" 6park.com

Lankford called out Mayorkas for 10-year asylum wait times. 6park.com

Lankford: ""If they request to go to New York, currently, right now, their next hearing time in New York is in March of 2033. So, it is 10 years before they get that hearing, and that's not the final adjudication of it, as you know well. That's just the ICE portion of it, and then they get in line to go after that. So, we could be 15 to 18 years before this asylum system is actually, before their asylum claim is actually adjudicated. Part of my struggle on this is when I visited with USCIS folks on this. If they're not in the non-detained docket, which I have a whole legal question on that, if they're in the non-detained docket, they're not getting to them at all because their priorities on the detained docket rightfully so, because that's where the law requires them to be able to do. But the non-detained docket, they're not getting to. Don't know when they're going to get to. ICE has hearing set 10 years into the future to get to the first step of this process for them. This is clearly not working in the process. And on top of all of that, I was shocked to see in your budget request a reduction in requests for new detention space or maintaining detention space. So, while we have got this incredible backlog in the non-detained docket, you're actually requesting fewer spaces when we have an acceleration of the number of people here. What am I missing?"" 6park.com

Mayorkas: ""Um, of four responses if I made number one, we are not seeking a reduction in detention space. What we have done is place the funding for additional detention space in a contingency fund ..."" 6park.com

Lankford: ""The detention numbers should be at epic levels, a historic number. So, I'm a little confused why we may need to flex onto other things when even your testimony earlier said we anticipate, after Title 42 ends, we will see a surge again of individuals. So, there's an anticipation of a surge of more individuals coming across the border, yet you've moved the detention dollars to a contingency fund to say we may or may not need those."" 6park.com

Mayorkas: ""Well, that's speaking of fiscal year 2024, not fiscal year 2023. We are hopeful that the measures that we are taking will diminish the number of encounters at our Southern border. The proposed rulemaking to which you referred originally building upon the success of the program we announced and implemented on January 5th.""
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