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HYGO 您宣誓下的证词是谎言! 内务女部长震惊了,宣誓谎言回答:我应加个词
送交者: zhangd[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2023-04-24 12:45 已读 449 次 1 赞  


HYGO 您宣誓下的证词是谎言! 内务女部长震惊了,宣誓谎言回答:我应加个词 4/19/2023

Your statement under oath is false! Sec Haaland Left Stunned, Lying Under Oath A: I should have added the word
Facebook US registered user community with high engagement comments:
"在2023年4月19日,乔·拜登(Joe Biden)的内政部长黛布·海兰德(Deb Haaland)被共和党议员众议员皮特·斯托伯(Pete Stauber)召集,或在周三的听证会上宣誓就职。 6park.com

斯托伯:你说,我引用:“好吧,我们在边界水域进行了矿物的撤离”的终点。海兰秘书,您了解为什么您在宣誓下做出的陈述是错误的? 6park.com

海兰:国会议员,我的理解是我们在这一领域做出了决定。 6park.com

斯托伯:女士秘书,我必须打扰你。您了解为什么您在宣誓下做出的答案是错误的?荒野地区没有采矿,周围的缓冲区也没有采矿。作为内政部长,作为该委员会的前国会议员,您应该知道,根据《 1978年法案》,从来没有提议在边界水域进行挖掘。海兰秘书,您认识我身后的文件吗?嗯,您想要我认识该文件吗?嗯,对于那些不知道的人,这是去年从您部门发布的关键矿物质的更新清单。 6park.com

海兰:好的,是的。 6park.com

Stauber:现在,您知道吗? 6park.com

海兰:是的,对不起。 6park.com

Stauber:好的,在您与Reschenthaler先生的交流中,您在您禁止使用的高级国家森林中的矿物质时说:“我不知道那里有哪种矿物质。我不认为他们是关键的矿物”。好吧,作为一个工作,生活和重现的人,并且作为一个有特权代表住在那里人民的人,让我告诉您这些矿物包括您的乐队,包括镍,钴,钯,铂,铂和其他集团金属。同样,这是您自己的部门秘书女士制作的清单,您告诉Reschenthaler先生,引用说:“我认为它们不是关键的矿物质。”简直不可思议。您声称您强迫我选民的撤军在边界水域。那是错误的。你现在明白吗? 6park.com

海兰:国会议员,我应该说是边界水域。 6park.com

斯托伯:好的,女士秘书,我只有那么多时间。让我纠正它。您是否在证词中拼写错误或误导?上周是哪个? 6park.com

海兰:我应该添加流域一词。 6park.com

"On 4/19/2023, Joe Biden’s Secretary of Interior Deb Haaland was called out by a Republican lawmaker Rep. Pete Stauber or lying under oath during Wednesday’s hearing. 6park.com

Stauber: you said and I quote, ""well, we did a mineral withdrawal in The Boundary Waters"" end quote. Secretary Haaland, do you understand why this statement that you made under oath is false? 6park.com

Haaland: Congressman, it is my understanding that we made a decision in this area. 6park.com

Stauber: Madam Secretary, I have to interrupt you. Do you understand why the answer that you made under oath is false? There is no mining in the Wilderness Area, and there was no mining in the surrounding buffer zone either. As the Secretary of the Interior and as a former member of Congress on this committee, you should have known there was never a proposal to mine in The Boundary Waters per the 1978 act. Secretary Haaland, do you recognize the document behind me? Um, would you like me do you recognize that document? Um, for those that don't know, it's the updated list of critical minerals released from your department last year. 6park.com

Haaland: Okay, yes. 6park.com

Stauber: Now, do you recognize it? 6park.com

Haaland: Yes, Sorry. 6park.com

Stauber: Okay, In your exchange with Mr. Reschenthaler, you said in reference to the minerals in the Superior National Forest that you banned, and I quote, ""I don't know what kind of minerals were there. I don't think they were critical minerals"" end quote. Well, as someone who works, lives, and recreates there, and as someone who has the privilege of representing the people that live there, let me tell you those minerals include, that you band, include nickel, cobalt, palladium, platinum, and other group metals. Again, this is a list produced by your own department, Madam Secretary, and you told Mr. Reschenthaler that, quote, ""I don't think they were critical minerals."" That's unbelievable. You claim the withdrawal that you forced upon my constituents is in The Boundary Waters. That's wrong. Do you now understand? 6park.com

Haaland: Congressman, I should have said that it was The Boundary Waters Watershed. 6park.com

Stauber: Okay, Madam Secretary, I only have so much time. Let me correct it. Did you either misspeak or mislead in the testimony? Which was it last week? 6park.com

Haaland: I should have added the word Watershed. 6park.com

Stauber: you don't think that the withdrawal included critical minerals. Again, that's wrong. You had to be told that there were critical minerals. It was only after the hearing that you made the changes, and today you're making the changes because you had no idea when Mr. Reschenthaler was asking you. You had no idea that the withdrawal was not in the Boundary Waters, and you had no idea that there were critical minerals that you banned in The Boundary Waters. So how can you as a secretary of material not know where the Wilderness is, and how can you not know that your agency withdrew critical minerals? You own this decision to take offline massive amounts of critical minerals we need for everyday life and our strategic National Security. Your decision, Madam Secretary, is either purely political or ignorance. It's either ignoring your own agency's research or a political move to satisfy your radical anti-mining activists. This ill-informed decision has left the United States more dependent on China.
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