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HYGO 拜登说不谈判债务上限,声称民意调查支持率压倒性的正面结果
送交者: zhangd[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2023-04-26 18:57 已读 548 次 1 赞  


HYGO 拜登说不谈判债务上限,声称民意调查对他的支持率产生了压倒性的正面结果 4/26/2023

Biden not to negotiate debt limit, claims polls Overwhelmingly Positive Results On His Approval Rating
Facebook US registered user community with high engagement comments:
"20123年4月26日,拜登总统在玫瑰花园与大韩民国元共同举行了联合新闻发布会。 6park.com

记者:债务限制投票?你要见麦卡锡吗? 6park.com

记者:共和党人说,您拒绝就债务限制进行谈判。他们说您在行动中失踪。 6park.com

拜登总统:我很高兴与麦卡锡见面,但没有债务限制是否延长。这是不可商量的。 6park.com

我注意到他们引用了里根(Reagan)的话,并引用了里根(Reagan)的话,他们一直在引用特朗普(Trump)的话,这两个都说 - 我在释义 - 不扩大债务限制是绝对的犯罪。 6park.com

乔·拜登(Joe Biden)荒谬的索赔民意调查显示了他的批准评级“压倒性的积极结果”
记者:总统先生。您最近启动了连任活动。您说过有关您年龄的问题是“合法的”。而且您的回应总是“只看我。”但是该国正在观看,最近的民意测验表明,包括大多数民主党在内的70%的美国人认为您不应该再奔跑。你对他们说什么?您对那些正在观看和不说服的美国人说些什么?您说过,您可以再次击败特朗普。您认为您是唯一的一个吗? 6park.com

拜登总统:我可能不是唯一的人,但我很了解他。我知道他对我们民主的危险。而且我们以前一直在这条路上。 6park.com

关于 - 您知道的年龄,并且 - 以及民意测验数据,我注意到我一直听到的投票数据是,我的评分在42%至46%之间。而且 - 但是,这个时候竞选连任的每个人都处于同一位置。没有什么新鲜事物。您听起来像是“拜登真的是水下。”和 - 第一。 6park.com

第二,当相同的民意调查数据询问他们是否认为我做了什么样的工作时,它会得到压倒性的积极结果... 6park.com

The other thing is that — look, you know, think about what I inherited when I got elected.当时,我以压倒性的债务继承了一个国家 - 在他担任总统的四年中,我在漏洞中继承了一个国家。我继承了一个以“美国首先”为“美国首先”的全球丧失信誉的国家,而我参加的第一次会议 - G7 - 我说:“美国人回来了。”一位世界领导人看着并说:“多长时间?多长时间?” 6park.com

关于年龄,我什至无法说 - 如果我猜想自己几岁,我什至无法说这个数字。不是 - 它不会与我注册。而且 - 但是我唯一可以说的是人们要发现的一件事 - 他们将看到一场比赛,他们将判断我是否拥有还是没有比赛它。 6park.com

乔·拜登(Joe Biden)低头看着他的预先批准的记者名单,他被告知要打电话给
"On 4/26/2023, President Biden holds a joint press conference with President Yoon of the Republic of Korea in the Rose Garden. 6park.com

Biden Gives Nonsensical Answer On His Refusal To Negotiate With Republicans On Debt Limit
Reporter: debt limit vote? Are you going to meet McCarthy? 6park.com

Reporter: Republicans say you’re refusing to negotiate on the debt limit. They’re saying you’re missing in action. 6park.com

PRESIDENT BIDEN: They haven’t figured out the debt limit yet.
Reporter: Are you missing in action?
Reporter: Will negotiate with them on the debt limit?
Reporter: Will you meet with McCarthy?
PRESIDENT BIDEN: I’m happy to meet with McCarthy, but not on whether or not the debt limit gets extended. That’s not negotiable. 6park.com

I notice they quote Reagan and they quote — they quote Reagan all the time and they quote Trump, both of which said — it says — I’m paraphrasing — it would be an absolute crime to not extend the debt limit. 6park.com

Joe Biden Absurdly Claims Polls Show ""Overwhelmingly Positive Results"" On His Approval Rating
Reporter: Mr. President. You recently launched your reelection campaign. You’ve said questions about your age are “legitimate.” And your response is always “Just watch me.” But the country is watching, and recent polling shows that 70 percent of Americans, including a majority of Democrats, believe you shouldn’t run again. What do you say to them? What do you say to those Americans who are watching and aren’t convinced? You’ve said you can beat Trump again. Do you think you’re the only one? 6park.com

PRESIDENT BIDEN: I may not be the only one, but I know him well. And I know the danger he presents to our democracy. And we’ve been down this road before. 6park.com

And with regard to — to age, you know, and — and polling data, I noticed the polling data I keep hearing about is that I’m between 42 and 46 percent favorable rating, et cetera. And — but everybody running for reelection in this time has been in the same position. There’s nothing new about that. You’re making it sound like “Biden is really underwater.” And — number one. 6park.com

Number two, when the same polling data asks whether they think what kind of job I’ve done, it gets overwhelmingly positive results ... 6park.com

The other thing is that — look, you know, think about what I inherited when I got elected. I inherited a nation in overwhelming debt at the time, number one — in the hole for the four years that he was President. I inherited a nation that had a serious lo- — loss of credibility around the world as “America First” and — You know, the first meeting I attended — the G7 — I said, “American is back.” And one of the world leaders looked and said, “For how long? For how long?” 6park.com

And with regard to age, I can’t even say — if I guess how old I am, I can’t even say the number. It doesn’t — it doesn’t register with me. And — but the only thing I can say is that one of the things that people are going to find out — they’re going to see a race, and they’re going to judge whether or not I have it or don’t have it. 6park.com

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