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HYGO 女秘找不出一件事有意谈判债务上限;破产这是总统的经济... 4/18/2023
送交者: zhangd[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2023-05-01 18:50 已读 334 次 1 赞  


HYGO 女秘找不出一件事有意谈判债务上限;破产这是总统的经济... 4/18/2023

KJP Can't Name A Single Thing To Reach Out On Debt Limit; It's The President's Economy...
Facebook US registered user community with high engagement comments:
"在5/1/2023年,白宫新闻秘书Karine Jean-Pierre仍然说没有关于债务上限的谈判。
记者:发言人麦卡锡再次重申,“我们不会通过债务上限,而债务上限只是在不做我们的债务的情况下提出了一些事情”,谈到减少债务的需求,谈论谈判。我知道您的立场是这是共和党人的负担,以增加债务上限。但这是总统的经济,所以在麦卡锡屈服之前,他不会与麦卡锡开会?您认为麦卡锡在这里虚张声势吗? 6park.com

KJP:总统准备谈论预算和拨款过程。那就是我们所说的。我们不是一个无聊的国家。您已经听到他直接在片刻前说。总统说,他很乐意与麦卡锡会面,但没有扩大债务限制。这是不可商量的。非常清楚,我们仍然对此非常坚定。总统自己说了这句话。 6park.com

他们提出的建议将伤害每个美国人,并损失600万个工作岗位,并威胁到社会保障,医疗保险和医疗补助付款。这就是他们威胁的。这就是他们所说的美国经济将要抓住人质的原因。国会必须采取行动。这是他们的宪法义务,我们对我们将要谈判的帽子非常清楚,这是拨款和预算。他们必须对此采取行动并履行宪法义务。 6park.com

“这不是一个计划,”让·皮埃尔(Jean-Pierre)谈到房子的法案时说道。 “这是经济灾难的秘诀。” 6park.com

“他们(众议院共和党人)需要完成工作。国会必须采取行动。”她说。 “这是他们的宪法义务。” 6park.com

在周一下午,白宫的石墙位置一直保持一致。白宫新闻发布会后约一个小时,拜登叫麦卡锡。 6park.com

当Biden和McCarthy准备进行谈判时,参议院多数党领袖Chuck Schumer(D-CA)宣布了有关众议院法案的听证会,因为公共关系试图谴责这一法案。舒默拒绝颁布自己的立法或对众议院的法案进行投票。 6park.com

"On 5/1/2023, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre still kept saying there would be no negotiation on the debt ceiling.
Reporter: Speaker McCarthy reiterated yet again that ""we will not pass a debt ceiling that just raises it without doing something about our debt,"" talking about the need for reducing debt, talking about negotiation. I know your position that this is the Republicans' burden, to raise the debt ceiling. But it is the president's economy, so is he not going to have a meeting with McCarthy until McCarthy gives in? Do you think McCarthy is bluffing here? 6park.com

KJP: The president is prepared to talk about the budget and appropriations process. That's what we've said. We are not a deadbeat nation. You have heard him say that directly moments ago. The president said he is happy to meet with McCarthy, but not on whether or not the debt limit gets extended. That is not negotiable. We continue to be very firm about that, to be very clear. The president said this himself. 6park.com

What they are proposing would hurt every American and cost 6 million jobs and threaten Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid payments. That's what they're threatening. That's what the American economy that they're saying they are going to hold hostage. Congress must act. it is their constitutional duty, we've been very clear about hat we will negotiate about, which is appropriations and the budget. They must act and do their constitutional duty on this. 6park.com

“It’s not a plan,” Jean-Pierre said about the House’s bill. “It’s a recipe for economic disaster.” 6park.com

“They [House Republicans] need to do their job. Congress must act,” she said. “It is their constitutional duty.” 6park.com

The White House’s stonewalling position remained consistent through Monday afternoon. About one hour after the White House press briefing, Biden called McCarthy. 6park.com

As Biden and McCarthy prepare to negotiate, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-CA) has announced hearings on the House bill as a public relations attempt to condemn it. Schumer has refused to enact his own legislation or hold a vote on the House’s bill. 6park.com

Reporter Presses Jean-Pierre On Biden's Refusal To Negotiate Debt: ""It's The President's Economy..."""
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