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HYGO 债上限危机:共和党制造危机混乱?没有脱离群众:拜登的首要任务航空公
送交者: zhangd[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2023-05-08 18:13 已读 367 次 1 赞  


HYGO 债上限危机:共和党制造危机混乱?没有脱离群众:拜登的首要任务航空公司罚款及费用 5/8/2023

Debt Limit Crisis: GOPs Manufacture Crisis Chaos? No Disconnect: Biden's Priorities Airlines Fees
Facebook US registered user community with high engagement comments:
"20123年5月8日,白宫新闻秘书Karine Jean-Pierre评论了债务上限的问题,呼吁共和党停止造成危机,因为自1960年代以来上限已经增加了78次。让·皮埃尔(Jean-Pierre)在每天的新闻发布会上对记者说:“我们不应该违约。我们从来都不是一个无聊的国家……众议院共和党人正在制造危机。他们应该恢复常规秩序。” 6park.com

卡琳·让·皮埃尔(Karine Jean-Pierre)声称,拜登的优先事项与美国人民之间没有脱节。
没有断开连接,正如您一直说的那样,没有呼唤不会断开连接。没有断开连接。很明显,总统可以同时做多件事。 6park.com

卡琳·让·皮埃尔(Karine Jean-Pierre)奇怪地指责众议院共和党人“制造危机”以债务限制。
凯利,我们很清楚。我看,嗯,债务限制不应就债务进行谈判。这是他们应该定期订单并继续努力的事情。自1960年以来,我们不应该让众议院共和党人在78次发生的事情上制造危机。这是他们的宪法义务。国会必须采取行动。这就是总统明天要与领导人非常清楚的事情。国会必须避免违约,没有条件,没有条件。 6park.com

卡琳·让·皮埃尔(Karine Jean-Pierre)表示,在明天的债务限额会议上,拜登(Biden)在30秒内将“明确” 5次。
总统将像最近几个月一样清楚,就像我以前一样清楚,就像其他政府一样,政府的成员已经过去了,这就是他们需要做工作。他们需要代表美国人民来完成这项工作并完成工作。他是否认为他可以成功说服凯文·麦卡锡(Kevin McCarthy)改变他们将要进行对话的会议上的立场?总统将非常清楚自己,就像几个月以来,几乎是今年年初,他已经完成了几个月,他将对此非常清楚。 6park.com

乔·拜登(Joe Biden)总统计划在市场关闭后明天与国会领导人举行会议,讨论以两党的基础增加债务上限。国会有时间到本月底通过立法来提高债务上限,否则政府可能面临违约。以前,拜登说,他并不考虑援引第14条修正案,以允许政府在截止日期之前继续运作,而无需交易。 6park.com

"On 5/8/2023, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre commented on the issue of the debt ceiling, calling on the Republicans to stop creating a crisis as the ceiling had been increased 78 times already since the 1960s. ""We should not default. We have never been a deadbeat nation ... House Republicans are manufacturing a crisis. They should get back to regular order,"" Jean-Pierre told reporters during a daily press briefing. 6park.com

Karine Jean-Pierre Claims ""There's No Disconnect"" Between Biden's Priorities And The American People.
There's no disconnect, and there's no calling out, as you always say, does not disconnect. There's no disconnect. It is very clear the president can do multiple things at the same time. 6park.com

Karine Jean-Pierre Bizarrely Accuses House Republicans Of ""Manufacturing A Crisis"" On Debt Limit.
Kelly, we've been very clear. I look, uh, there shouldn't be negotiations on the debt, on the debt limit. This is something that they should get to regular order and get to work on. We should not have House Republicans manufacturing a crisis on something that has been done 78 times since 1960. This is their constitutional duty. Congress must act. That's what the president's going to make very clear with the leaders tomorrow. Congress must avoid default without conditions, without conditions. 6park.com

Karine Jean-Pierre Says 5 Times In 30 Secs Biden Will Be ""Clear"" At Tomorrow's Debt Limit Meeting.
The president's going to be as clear as he's been these last several months, as clear as I've been, as clear as other Administration has been, members of the Administration has been, which is they need to do their job. They need to get this done on behalf of the American people and do their jobs. And does he think that he can successfully convince Kevin McCarthy to change his position in this meeting where they're going to have a conversation? The president's going to make himself very clear, as he's done for several several months now, since almost the beginning of this year, and he's going to be really clear about it. 6park.com

President Joe Biden scheduled a meeting with Congressional leaders tomorrow after the market closes to discuss increasing the debt ceiling on a bipartisan basis. Congress has time until the end of the month to pass legislation raising the debt ceiling, or the government could face a default. Previously, Biden said he wasn't considering invoking the 14th amendment to allow the government to continue operating in case of the deadline is passed without a deal. 6park.com

Debt Limit Crisis: GOPs Manufacture Crisis Chaos? No Disconnect: Biden's Priorities Airlines Fees
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