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送交者: laoli62[布衣] 于 2019-01-22 0:44 已读 5700 次 5 赞  


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Things go wrong because we don't take small steps while we still can. Looking back at history, most world-changing events have been achieved by small, discreet low-key maneuvering by a few smart people.  6park.com

Small potato such as Canada, being sandwiched between 2 superpowers/bullies who  never play by the rules, need to think and act independently, at least for this once, to save itself. Just imagine, if Canada releases Ms. Meng out of the country by way of "creative incompetence", will it get punished more heavily than it already has been? No. Of course not. We will have done ourselves as well as everyone else a great favor. We will, in fact, have contributed greatly to world peace and humankind, possibly helping the world to avoid a potential WWIII. 6park.com

Remember, it's not about right or wrong. It's about de-escalation by meeting somewhere in the middle from either side. It's about saving faces for two great and otherwise friendly nations so that they don't become enemies. In the face of world peace and human destiny, personal dignity and ideologies, as well as extradition treaties and rule of law etc., are secondary and can sometimes be sacrificed. 6park.com

In the drug dealer case, Canada needs to keep a cool head, making sure it doesn't itself end up becoming a devil's advocate because drug dealers are public enemy #1 everywhere in the world and cancer to be amputated for humankind. 6park.com

If your son got convicted in court, you can argue the judge has an ulterior/political motive or his decision is arbitrary (careful you might be in contempt of the court). If he refuses to change his decision, you don't start whining and slandering among your neighbors. If you knock on doors and oblige your neighbors to put pressure on the judge, you are not likely to succeed unless you have evidence to prove the judge wrong, especially if your son is a known repeat offender. 6park.com

Justin Trudeau seems to have forgotten what Canada is good at. He needs to lead Canadians back to our traditional "3rd route" or middle road that his father used to take. Canada has always been a good arbitrator while avoiding to take sides on the world stage. This is the only way we can win every time. 6park.com

This arrest of Meng Wanzhou sets a dangerous precedent and whatever the legal basis (itself questionable given Trump's political posturing, trade war), the optics are horrible due to the appearance of extraterritoriality on Iran sanctions where the Trump Admin itself pulled out of a treaty unilaterally. The Trump and Trudeau administration have no idea how important preserving face is in Asia, and while it's just a little-noticed power play for them here in North America, it's a major breach of basic decorum to any Asian country, already having repercussions. Between this and the shutdown, these belligerent fanatics have shockingly little qualms about using "the little people" without political connections as pawns in their machinations. 6park.com

Many Americans and Canadians do business or research in China out of necessity due to its sheer economic clout, and this gratuitously foolish move turns them into political pawns, not to mention wrecking the brands of hundreds of USA/Canadian exporters overnight. There may be legitimate objections surrounding Huawei, but these should be addressed in civil courts, international arbitration, and where evidence is found. 6park.com

Doing what appears, in the eyes of the world, essentially kidnapping the daughter of a Chinese corporate exec opens a Pandora's Box. There's a reason why previous administrations have eschewed this kind of practices, for reasons of tact or diplomacy alone. And pious claims about the "rule of law" here are not convincing given how selectively they're being applied.

Many US firms and executives were cited for violating the Iran sanctions prior to the 2015 deal, yet none saw jail terms or even heavy fines. (Not to mention all the unpunished crimes and violations leading to the 2008 financial crisis.) Then there's the desperate attempt to sweep the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, a US subject, under the rug, despite flagrant violations of the laws of the US and every other civilized nation. Sorry, but all this taken together does not pass the smell test. Hopefully, Canada's legal authorities will do the right thing, realize this prosecution of Ms. Meng is politically motivated, and get the adults in the room to finally stop this runaway train from careening off the tracks.



贴主:laoli62于2019_01_25 13:59:04编辑
贴主:laoli62于2019_01_25 14:01:00编辑
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