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送交者: 人二者无敌[♂☆★仁党精神领袖★☆♂] 于 2018-09-10 15:07 已读 7076 次 3 赞  


A man has been arrested and charged in the death of Burnaby teen Marrisa Shen. 6park.com

Ibrahim Ali, 28, is charged with first-degree murder of Shen, the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team said Monday. 6park.com

The 13-year-old Burnaby girl was reported missing after she failed to return home by 11 p.m. on July 18, 2017. Police launched a search, using GPS to track her phone. Early on July 19, 2017, Shen’s body was found in Burnaby’s Central Park. 6park.com

Investigators said the murder appeared to be random. 6park.com

At a news conference Monday morning, IHIT police said Ali was arrested Sept. 7 without incident in Burnaby where he had been living. 6park.com

Supt. Donna Richardson, officer in charge of IHIT, speaks at a news conference on Monday. 6park.com

“We still believe that this crime was a random act, meaning Marrisa did not know the suspect and vice versa,” said Supt. Donna Richardson, the officer in charge of IHIT. She said she could not talk about motive and other details as the case is now before the courts. 6park.com

“Our focus has always been to determine what happened and gather the information and evidence necessary to bring the person identified before the courts. IHIT has reached a significant milestone in this investigation, however there is still work to be done as we work with the B.C. Prosecution Service in preparation for trial.” 6park.com

The Shen family also released a statement through police following news of the arrest. 6park.com

“We would like to take this opportunity to thank the public for all of their ongoing support and concern for us in this past year. We are aware that so many people reached out to the police to provide information and we were so grateful for that,” it said. 6park.com

“We would also like to thank the media for all of their attention to Marrisa’s case. Lastly, we would like to thank the police for all their hard work and specifically IHIT for their perseverance. 6park.com


“We hope that justice will now be served and that Marrisa can finally be at peace in heaven.” 6park.com

Ali came to Canada 17 months ago from Syria as a refugee, according to IHIT. The officer in charge of the investigation said they did not know whether he came in as a government or privately sponsored refugee. 6park.com

Chris Friesen, director of the Immigrant Services Society of B.C., which helps Syrians settle here, did not recognize Ali’s name when reached Monday. He said there are about 3,500 Syrian refugees living in 69 different B.C. communities, and he knows of no others who have had been in trouble with police. 6park.com

He called Shen’s murder a “horrific, unfortunate” case, but cautioned that it shouldn’t cast suspicion on all refugees. 6park.com

“When a tragedy like this happens, it can and does impact public opinion and it’s unfortunate that entire communities can be whitewashed by the horrific alleged behaviour of one individual. We have found the vast, vast majority have left all of that behind – the trauma, the war – and just want to live a peaceful and productive life in Canada, paying taxes and supporting their kids in school,” Friesen said. 6park.com

He said the Vancouver ISS office has a Vancouver police officer who comes regularly to meet with the refugees and assure them that law officials are here to support them in Canada. 6park.com

Ali had had no previous dealings with police, according to IHIT. Investigators have not said how they came to identify Ali as a suspect. 6park.com

Ali is scheduled to appear in Vancouver provincial court on Friday at 9:30 a.m. 6park.com

The case was IHIT’s “largest active investigation” since the team was formed in 2003. More than 1,300 residents were canvassed, more than 600 interviews conducted, and more than 1,000 hours of video footage was reviewed as part of the investigation. A website launched to solicit tips from the public also saw 80,000 visits. 6park.com

RELATED 6park.com

One year later and police still have no suspect in Marrisa Shen’s murder 6park.com

New video shows 13-year-old Burnaby homicide victim Marrisa Shen hours before body found 6park.com


Marrisa Shen.
贴主:人二者无敌于2018_09_10 15:08:35编辑

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