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送交者: 好热[♂太守★☆♂] 于 2015-07-06 12:41 已读 117 次  


回答: 现在根本没有科学方法可以计算出汉代的产铁量,罗马的一样 由 好热 于 2015-07-06 12:34

Sources are given in the link, feel free to dispute them with your own. (reputable ones, please). Actually 15 times is pretty conservative, it was probably higher..

Until then...terracotta army and any other assumptions are not important

Edit: btw, the annual estimated production of iron was 82 thousand metric tons. That's annual.
Do you believe that the terracotta army is buried with 82.000 tons of armor/weapons?

No one knows how many tons of weaponaries in terracotta army site cuz the majority of tomb is still intact. Its size is there, a fact not assumptions unlike those of the Romans, for any logical person to see. Furthermore, it is only a tomb of Qin Dynasty, go figure the real deal military and civilian complex of much larger Han Empire that followed.

I can't refute those sources because I have no where to buy those books referred.

But technologically Han China was probably the most advanced society in the world at a time, a "USA" that is to say.

Overall speaking it's not exagerating to argue that Imperial China was almost peerless in the pre-industrialised world, on both quality and quantity. Any "source" that suggests the Romans producing more iron than Han China is almost laughable by common sense alone.
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