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送交者: beifenmajia[★品衔R5★] 于 2018-09-05 4:09 已读 5088 次 3 赞  


谨以此文回应 苦难与荣誉 网友对我之前回帖的长篇回复。虽然 苦难与荣誉 网友与我在关于“联合国军”相关历史的有着很多截然相反的观点,但是我很赞赏他摆事实讲道理的度量。作为对他的尊重,我立刻在图书馆里查阅了很多资料,对我们之间的分歧观点全部做直接回应(同时对同意的观点也做直接说明)。这里我希望反对我的观点的网友,能够就我的论据论证给出直接反驳,而同意我观点的网友,是因为基于史实的逻辑推断而同意,并非立场接近。这样大家能够越辩越明越接近真理。 6park.com


在步入正文之前,请允许我小小的吐个小槽。虽然我之前的长篇回帖@红潮大大,可是版大不仅没有回复,也没有加分,好歹当时我也是在激愤之下花了数小时查阅了很多资料写的一个长篇回帖。 “苦难与荣誉”网友的这个对我之前的回帖的回应贴,不仅得到了版大的350银元的鼓励,更有着对其内容的直接回应。这是不是有点厚此而薄彼呢?:( 小小吐槽,请红大不要介意。) 6park.com


另外,对于这个话题,我并不同意红潮大以及某些网友的观点,认为“(联合国军)是否具有法立性并不重要”。在我看来,“法理性”,及其延伸的各种“(潜)规则”事实上无比重要,不仅仅在形式上,更在于实质上。历史上的重要人物对某一明面上的或者潜在的规则的尊重与破坏往往对后世产生及其重大的影响。很多历史事件之间的脉络联系,皆经如此。关于“联合国军”的法理性问题,绝对不是“有没有联合国授权美国都会干涉朝鲜战争”这么简单而已,而是对联合国未来的军事组织(联合国维和部队)以及其行动准则(维和三原则),及其对具体事件的反应(南斯拉夫内战,中东战争等)有着深远影响。 6park.com


以下为本人对 苦难与荣誉 网友提出的观点的直接回应,并给出一定程度上的延伸说明。 6park.com


1. 联合国军的合法性 与 联合国军是否代表联合国 6park.com


我主张 “联合国军没有得到联合国的授权”, 以及“联合国军不能代表联合国”这两个观点。 6park.com


我承认联合国第84号决议成立了以美国为首的联合国军,但我否认此联合国军代表联合国。其理由如下: 6park.com


首先,参见联合国宪章第四十七条(article 47) 6park.com


http://www.un.org/en/sections/un-charter/chapter-vii/index.html 6park.com

 “1. There shall be established a Military Staff Committee to advise and assist the Security Council on all questions relating to the Security Council's military requirements for the maintenance of international peace and security, the employment and command of forces placed at its disposal, the regulation of armaments, and possible disarmament. 6park.com

2. The Military Staff Committee shall consist of the Chiefs of Staff of the permanent members of the Security Council or their representatives. Any Member of the United Nations not permanently represented on the Committee shall be invited by the Committee to be associated with it when the efficient discharge of the Committee's responsibilities requires the participation of that Member in its work. 6park.com

3. The Military Staff Committee shall be responsible under the Security Council for the strategic direction of any armed forces placed at the disposal of the Security Council. Questions relating to the command of such forces shall be worked out subsequently. 6park.com

4. The Military Staff Committee, with the authorization of the Security Council and after consultation with appropriate regional agencies, may establish regional sub-committees.” 6park.com

这是联合国宪章中关于联合国的军事组织的总纲说明,并没有针对此条目的任何修正案。这一条款就是说联合国所有的武装力量由安理会各常任理事国的参谋组织的参谋委员会来组织,并对安全理事会负责。当联合国军的指挥权从安理会移交到美国参谋部之时(尤其是美国参谋部多年来从未向安理会报道朝鲜战争进度,并接受安理会领导),“联合国军”的性质已经从“代表联合国的军事组织”转变为“打着联合国旗号的多国部队了”。 6park.com

关于联合国宪章第四十七条给联合国军带来的争议,在联合国历史的诸多法理问题上有着极大的后续性影响。其中最显著的事例是在1994年时任联合国秘书长的加利写给朝鲜外交部长的信,节选如下: 6park.com

资料来源:Kim Myong Chol et al, “DPRK Perspectives on Ending the Korean Armistice”Northeast Asia Peace and Security Network, 4, 1997 6park.com


http://oldsite.nautilus.org/fora/security/4a_DPRKonKA.html#sect3 6park.com


In this regard, UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali noted in his letter to the Foreign Minister of the DPRK, dated 24 June 1994: "I donot believe, though, that any principal organ of the United Nations, including the Secretary General, can be the proper instance to decide on the continued existence or the dissolution of the United Nations Command. However, allow me to recall that the Security Council, in operative paragraph 3 of resolution 84 (1950) of 7 July 1950, limited itself to recommending that all members providing military forces and other assistance to the Republic of Korea 'make such forces and other assistance available to a unified command under the United States of America.' It follows, accordingly, that the Security Council did not establish the unified command as a subsidiary organ under its control, but merely recommended the creation of such a command, specifying that it be under the authority of the United States. Therefore the dissolution of the unified command does not fall within the responsibility of any United Nations organ but is a matter within the competence of the Government of the United States." 6park.com


我把重点加粗,并简单的翻译了一下(作为某种意义上的强调说明)“请允许我重申,安理会在1950年7月7日发布的第84号决议第三章明确说明,这个协议限定了安理会只能建议其成员国对大韩民国提供军事力量或者其他的(物资)支持,并让这些军队和物资支持统一归属于一个被美国领导的指挥部控制。这个统一指挥部并不是联合国的附属组织,联合国对它也没有任何控制力。联合国只是建议了这个组织的成立,并指出这个组织归属美国领导。那么成立与解散这个组织并不是联合国的职权,而是美国的职权”。也就是说,第84号决议只是“建议成立由美国领导的多国部队,而不是授权美国控制隶属于联合国的武装力量参与朝鲜战争”。 6park.com


另外,直接回应一下UN标志的物质问题。有着UN标志的装备是应联合国的要求支援大韩民国政府打内战的,这个算是联合国授权的物质供应;但是戴着有UN标记的头盔作战的“联合国军”却并非代表联合国意志的军队。更荒唐的一点是联合国军中含有大量的南韩士兵,而南韩在上个世纪90年代才加入联合国。。。 6park.com


关于这一点的详细说明,请参见 Patrick M. Norton, “Ending the Korea Armistice Agreement: The Legal Issues”, Northeast Asia Peace and Security Network, 2, 1997 6park.com


http://www2.law.columbia.edu/course_00S_L9436_001/2005/2a_armisticelegal_norton.html 6park.com


Based in large part on this lack of operational U.N. control over any aspect of the hostilities, most observers, including the leading U.S. Government expert on the law of war at the time, have concluded that the forces under the UNC, "although endowed with the name and flag of the United Nations troops, cannot in strict law be said to comprise United Nations troops, ... [and] the acts of the Unified Command and the United Nations Command are not the acts of the United Nations itself." These observers prefer to treat the forces under the UNC as sui-generis: neither U.N. forces strictly speaking nor autonomous national contingents but a unique combination of the two. Still other commentators, because of the infirmities of U.N. authorization for the U.N. forces, and because those forces were autonomous from the United Nations itself, go one step further and treat those forces as an alliance of national armies pure and simple, operating pursuant to the collective right of self- defense recognized by Article 51 of the Charter and customary international law. 6park.com

这里我就不翻译了,大家看看这篇文章的意思吧。 6park.com


综上所述, “联合国军”能否代表联合国(在我看来)不言自明。这里点名@红潮大大,能否直接说说你的理解,联合国军能否代表联合国,表达一下仅代表您个人的意见可否? 6park.com


2. “二、国际部队并不是联合国维持和平行动,因为战争已爆发,这是制止侵略的作战行动。” 6park.com


看到 苦难与荣誉 网友写下这一条的时候不禁笑喷了。这真是给美帝哪壶不开提哪壶埃。先不说联合国维和部队哪一次不是在战争爆发以后去维和(难道战争还没开打就未仆先知的跑去化地而坐?),也不谈有朝鲜内战中到底有没有谁侵略谁一说的问题,这一条单列出来可能就给很多读者了提示。现今联合国旗下唯一的武装组织:联合国维和部队。 6park.com


无论在朝鲜战争中建立的以美国为首的“联合国军”到底算不算是联合国的军事组织,除此一家之外,联合国在无叫做“联合国军”的军事机构,现今仅存的有且仅有“联合国维和部队” 6park.com


https://peacekeeping.un.org/en/military 6park.com


这是为什么? 6park.com


因为联合国在50年代中期成立维和部队的时候,采纳了所谓的“维和三原则”。 6park.com

1. Consent of the parties 6park.com

2. Impartiality 6park.com

3. Non-use of force except in self-defence and defence of the mandate 6park.com


大家可以到官网上看细节条目: 6park.com


https://peacekeeping.un.org/en/principles-of-peacekeeping 6park.com


简单来说一下,就是说:一,维和部队的行动必须得到所有当事方的同意;二,联合国不对任何当事方的正当性做出任何评判;三,维和部队仅在必要的时候自卫才能动用武力。 按照这个标准,美国领导的“联合国军”简直是站在了维和三原则的对立面。当然,依据任何法律法规的“既往不咎”的原则,也不能说美国领导的“联合国军”触犯了维和三原则。但是,至少可以说明,以今天西方的普世价值观评判当年美国领导的“联合国军”的话,联合国军并不是一个秉承中立客观的国际组织。 6park.com

3. 联合国对内战的态度 6park.com


这个其实是2的延伸,在联合国宪章中并没有明确的关于对联合国是否介入他国内战的说明,但是(应该很大程度上由于朝鲜战争)联合国安理会在朝鲜战争之后已经定下了不参与内战的规则。参见 6park.com


Mary Ellen O’ Connell, “Continuing Limits on UN Intervention in Civil Wars”, Mauerer Law, 67, 1992. 6park.com


https://www.repository.law.indiana.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1449&context=ilj 6park.com


Under current law, the UN may not intervene in civil war without consent. Nor should the rules on nonintervention be changed: as an organization of equal states, the UN cannot be the arbiter of which nations should remain together and which should break up. It should certainly try to help mediate peaceful solutions but should not use military means to impose political settlements. Such means donot advance self-determination, human rights, or humanitarian interests. 6park.com


在朝鲜战争时期,中华人民共和国政府反对联合国干预的原因在于:(资料来源Patrick M. Norton, “Ending the Korea Armistice Agreement: The Legal Issues”, Northeast Asia Peace and Security Network, 2, 1997) 6park.com


“For their part, the DPRK, the PRC, and their supporters preferred to characterize the conflict as an internal Korean one. In such a "civil war," they argued, no foreign forces could properly intervene, and the United Nations had no proper role.” 事实上,关于这一条UN到现在都难以解释。因为现今UN的原则就是不参与内战以及不参与仲裁内战,虽然说 法不溯往,但这一段历史还是很难堪。所以UN关于朝鲜战争的定性一直都遮遮掩掩。。 6park.com

4. 道德评判 6park.com


首先,在战争史观上,我反对任何程度上对战争各方站在上帝视角的道德评判。什么“正义之师”,“蛮夷之师”,“邪恶之师”,皆为虚妄。问题是,谁有着至高无上的权威来给别人定义善恶? 人性最大之恶乃是诛心之论,给别人(或 政党,民族,国家)贴上“正义”或者“邪恶”的标签,然后凡是“正义”的实体所做之事就是正确的,“邪恶”的实体所做之事就是邪恶的。就好像中世界的宗教审判所一样,以“正义”为名,行杀戮之实。自由之思想就是任何人(政党,民族,国家)都对自己负责。光明正大的追逐自己的合理利益。作为朝鲜战争而言,中国也好,美国也好,作为单个实体,都是为了自己的国家利益而战。我反对把美国道德美化成“正义之师”(暂时就不讨论美帝在朝鲜犯下的无数其针对平民妇孺小孩的屠杀行为,除非有人试图洗地,不要逼我甩资料打脸。。。),同时我也反对把中国形容为“正义之师”。大家为了自身利益而战。中国的国家利益就是为了对西方世界的战略缓冲,加上给苏联投名状换两个五年计划。至于朝鲜人民生活的是不是水深火热,关中国喵星事? 就好比墨西哥人是不是水深火热,加拿大人生活的是不是美满幸福,关美国什么事?当所有国家所有人民放弃不切实际的意识形态斗争,转而相互追求合理利益的最大化的时候(这里的“合理”表示可持续性受益,而不是竭泽而渔),相反,最后才能达到世界大同的终极美妙的人类社会。 6park.com


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