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送交者: 【魅力时尚】[☆★★声望品衔11★★☆] 于 2020-03-24 3:15 已读 1451 次 1 赞  


三天前,特朗普在美国股市开启前发了一条推特“上帝保佑美国”,结果,有个ID叫“上帝”(GOD)的账号转发说:“狗屎,不要告诉我该怎么做”。? 6park.com


昨天,“纽约每日新闻”发推说,“教皇请求上帝终结新冠病毒”,然后,“上帝”又转发评论说,“请把全球的天主教恋童癖终结了,这是一个交易”。? 6park.com


两个小时后,“上帝”又发了一条:“特朗普是美国病毒。”? 6park.com

看来,这个“上帝”脾气有点暴躁。 6park.com

但在这个全人类遇到困难的关键时刻,他没有抛弃我们——连发推的频率都比以前高了。 6park.com

他的头像也戴上了口罩,还在签名里威胁说:“戴上口罩,否则就抓住你”(Wearing mask so as not to catch you.)。 6park.com

(Stay strong, Iran.Clean your hands.And your government.)
(The worst thing about the imminent extinction of the human race via environmental cataclysm is, it may hurt the economy.)
(Worldwide, there are now over three billion confirmed cases of being an asshole.)
(This is not a time to panic.This is not a time to spread misinformation.But most of all, this is not a time to TikTok.)
“上帝”评论道:“有趣的是,病毒说了同样的话:特朗普也会消失的。” 6park.com

(I’m trying but the hard part is convincing the virus to enter his body.)
(In an ideal scenario the President of the United States and the worst human being in the world would be two different people.) 6park.com

这个“上帝”是民主党的? 6park.com


归纳了一下这位“上帝”账号里发的东西: 6park.com

("Why did you create mosquitoes?" A better question is "Why did you create people?" Answer: to feed the mosquitoes.) 6park.com

(First I created stupidity. Then, to give it some place to go, I created people.)
(I created mankind to spend half its time praising Me and the other half killing each other over who praised Me better.)
(Orgasms are My way of apologizing for everything other than orgasms.) 6park.com

(Science is true whether or not you believe it,but religion is true whether or not it's true.)
(The next generation has been the worst generation in the minds of the present generation for 500 generations.)
(Wrong people are just as sure right people are wrong as right people are sure wrong people are wrong. The only difference is they're wrong.)
(Just because some idiot disagrees with you doesn't make you not an idiot.)
(I apologize to 20% of you for the other 80%.)
(With great power comes no responsibility.)
? 6park.com

(Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. I'm omnipotent. Do the math.)
(Artificial intelligence can never replace natural stupidity.)
? 6park.com

(I'm not a racist but I don't like human people.)
(At those darkest moments when it feels like I've abandoned you,remember:I was never with you to begin with.)
(What doenn't kill you makes Me try harder.)
(Sometimes when the whole world is against you,the whole world is right.)
(Don't waste time worrying about what other people think. Because deep down you already know what they think. They think you suck.)
(Life is unfair, but that's a good thing. If it were fair things would go even worse for you.)
(Your right to be stupid does not change the fact that you're stupid.)
(Stop praying.I'm clearly not listening.)
(“God!Why hasnt thou forsaken us?”
Because,I mean,just LOOK at you.)
(There is life in outer space,and it's intelligent,and that's why it's staying away from you.)
? 6park.com

有时候,“上帝”也不能免俗要煲点鸡汤,就是喝完有点齁嗓子: 6park.com

(It's easy to blame others for your mistakes,so do that.)
(If you're not following Me on Twitter you're going to hell. If you are following me on Twitter you're going to hell... first-class!) 6park.com

(You can't believe everything you read. But many people don't even read what they believe.)
(Money can't buy happiness, but neither can poverty, and money can buy a lot of other really cool stuff, so try to have some at all times.)
(If I could give one piece of advice to help you avoid the hardships and misery of this world, I wouldn't.)
(If ignorance is bliss, why is the world so unhappy?)
(Why do bad things happen to good people? To balance out the good things that happen to bad people.) 6park.com

(Don't despair. It's always been this bad. You've just gotten better at noticing it.)
(If you think #GameofThrones is ending poorly, wait till you see how you finish off.)

“上帝”也对他在社交媒体上表现得过于粗鲁做了解释: 6park.com

(I know it's "ungodly" of Me to curse as much as I do, and I want to stop, but it's hard when so many of you are so fucking stupid.)
他也有自己的运营广告: 6park.com

(Retweet this and you'll go to heaven. Yes, the standards are now that low.)
?这个账号背后,是何方神圣呢? 6park.com

写这个推特的,当然是个人:他叫大卫·贾维尔巴姆(David Javerbaum),是《每日秀》和《科尔伯特报告》的编剧,得过艾美奖、格莱美奖,等等。 6park.com


这位就是“上帝”本尊大卫·贾维尔巴姆 6park.com

他在2010年开设了这个账户,最初只是想用它来收集灵感,写本书——就是两年后出版的《最后的遗言:上帝的回忆录》。 6park.com


百老汇戏剧《上帝的行为》 6park.com

这本书卖得不怎么样,但衍生出一台百老汇戏剧:《上帝的行为》。 6park.com

? ? ?
? ? ? 6park.com

? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?? 6park.com

(My dear, You gave people a brain, but You also had to give instruction for use.)
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