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送交者: 落基山脉[品衔R2☆] 于 2021-12-10 13:16 已读 2412 次  



作者:落基山脉(Rocky Mountains)

1.   序言

      关于制造量子计算机(Quantum Computer )的报道,近年来在世界各地的许多学术会议、各种语言的媒体及网络上有着大量的报道和讨论。从这些文章及报道来看,主要是偏重于报道量子计算机(某些硬件及软件)工程研究及制造的进展。鲜有文章从工程和量子力学基础理论相结合的角度进行量子计算机研究制造的可行性分析。






2.   量子力学学派的分组



       第一组主要是由玻尔、海森堡和玻恩为代表的哥本哈根学派。他们对早期的量子实验进行了理论分析和总结,叫作哥本哈根量子力学的诠释或解释,英文叫做Interpretation。在中文里面,“诠释”和“解释” 是略有不同的。前者的地位高于后者,有“正宗” 或者“主流”的意思在里面。





       再例如,今天很热的量子纠缠这个概念就是来自于第二组的成员们。实际上,量子纠缠思想实验, 或叫EPR思想实验,是第二组的著名物理学家爱因斯坦及二位助手首先提出来, 后又经薛定谔发展后反对第一组理论的。




      量子力学理论=哥本哈根的理论+ 爱因斯坦/薛定谔学的理论






       1981年, 第一届国际计算物理会议在著名的大学MIT 举行。在会议期间,美国著名理论物理物学家、诺贝尔奖获得者理查德·费曼提出利用量子体系来实现通用计算的新奇想法。他认为,如果用量子系统所构成的计算机来模拟量子现象则运算时间可大幅度减少。在第二年,即1982年,国际理论物理杂志,《International Journal of Theoretical Physics》,请参看参考文献(1),出版了费曼在该次会议上作的题为“Simulating physics with computers” 的报告。因此,量子计算机的概念诞生了。



        从费曼提出量子计算机概念之后,某些国家、大学或实验室, 特别是近年来,许多大的国际跨国公司都在量子计算机领域进行了投资。当然,大家是用不同的量子物理体系来构造量子计算机。如光子的两个正交的偏振方向;磁场中电子的自旋方向;核自旋的两个方向;原子中量子处在的两个不同能级等。总之,各种途径都在探索。就目前来说,哪一种物理体系更加适合于做量子计算机,还没有一个确定的答案。但是不论采用何种途径,最基本的一点是相同的:这些构想中的量子计算机最本质的特征都是使用了量子的叠加性。




         经典计算机:经典计算机是二进制数系统 并且是以计算机中的基本单元(比特)来进行运算。 每个“0”或“1”就是一个基本单元。基本单元是数据存储的最小单位。换句话说,一个经典基本单元在一个确定的时间里只能有一个确定的”0”或“1”的状态。注意这里的“或”字。

        量子计算机:根据目前人们的构想,量子计算机也是二进制数系统 ,并且是以计算机的基本单元(量子比特)来进行运算。在每一个量子基本单元中,可以同时保存“0”和“1”的状态。 注意这里的“同时”和 “和”字。


经典计算机:“0” 或 “1”;

量子计算机:“0” 和 ”1”。




第二步是对量子基本单元进行操控,让 “0” 和 “1” 状态同时存在;

第三步,需要把K个相同的量子基本单元组合起来,构成一个量子计算系统, 从而实现量子计算机的超级计算能力。


         构建量子计算机最难的是第一步,即必须构造出一个量子基本单元。这个单元必须让“0” 和“1” 状态同时存在。注意,这里要求必须 “同时” 存在!如果不是“同时”存在,那么,这就不是量子基本单元,而是经典基本单元。

         在第二步,人们构想用 量子处理器来操作以实现对每个量子基本单元的构造和操控。它要求在量子基本单元中,“0”和“1”必须同时存在,即人工形成量子叠加态而且要保持稳定。如果 “0” 和 “1” 不能同时存在,那么,这种量子计算机的精度再高,它本质上还是经典计算机。



经典计算机的基本单元中(经典比特)没有叠加态,经典比特只能为 “0” 或者“ 1”。量子计算机的基本单元(量子比特)是一种量子叠加态,它是同时具有“0” 和 “1” 的量子叠加态的一个基本单元,即一个量子比特能够同时包含 “0”和 “1” 的信息。对叠加的量子比特进行操作,便能够同时完成对 “0” 和 “1” 的操作。这样随着量子比特在量子计算机中数量的增长,量子计算机能处理的信息将呈指数增长。













例子 1


     薛定谔的猫(Schrödinger's Cat)是关于微观世界中量子叠加态的一个思想实验。关于这个实验虽然已经有很多科普文章讲解了,可是作者建议有兴趣的读者自己去读一下并作出自己的判断。

     在这个思想实验中,按照哥本哈根的解释,容器中的猫处于 “死-活” 叠加态。也就是说,这个猫既是死的也是活着的!要等到打开容器看猫一眼才能决定其生死。请注意,不是发现而是决定。杀死这个猫不用任何的武器,仅仅看一眼就足以杀死。





例子 2

      在2019年6月,几个研究量子力学的科学家们在2019年6月发表了一篇论文。中文媒体称之为耶鲁大学的实验。他们报告了他们所进行的实验。论文首先发表在2019年6月3日的在线版《自然》期刊上。后来这项新研究发表在《物理评论研究》2020 年9月29号,请看参考文献(2)。

     虽然对这个实验的结果有不同的理解和解释,但是实验的结果严重地动摇了哥本哈根学派的基柱性教条之一,即量子行为的概率性,支持了爱因斯坦和薛定谔学说,在一定程度上支持了爱因斯坦的明言“ 上帝不会掷骰子”。




7 ) 结论和讨论

a. 这篇文章是从工程和基础理论的角度来考虑量子计算机的制造问题。通过讨论量子计算机的基本单元,把一个宏观工程问题(量子计算机的工程制造问题)转化成一个基础理论的微观问题(量子系统的叠加态问题)。通过分析认为,现在人类所构想的量子计算机,即以量子力学中哥本哈根学派中的叠加态为根据的量子计算机,是不可能造出来的,这种量子计算机将会是人类历史上的第二个“永动机”。

a.  现在在制造量子计算机过程中遇到了量子的严重不稳定的问题。为什么会有这个问题?原因其实很简单,因为在微观世界里根本就没有叠加态存在,所以在工程中才遇到了一个在量子计算机的基本单元(量子比特)不稳定的问题,即量子相关性。试想一下,如果叠加态存在的话,其稳定性会是一个严重的问题吗?正是因为不存在,所以才有稳定性的问题。

b.  量子计算机的制造虽然是一个工程问题,但它也是一个实验。这个实验是对哥本哈根理论的一个巨大的、史无前例的实验和考验,即能否在这个学派的理论指引下实现量子计算机的制造。如果最后失败了,那么这也只是哥本哈根学派的失败,但决不是量子力学这个伟大学科的失败,因为哥本哈根学派只是量子力学的一个学派而已。它将会是科学的胜利,再次证明了科学的进步必须以实验为基础。

c. 经典计算机是以基本单元是 “0” 或者“1” 存在为基础的,量子计算机是基本单元“0” 和“1”二种状态同时存在为基础的。这种“或者”和“同时”是区别经典计算机和量子计算机的唯一标准。如果一种量子计算机的基本单元中的“0” 和“1”状态不能同时存在,那么,它还将会是经典计算机。

d. 我们应该严格地区分量子力学理论和哥本哈根学派的理论。哥本哈根学派的理论只是量子力学这门学科中理论中的的一部分,不是它的全部。


1)Feynman, Richard P. "Simulating physics with computers." International Journal of Theoretical Physics 21.6-7(1982):467-488.

2) Kyrylo Snizhko ,1Parveen Kumar ,and Alessandro Romito,“Quantum Zeno effect appears in stages”,Received 25 March 2020; accepted 13 August 2020; published 29 September 2020,PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2, 033512 (2020)。 6park.com

English Version 6park.com

Can humanity really make the the imaged quantum computer?

Author: Rocky Mountains

1. Introduction

      Regarding the reports on the making of Quantum Computer, there have been a large number of reports, papers and discussions in many academic conferences around the world, media in various languages, and the Internet in recent years. Judging from these articles and reports, the main focus is to report on the progress of quantum computer (hardware and software) engineering research and manufacturing. Few articles analyze the feasibility of quantum computer research and manufacturing from the perspective of combining engineering and the basic theories of quantum mechanics.

       The purpose of this article is to try to explore the feasibility of the currently conceived quantum computer manufacturing from the perspective of combining engineering and the basic theories of quantum mechanics, that is, whether human beings can finally successfully manufacture a quantum computer that can be put into practical use, and thus Push the civilization of human society one step forward. Because if mankind has invested a lot of money and time, it is impossible to produce a quantum computer in the end, then quantum computer will become the second "perpetual motion machine" in human history, and it will be another huge loss for mankind.

       First of all,

       First, the author is full of respect for the scientists and engineers who have been engaged in the theoretical research and manufacture of quantum computers from all over the world for many years, without any offense;

       Secondly, the views in this article are only the author’s personal statement, but to express the author’s own views and opinions in a scientific manner that seeks truth from facts;

       Third, the author tries his best to use non-professional language and vocabulary to describe quantum computers and quantum mechanics. However, in some places, it is still difficult to avoid the use of certain professional terms. I hope readers will understand and hope.

2. Grouping of the Schools of Quantum Mechanics

       Before starting to discuss quantum computers, we first make a simple division of quantum mechanics theory. This division is mainly based on different physicists' views on quantum mechanics, and nothing else.

       Based on this standard, the theory of quantum mechanics can be roughly divided into two groups:

       The first group is mainly the Copenhagen School represented by Bohr, Heisenberg and Born. They conducted a theoretical analysis and summary of the early quantum experiments, called the interpretation or interpretation of Copenhagen quantum mechanics, which is called Interpretation in English. In Chinese, "Interpretation" and "Explanation" are slightly different. The former has a higher status than the latter, and it means "authentic" or "mainstream" in it.

       The second group is mainly based on the theoretical analysis and summary of early quantum experiments by another part of physicists represented by Einstein, Schrödinger and De Broglie.

       These six are all Nobel Prize winners in physics and have all made great contributions to the development of quantum mechanics. Therefore, they are all on the same level.

       The theories of the first group and the second group are more similar and contradictory in many basic aspects.

       For example, the famous Schrödinger cat is a thought experiment proposed by Schrödinger, a member of the second group, who developed Einstein's ideas to oppose the theory of the first group.

       For another example, the concept of quantum entanglement, which is very hot today, comes from the members of the second group. In fact, the quantum entanglement thought experiment, or EPR thought experiment, was first proposed by the famous physicist Einstein of the second group and his two assistants, and later developed by Schrödinger against the first group of theories.

       Regarding the differences and similarities between the first group and the second group theories, this article does not want to discuss further. Interested readers can directly read related articles and books, including Chinese or English versions. If possible, it is recommended to read the German version directly.

       According to this division method, the whole theory of quantum mechanics is actually composed of two parts: the theory of the first group (the Copenhagen theory) and the theory of the second group (may be called the theory of Einstein and Schrödinger for the time being).

      If expressed by a formula, it can be written as a formula as follows:

      Quantum mechanics theory = Copenhagen's theory + Einstein/Schrodinger's theory

      Based on the above formula, the Copenhagen School's theory is only one school of the quantum mechanics school, and it cannot represent the entire quantum mechanics theory. It is just a "one" if it is described in current online language.

     In particular, it should be pointed out that because the two groups of theories are not strictly distinguished, it has caused great troubles to the scientific teaching and popularization of quantum mechanics.

     For example, when people talk about quantum mechanics, they always take it for granted that the Copenhagen Doctrine represents the entire quantum mechanics, and the Copenhagen School’s theory is the authenticity of quantum mechanics. In the current textbooks of quantum mechanics (Chinese or English), when explaining quantum theory, most of them follow the Copenhagen Doctrine and regard it as the authentic interpretation of quantum mechanics. However, the status of this so-called authentic explanation in quantum mechanics and science is becoming more and more like a religion, not only can not be questioned, but even to the point of compulsory brainwashing of students. For example, in the teaching of quantum mechanics, when facing the Copenhagen School questions raised by students, professors often avoid answering positively, and even warn students "Don't ask too much, just count!". Even if the Copenhagen School cannot "explain" why it is like this, it can only "tell you" that it is like this. For example, in the face of the famous double-slit experiment and wave-particle duality, it can only be expressed in terms of both being and being.

     Therefore, when talking about quantum mechanics, it is better to distinguish this. For example, when some articles talk about the success of quantum mechanics in guiding the development of engineering with great progress, many people take it for granted that it is the success of the Copenhagen school because they do not specify the theory of that school. But in fact it is not.

3. The origin of the concept of quantum computer

       In 1981, the first International Conference on Computational Physics was held at the famous university MIT. During the conference, Richard Feynman, a well-known American theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate, proposed a novel idea of ​​using quantum systems to realize general-purpose computing. He believes that if a computer composed of subsystems is used to simulate quantum phenomena, the computing time can be greatly reduced. In the second year, in 1982, the International Journal of Theoretical Physics, "International Journal of Theoretical Physics", please refer to Reference (1), published Feynman’s "Simulating physics with computers" at the conference report. Therefore, the concept of quantum computers was born.

       It should be emphasized here that Feynman proposed the concept of quantum computer based on the Copenhagen School. That is, the concept of quantum computer is proposed based on Copenhagen's superposition state theory. In the last part, we have explained that the Copenhagen School is only a school of quantum mechanics, and the foundation of this school is challenged by the theories of Einstein and Schrödinger. In particular, the famous Schrödinger cat challenged this theory. Therefore, the basic theoretical basis of quantum computers is not solid, and it is not entirely based on impeccable experiments, but based on the assumptions of a certain school.

4. The development of quantum computers

        After Feynman put forward the concept of quantum computer, some countries, universities or laboratories, especially in recent years, many large international multinational companies have invested in the field of quantum computers. Of course, everyone uses different quantum physics systems to construct quantum computers. For example, the two orthogonal polarization directions of photons; the spin direction of electrons in the magnetic field; the two nuclear spin directions; the two different energy levels of the quantum in the atom. In short, various ways are being explored. For now, there is no definite answer as to which physical system is more suitable for quantum computers. But no matter what approach is adopted, the most basic point is the same: the most essential feature of quantum computers in these ideas is the use of quantum superposition.

        According to the papers and reports published so far, the quantum computer being constructed by people is similar to a classical computer in principle: it is also a physical device for logical operations, storage and processing of information. The difference is that this physical device processes and calculates quantum information and runs quantum algorithms.

5. A brief summary of the principles of quantum computers

        In order to understand the working principle of quantum computers, a simple engineering explanation is now based on classical computers.

         Classical computer: Classical computer is a binary number system and is based on the basic unit (bit) in the computer to perform operations. Each "0" or "1" is a basic unit. The basic unit is the smallest unit of data storage. In other words, a classic basic unit can only have a certain "0" or "1" state in a certain time. Pay attention to the word "or" here.

        Quantum computer: According to people's current thinking, quantum computer is also a binary number system, and is based on the basic unit (qubit) of the computer to perform operations. In each quantum basic unit, the states of "0" and "1" can be stored at the same time. Note the words "simultaneous" and "and" here.

        The difference between a classical computer and a quantum computer is that the basic unit of a classical computer can only store one of "0" or "1" at a certain time; while the basic unit of a quantum computer can store both "0" and "1" at the same time. The difference between the two computers is the difference between "or" and "and":

Classic computer: "0" or "1";

Quantum computer: "0" and "1".

        Then you can simply calculate. In a classical computer, if there are K classical basic units, it can only store K units of information at the same time; in a quantum computer, for K quantum basic units, they can store 2^K at the same time. Unit information. As the number of quantum basic units increases, the amount of information can increase rapidly.

       To realize quantum computing with a quantum computer, it must also complete its calculations in three steps like a classical computer:

The first step is to construct a quantum basic unit;

The second step is to manipulate the quantum basic unit so that the "0" and "1" states exist at the same time;

The third step is to combine K identical quantum basic units to form a quantum computing system, so as to realize the supercomputing capability of a quantum computer.

Therefore, a quantum computer does not only contain one quantum basic unit, it is a physical system that contains multiple quantum basic units combined together.

         The most difficult part of building a quantum computer is the first step, that is, a quantum basic unit must be constructed. This unit must allow the "0" and "1" states to exist at the same time. Note that this requirement must exist "at the same time"! If it does not exist "simultaneously", then this is not a quantum basic unit, but a classical basic unit.

         In the second step, people conceive of using a quantum processor to operate to realize the construction and manipulation of each quantum basic unit. It requires that in the quantum basic unit, "0" and "1" must exist at the same time, that is, artificially forming a quantum superposition state and maintaining stability. If "0" and "1" cannot exist at the same time, then no matter how high the accuracy of this quantum computer is, it is essentially a classical computer.

         Readers may sometimes see certain reports on the Internet that quantum computers with thousands of quantum basic units have been built, and so on. This gives people the impression that a quantum computer will be built right away, which is very encouraging. In fact, this is the third step in the construction of a quantum computer, and it is the easiest to implement in the three steps of building a quantum computer. That is, regardless of whether the manufactured quantum processor meets the standards, mass production will take place first!

        Now we use the terms of quantum mechanics theory to describe the principles of quantum computers:

There is no superposition state in the basic unit of a classic computer (classic bit), and the classic bit can only be "0" or "1". The basic unit (qubit) of a quantum computer is a quantum superposition state, which is a basic unit of a quantum superposition state with both "0" and "1", that is, a qubit can contain both "0" and "1". Information. By operating on the superimposed qubits, the operations on "0" and "1" can be completed at the same time. In this way, as the number of qubits in quantum computers increases, the information that quantum computers can process will increase exponentially.

       Summarizing the above-mentioned engineering descriptions and theoretical expressions, we can see that whether a quantum computer can be realized, the most critical point is whether a qualified and stable quantum basic unit can be constructed. Furthermore, it is whether a quantum processor that maintains a stable superposition state can be manufactured. In this way, the quantum superposition state has become a key factor in determining the success of a quantum computer.

       Therefore, the engineering macro-problem of manufacturing quantum computers has been transformed into a micro-problem based on the basic theory of quantum mechanics.

6. Basic theoretical issues of quantum superposition state

       According to the above discussion, the manufacturing problem of quantum computers has changed from an engineering problem to a basic theoretical problem, and from a macro problem to a micro problem.

       Now, before constructing a quantum computer, we must answer the most basic question, that is, whether the superposition state of quantum really exists. If it exists, it means that no matter how long it takes, humans will be able to build quantum computers. Even if the first prototype quantum computer is so rough and the calculation process and results are so unstable, we believe that through continuous improvement, we will be able to create a quantum computer that satisfies human beings. However, if the quantum superposition state does not exist, then the quantum computer will become the second perpetual motion machine and will never succeed.

       In order to deeply understand the superposition state of qubits, one must return to the most basic theory of quantum mechanics to understand its ins and outs.

      As mentioned earlier, the concept of quantum computers is based on the Copenhagen School's interpretation of quantum mechanics. This explanation is mainly put forward and summarized by Bohr, Heisenberg and Born. The Copenhagen interpretation contains at least the following important points.

1. The quantum superposition state of a quantum system can be expressed by the wave function in the Schrodinger equation. The description of the wave function is a probabilistic function.

2. The position and momentum of a particle cannot be determined at the same time.

3. Matter has wave-particle duality.

5. An experiment can show the particle behavior or wave behavior of matter; but it cannot show both behaviors at the same time. This is the principle of complementarity.

Because there is not enough experimental support, and the content of its theory is puzzling, especially some inferences derived from its theory are even more suspicious. Therefore, many quantum physicists are full of doubts and doubts about the Copenhagen School. Distrust. There are many outstanding figures among these characters. These outstanding figures are represented by some famous scientists such as Einstein, Schrodinger, and De Broglie. For example, Schrödinger proposed the Schrödinger equation, but he himself firmly opposed the Copenhagen School’s probabilistic interpretation of his equation.

       Although some mathematicians helped Copenhagen explain to establish a relatively rigorous system in the mathematical sense, due to the lack of sufficient physical experiment support, this so-called rigorous mathematical system does not represent a perfect physical explanation.

       In fact, one of the truly controversial aspects of the Copenhagen School’s explanation is the existence of quantum superposition states.

     Here are two examples to illustrate whether the quantum superposition state exists or not.

Example 1

     Many readers know that in the history of quantum mechanics, Schrödinger tried to use a cat to illustrate the uncertainty of the quantum superposition state in the Copenhagen interpretation.

     Schrödinger's Cat (Schrödinger's Cat) is a thought experiment about quantum superposition states in the microscopic world. Although there have been many popular science articles on this experiment, the author recommends that interested readers read it and make their own judgments.

     In this thought experiment, according to Copenhagen's explanation, the cat in the container is in a "dead-alive" superposition state. In other words, this cat is both dead and alive! You have to wait until you open the container and take a look at the cat to determine its life or death. Please note that it is not a discovery but a decision. You don't need any weapons to kill this cat, just a glance is enough to kill.

     This thought experiment turned the microscopic superposition state into a macroscopic uncertainty. The superposition of this cat, both alive and dead, violates objective laws, logical thinking, and the feelings of human daily life. Therefore, Schrödinger used this thought experiment to show that there is no quantum superposition state in the microcosm. Historically, this thought experiment was endorsed by Einstein.

     Logically speaking, if you accept Schrödinger’s cat experiment, then it is admitted that the quantum superposition state in the Copenhagen school does not exist. If we accept Copenhagen’s explanation, we will admit that there is at least one dead and alive cat in our daily lives. This completely violates the observation conclusion of our daily life.

     The founders and supporters of the Copenhagen School have argued that the micro world is different from the macro world. So here comes the problem. If we say that the micro world and the macro world are different, humans should have two different basic principles of logical thinking: one is the logical thinking principle of the micro world, and the other is the logical thinking principle of the macro world. However, another question arises: What is the standard for distinguishing the micro-world from the macro-world? Is the standard of this distinction microscopic or macroscopic? Is it a superposition state that is both microscopic and macroscopic?

     Although some experiments claim to have made Schrödinger’s cat, a quantum superposition state has been produced. However, when you read these papers carefully, you will find that these experiments have loopholes or are not rigorous, because the existence of superposition requires two states to exist at the same time, without the problem of time interval.

Example 2

      In June 2019, several scientists studying quantum mechanics published a paper in June 2019. The Chinese media call it the Yale University experiment. They reported on the experiments they conducted. The paper was first published in the online edition of the journal Nature on June 3, 2019. Later, this new research was published in Physical Review Research on September 29, 2020. Please see Reference (2).

     Although there are different understandings and interpretations of the results of this experiment, the results of the experiment severely shaken one of the fundamental dogmas of the Copenhagen School, that is, the probabilistic nature of quantum behavior, and supports the theories of Einstein and Schrödinger to a certain extent. The board supported Einstein's clear statement "God does not roll the dice".

  In this experiment, the researchers revealed the subtle behavior of quantum transitions for the first time, showing that in a quantum system, part of the behavior is predictable, not entirely random. Interested readers can directly read the original text of the paper, see reference article 2).

      This result is contradictory to the Copenhagen School’s interpretation, because the Copenhagen School believes that the behavior of quantum systems is completely random and unpredictable. It's like the Copenhagen School said that a piece of paper is all white, not black. However, this experiment showed that the paper is not all white, and part of it is black.

      In addition, it takes time for quantum to transition from one state to another, and the two experimental states cannot exist at the same time. In other words, at least in this experiment, the superposition state of quantum has not been discovered.

7) Conclusion and discussion

a. This article considers the manufacturing of quantum computers from the perspective of engineering and basic theory. By discussing the basic units of quantum computers, a macro-engineering problem (the engineering manufacturing problem of quantum computers) is transformed into a basic theoretical micro-problem (the problem of superposition states of quantum systems). Through analysis, it is believed that the quantum computer currently conceived by mankind, that is, the quantum computer based on the superposition state of the Copenhagen school of quantum mechanics, cannot be built. This kind of quantum computer will be the second in human history. "Perpetual motion machine."

a. Now in the process of manufacturing quantum computers, we have encountered serious quantum instability problems. Why is there such a problem? The reason is actually very simple. Because there is no superposition state at all in the microscopic world, engineering has encountered a problem of instability in the basic unit (qubit) of a quantum computer, that is, quantum correlation. Just imagine, if the superposition state exists, will its stability be a serious problem? It is precisely because it does not exist that there is a problem of stability.

b. Although the manufacture of quantum computers is an engineering problem, it is also an experiment. This experiment is a huge, unprecedented experiment and test of the Copenhagen theory, that is, whether the manufacturing of quantum computers can be realized under the guidance of the theory of this school. If it fails in the end, then this is just a failure of the Copenhagen School, but it is by no means a failure of the great discipline of quantum mechanics, because the Copenhagen School is only a school of quantum mechanics. It will be a victory for science and proves once again that scientific progress must be based on experiments.

c. Classical computers are based on the existence of the basic unit "0" or "1", and quantum computers are based on the simultaneous existence of the basic unit "0" and "1". This "or" and "simultaneous" is the only standard that distinguishes a classical computer from a quantum computer. If the "0" and "1" states in the basic unit of a quantum computer cannot exist at the same time, then it will still be a classical computer.

d. We should strictly distinguish between quantum mechanics theory and Copenhagen school theory. The rationalism of the Copenhagen School is only a part of the idealism in the discipline of quantum mechanics, not the whole of it.


1)Feynman, Richard P. "Simulating physics with computers." International Journal of Theoretical Physics 21.6-7(1982):467-488.

2) Kyrylo Snizhko ,1Parveen Kumar ,and Alessandro Romito,“Quantum Zeno effect appears in stages”,Received 25 March 2020; accepted 13 August 2020; published 29 September 2020,PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2, 033512 (2020)。

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