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送交者: 王文清[♂★★★棋圣★★★♂] 于 2012-08-04 18:33 已读 57 次  


BBC质疑叶诗文的时候就已经够让人诧异的了,这样的媒体居然这样自掉身价。但是昨天, 《nature》的一篇文章才让我彻底掉了下巴,也让好多原先《nature》的粉丝掉了下巴。这可是以前咱心中神一样的科学杂志,小时候觉得谁在上面能 发一篇文章,那绝对是科学大牛。结果没想到《nauture》也发文质疑叶诗文了,并且没有拿出任何靠谱的证据。太颠覆了,简直让人不敢相信这是真的。 www.6park.com

这届奥运太多没想到了,比赛好看,花絮比比赛更好看。搞得我觉得本届奥运的标语不应该是“激励一代人”,而应该是“毁人掉英国人”才对。也不知道他 们是抱着为奥运添欢乐还是什么心态,恨不得天天都能翻新出岔子。开幕式之前,奥运圣火被传熄了好几回;开幕式代表团入场,工作人员把日本团带着带着带出场 了(被中途离场的日本队本应该跟其他团一起在场中央集合,不过这个错误大家似乎觉得很欢乐,嘿嘿);朝鲜比赛挂韩国国旗;中韩并列国旗没并排挂;奏国歌要 不走调了,要不奏一半没了……
如果说只是承办能力差,大家宽容一下也就过去了,毁不了太多英国形象。但是BBC和《nature》就不一样了,一个是世界最大的广播公司,是广受 尊敬的英国媒体;一个是全世界最有名望的科学杂志。它们真真正正是英国的脸面,我不明白能有什么理由使得英国人甘愿毁掉自己的脸面,但绅士们真的做到了。
“羡慕、嫉妒、恨”在本届奥运上被翻译成英语叫做“哼、切、呸”。叶诗文取得好成绩不先祝贺就质疑人家嗑药了——哼,那金牌肯定是脏的。后证实叶的 清白之后,又把矛头指向中国体育体制——切,即使金牌是干净的,这样的金牌也是不值的。最后摆出一副视金牌如粪土的高贵姿态——呸,中国人永远不懂体育精 神的真谛。可惜在这种高姿态的背后,却是在极为小器地动用所有力量对眼红对象进行攻击。伦敦一面宣扬“激励一代人”,一面质疑正在崛起的一代人;一面在开 幕式上标榜多元、包容,一面对不同于他们的体制进行攻击、鄙视。这些巨大行为落差的背后,映衬的是英国人内心的巨大落差。 www.6park.com

这篇文章是由某老外硕士写的,据说该硕士还受过学术写作的训练。但他写出来这玩意儿,唉,简介如下: www.6park.com


文章首先默认了叶诗文事实上服用了兴奋剂(缺席审判,无证据定罪,牛笔),然后文章围绕如何在没有药检的情况下(这太牛了),通过统计分析去捕捉那些疑似服用兴奋剂的运动员。 www.6park.com


然 后文章提出了一个核心概念,叫做“成绩档案分析”(Performance profiling),以此为捕捉服药选手的利器(我看是“抓女巫”的利器还差不多)。大体技术手段是,通过对选手过去的比赛成绩进行详细的统计和分析, 对比选手在当下运动中的成绩,然后通过统计分析(作者的统计分析简直惨不忍睹),来判断选手成绩的提高,到底是过去成绩的合理的“自然进步”,还是“异常 的突飞猛进”。如果是后者,则暗示选手在自身实际的进步之外,还掺入了其他促进成绩提高的因素,即暗示可能服用了兴奋剂。 www.6park.com


作者还得意洋洋地说,这样去分析诸如叶诗文那样的作弊者,就能让他们无所遁形。他提倡推广这项技术,因为大规模的兴奋剂检测太费时间和钱,而且难免百密一疏。如果先用此项技术识别出可疑选手,再结合更加严格的、有针对性的药检,叶诗文之流就不会漏网了。 www.6park.com


我想说小叶子夺冠后被药检到凌晨两点,你们还觉得不够,你们TM地想把小姑娘折磨死啊,变态? www.6park.com


下面是网友评论。很多发帖者的名字是中国人。从内容来看,有相当多的PhD www.6park.com


kevin young: Shame on you, Ewen! You ignorant contemptible wretch with a biased ugly heart !
Shame on you, Nature! You allow such a bullshit on your website! www.6park.com

真不害臊,埃文(作者名)!你这无知又卑鄙的可怜虫!一颗充满偏见的丑恶心灵! www.6park.com

可耻啊,《自然》杂志!这种狗屎你也发? www.6park.com


Alias Lin said: All of the editor joined in the research should get a score of F for their Statistics course www.6park.com

参加这种“研究”的人估计统计课挂了吧? www.6park.com


zhiping wang said:Wow, I can't believe Nature published something like this. So basically the point is that anybody whose performance improves too fast should be considered as cheaters. The above replies have pointed out Phelps and Thorpes, who are arguably two greatest talents in the past 20 years, had similar performance improvement when they were young. Did anybody question their performance and think they were doping? The greatest soccer player Leo Messi scored more than 80 goals this past season. Nobody could have ever done something like this before. According to the standard of this article, he should definitely be considered as a doper, right? www.6park.com

噢,不敢相信《自然》居然刊登这种东西。全文的主旨居然是任何成绩进步“太 快”的人都应该被视为有作弊之嫌。上面的评论(已经被管理员删除了)指出菲尔普斯和索普被认为是20年仅见的天才,都在相似的年纪有过相似的突飞猛进,可 曾有任何人质疑他们服药?最伟大的球星梅西过去一个赛季就打进超过80球,前人难望其项背。根据此文观点,梅西绝对吃药了,是不是? www.6park.com


John Bigman said:What a shame to see Nature publishes this in which there are so many mistakes in citing and analyzing data by the author (intentionally or not as pointed out by Lai Jiang). It is just using science's name to express their prejudice and discrimination (this UK-based journal and the author, editors). What a bunch of losers! You lose my respect from today, Nature! www.6park.com

《自然》登这篇充满引用和分析错误的文章真是丢死人了!以科学为幌子,宣扬那帮英国佬们的偏见和歧视。一群屌丝!彻底颠覆了《自然》在我心中的地位。 www.6park.com


Huaping Xu :I read Nature very often since scientifically it is a very prestigious journal. I am extremely disappointed about Nature to let such a biased comment published. Basically a scientific journal will ask for conclusion to be well supported by data. I can not see this point in Ewen Callaway's article. I would like to ask for Ewen Callaway to address a point-to-point reply to Lai Jiang's reply www.6park.com

我经常读《自然》,它是享有科学盛名的刊物。我极度失望的是《自然》居然发表如此偏颇的评论。科学刊物的最基本原则,就是考查结论是否有证据支持。而这些在作者此文中付之阙如。我要求作者逐条回应前面那位网友的质疑 www.6park.com


hua hua said:Nature, your mum asks you to have dinner!! What a shame!! www.6park.com

《自然》,你妈喊你回家吃饭!不要脸!(这个亮了,中文译出来居然还是押韵的) www.6park.com


Jason OBoyle said:London 2012 Olympic slogan "Inspire a generation", I'm pretty sure if this kind of nonsense article inspires a generation of people then the world might as well stop the Olympics right now. www.6park.com

伦敦奥运会的口号是“启迪一代人”!我很确定,这种不知所谓的文章真的启迪了人们:奥运会不用再办了。 www.6park.com


ZHANG Guo-you said:What a shame thing to Natue. it is jealousy that China is challenging the UK or western contury dominance of sports like swimming in a major way www.6park.com

《自然》丢死人!中国向英国等西方势力主宰的游泳项目发起强有力的挑战,让他们羡慕嫉妒恨。 www.6park.com


Wei Shao said:Basically the point from the author is, anybody whose performance improves "too fast" should be considered as cheaters. What a shame, Nature!!! Is that a respected scientific journal??? OK, based on the same logic, you will be considered as potential cheaters if you just published your first paper on Nature. Since how could you have "1" Nature paper if you do not have any previous experience in publishing a Nature article? Ewen Callaway, it is the time for you to "retract" the report! www.6park.com

作者观点是,任何进步“太快”的人都是骗子。《自然》你还要脸不?这TM是权威学术期刊?行,按同样的逻辑,只要你在《自 然》上发了第一篇文章,就有作弊的嫌疑,因为你之前从未在《自然》上发过文章,怎么突然就可以在如此权威的杂志上发文了呢?现在轮到作者“自证”了,作者 给自己挖了个坑。 www.6park.com


Sandy Fang said:Wow, I thought Nature was all about science and research. This article just proved how wrong I was! Since when did Nature join the business of rumor and second-guess? Maybe someday I will find Nature next to some celebrity gossip magzine when checkout at a grocery store www.6park.com

呃。。我还以为《自然》全是科学研究呢,此文证明我大错特错了!什么时候《自然》也加入狗仔队了?坐等未来在杂货店里看到《自然》被列入八卦杂志。 www.6park.com


Liang SUN said:The author is an Journalist only with a degree of writting;. He is far from a scientist. We all know what a journalist like to do. Take it as a joke. While, Nature, you succeed to convince me singing up an account, congratulation!! www.6park.com

作者只是个“妓(记)者”,有“妓(记)者”学位而已。冒充科学家?就是个笑话。《自然》老弟,你成功说服我在你这儿建了个账号,恭喜恭喜!(这位网友好样的~) www.6park.com


Bond Shinra said:Performance profiling, as the base for accusation of an individual?! This is crazy! www.6park.com

“成绩档案”?作为指控某人的依据?脑残了吧? www.6park.com


Kc Xiao said(这个就是区区在下了):I cannot believe in this. Nature, such a top research journal publish speculations attacking a young girl without any evidence! The author express nothing but only narrow mind and barely racial discrimination. What a shame for nature. Such a biased article doesn't embarrass the young Chinese girl, but embarrass the author himself, and humiliate the honor of Nature. www.6park.com

难以置信。世界最权威的顶级学术刊物,居然在官网上刊登这种没有任何证据的指控,攻击一个小姑娘。作者仅仅展现了他的狭隘和赤裸裸的种族歧视。真是《自然》的耻辱。这不是在羞辱中国人,而是在羞辱作者自己,是对《自然》学术声誉的猥亵。 www.6park.com


Xinhua Lin said:Thank you, Mr. Callaway for a fine example of scientific reporting. I know I can always count on Nature for a fun article for our Friday journal club. www.6park.com

感谢作者展示了“科学报道”的下限。有了《自然》杂志,我再也不用为每周五俱乐部上的搞笑段子而发愁了。 www.6park.com


Tim Raynold said:SHAME ON Nature, it's barely a media tool for racial and political purpose rather than anything close to science. www.6park.com

可耻啊《自然》,沦为赤裸裸的种族和政治意识的宣传工具,与科学背道而驰。 www.6park.com


Xuchen Liu said:I thought that nature is a serious scientific journal, Who can tell me if I am on a wrong site? www.6park.com

《自然》应该是严肃的科学刊物啊,哪位好心人告诉我:我是不是输错网址了? www.6park.com


CK Zhang said:Performance profiling". Are you CRAZY, Nature? www.6park.com

What about racial profiling? www.6park.com

What about intelligent profiling? www.6park.com

Einstein did not have a doctorate, it is so surreal that he could wrote The theory of Relativity www.6park.com

“成绩档案”?《自然》抽疯了? www.6park.com

种族背景查不查呢? www.6park.com

智力水平测不测呢? www.6park.com

没有博士学位的爱因斯坦能写出相对论,太玄幻了吧? www.6park.com


Zhenbin Niu said:I don't know why the editors of Nature put such a ridiculous jerk on their website. Just "suspicion", "guess"... without evidence. Why do you guys don't suspect other great swimmer from other countries without evidence. Putting such a jerk on nature's website, I think, is a shame for Nature. www.6park.com

搞不懂《自然》登这样一篇搞笑的垃圾干嘛?除了“质疑”“猜测”没有任何证据。既然没有证据就可以质疑,你们干嘛不去质疑其他国家的游泳牛人?登个垃圾在网页上,《自然》要脸不要? www.6park.com


Tong Lu said(我师兄,超给力): I know exactly what kind of "drug" Ye used in the match. It's called Chinese dream! It runs in almost every Chinese people's blood. Before the sour-grape theorists can come up with "test" to rule that out, we will keeping kicking asses. www.6park.com

And I doubt whether it's worth even trying to create such a test. Because by the time the test is done, we will have dreamed more ambitious dreams! www.6park.com

我知道叶吃了什么药,那是名叫“中国梦”的药,它在每个炎黄子孙的血液里奔涌。除非你们这帮学术酸货能把“中国梦”除掉,否则我们会不断用成绩让你们丧尽颜面。我甚至怀疑你们这么做值不值,因为等你们做到时,我们已经去追逐更大的梦想了。 www.6park.com


Jeff Doug said:This is the most biased and discriminative article on a journal self inflated as leader in academic. I am shocked Nature editors would allow such article to be published. What a shame. www.6park.com

在这个以学术权威自居的刊物上,这是最偏颇和歪曲的一篇。《自然》的编辑居然让这种东西通过审核?真是奇耻大辱。我震精了。 www.6park.com


Zhichao Tan said:Does anyone can answer one question for me: if Ye is the British girl, what BBC and CNN will say now? Nature you should always keep in mind you are Nature, How you can allow this kinds of thing appear in your website? Disappointed!!! www.6park.com

谁能告诉我:如果叶是英国姑娘,BBC和CNN会怎样描述她呢?《自然》你千万要保住节操啊!这种东西也登?坑爹呐! www.6park.com


liange shi said:I have an idea, not a rumor, if someone writes a paper to appeal this one, he/she could become a lucky dog for publishing on Nature naturally. www.6park.com

我真心觉得,如果谁写篇文章来拍此文的马屁,作者就能幸运地在《自然》杂志上发文章了! www.6park.com


Guo Yu said: Shame on you, Nature, for publishing such biased article. This article demonstrate nothing, but how an article on a scientific journal can cheat. www.6park.com

《自然》发这么偏颇的文章不要脸。这篇文章仅仅为“学术腐败”提供了一个现身说法的生动教材。 www.6park.com


Nick Doolin said:Since when has Nature become a tabloid? www.6park.com

《自然》何时改为八卦小报了? www.6park.com


Qi Cheng said:I dropped my jaw when reading this "scientific" article! Shame on the author, who obviously lacks the essential merit of an honest person, not to mention the merit of a real scientist. Shame on Nature, a top scientific journal, who promotes rumors and bias against a 16-year-old girl simply because she is a Chinese athlete.
I suggest that the editor publish all the comments along with this article so readers know that most scientific people don't loose their judgement. www.6park.com

读这篇“科学”论文我简直笑掉大牙。兰州烧饼一枚,连做人最基本的诚实都不具备,更遑论科学精神了。可耻的《自然》,居然炒作流言和偏见,去针对一个年仅16岁的小女孩,仅仅因为她是中国运动员。 www.6park.com

我建议小编把评论和原文一起编辑出版,这样读者才知道多数人还是有科学思维的。 www.6park.com


Jessie Chen said:Shame on YOU, Nature!!! As a researcher in the biomedical field, I can't not believe there is such an article published here. Now I have many reasons to doubt the reputation of this magazine. I will not buy any of this magazine any more. Going to cancel my order. www.6park.com

可耻啊《自然》!作为生物制药领域的研究者,不敢相信这种文章可以在《自然》上发。我现在有充分理由质疑该杂志的名誉。我不会再订阅这杂志了。请取消我的订单。(PhD们支持的顶!) www.6park.com


Nick Doolin said:Don't you think it is a disgrace for Nature to publish BS like this? www.6park.com

你们不觉得《自然》发表这种狗屎简直丢人现眼吗? www.6park.com


Yi Wang said:Dear Mr. Callaway, I don't blame you for your shallow knowledge of statistics, since you are just holding a master degree, and westerners are usually not good in math anyway. But I do want to blame for your narrow mind and arrogant racial discrimination. I would also remind you that you and Nature will bear all possible legal consequences for coming up with such a disgusting article www.6park.com

作者先生,你在统计上的无知我真不怪你, 毕竟你只有硕士学位(PhD嘲笑Master一贯如此,参见生活大爆炸)。西方人数学很烂我也不奇怪。但你狭隘傲慢的种族歧视思想却难辞其咎。同时善意地 提醒你和《自然》杂志,在刊登了如此声名狼藉的文章后,请准备承担一切法律后果。(很Sheldon啊有木有!!!) www.6park.com


Lin Zhou said: I will not be surprised to see such an article on CNN, BBC, NBC ... But it is a BIG surprise to see it in Nature, a top-notch scientific journal for scientists like me. I almost never post any comments online, but the publication of this one on Nature is so disturbing and disgusting. SHAME ON YOU, NATURE! www.6park.com

在CNN、BBC、NBC上看到这 种八卦很正常,但是!!!《自然》!!!作为专供像我这样优秀的科学家的顶级科学刊物!!!我真的被你亮瞎了!!!我从不在网上发言,但《自然》居然放出 这种臭弹!太让人不安(这是那个疯狗一样咬小叶子的美国教练的原话)!太恶心人了!丢死人啊!《自然》! www.6park.com


HUA XIA said:What a shame! Nature! I really feel you are insulting nature and science. And I have to change my mind to submit my original paper to other journals, you really make me down. www.6park.com

丢不丢人,《自然》?我真心觉得你简直在侮辱“自然”与“科学”(与《自然》齐名的另一美国主办的顶级学术刊物)。我改变主意了,不想把自己的原创学术论文投稿给你了,你太坑爹了。(这哥儿们看来也是个学术牛人) www.6park.com


Xuchen Liu said:A side note of this – no doubt The 2012 British Olympics is the most successful one ever in the history from the perspective of revealing arrogance, ignorance and prejudice accumulated over a hundred years in the mind some people, in just a few nights www.6park.com

说句题外话,伦敦奥运会仅仅用了几天时间,就彻底揭露某些人脑子里传承了上百年的傲慢、无知与偏见。就这点而言,伦敦奥运会毫无疑问是屎上最成功的一届! www.6park.com


网 友推荐的最欢乐评论:if China does has such drug that can not be found they will certainly use it for football athletes. They care this much more than caring swimming。 www.6park.com

如果中国真有这么神奇的药,国足队员肯定早就吃了啊。国足可比游泳让国人揪心多了 www.6park.com

就翻译到这里吧。我翻译的速度真心追不上发帖的速度啊。。。 www.6park.com


想看原文和评论,链接在此:http://www.nature.com/news/why-great-olympic-feats-raise-suspicions-1.11109 www.6park.com

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