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送交者: 一代淫僧[★★佛系炒股★★] 于 2020-06-15 21:02 已读 4466 次  


US easing Huawei restrictions, allows companies to work with Huawei on 5G
US easing Huawei restrictions, allows companies to work with Huawei on 5G 6park.com


166 6park.com


Dave LeClair 6park.com

It looks like the US is amending its prohibitions on US companies doing business with Huawei. The government isn’t backpedaling on its stance towards Huawei, but it is making one small change to allow companies to work on 5G standards with Huawei.

As reported by Reuters, the US is not dropping the prohibitions altogether, but it is allowing US companies to work with the Chinese firm on setting standards for next-generation 5G networks.

US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross made a statement to Reuters:

The United States will not cede leadership in global innovation. The department is committed to protecting U.S. national security and foreign policy interests by encouraging US industry to fully engage and advocate for U.S. technologies to become international standards.

[iframe][/iframe]According to the report, the US Commerce Department and other agencies signed off on the rule change, though it hasn’t been published in the Federal Register yet. An official announcement is expected on Monday. 6park.com


EDITOR'S PICK 6park.com

The best Huawei phones you can buy right now (June 2020)


It’s been a little over a year since the US placed Huawei on the Commerce Department’s entity list, which restricts sales of US goods and technology to some Chinese companies such as Huawei. The list was also just re-signed for another year. The US says there are national security concerns with companies on the list.

Rather than weakening its stance against Huawei, this is actually a move designed to help the US work with companies like Huawei on 5G standards. This will help make sure the US stays with the rest of the world. This change will give the US full participation in voluntary standards setting bodies. 6park.com


Samsung And Apple Beaten By Huawei In Huge New Smartphone Surprise 6park.com


Zak DoffmanContributor 6park.com

Cybersecurity 6park.com

I write about security and surveillance. 6park.com


In a huge market surprise, Huawei has defied the odds and not only stayed ahead of Apple but also overtaken Samsung to become the world’s largest smartphone marker—for April, at least. The timing of this news, coming just after the U.S. tightened its restrictions on Huawei’s supply chain is ironic. For the Chinese tech giant, this is the first time it has reached the top spot—a welcome respite from recent bad news.

The latest figures come from the research team at Counterpoint, which confirmed to Gizmochina that “Huawei was the world’s number one smartphone maker with a 19% market share,” for a month at least. Samsung was just behind on 17%. 6park.com

In the aftermath of the U.S. blacklist, which kicked in last May, Huawei’s loss of Google from its new phones has hammered international sales. But overall sales have been shored up by its stellar performance at home—Huawei’s dominance of its domestic market has gone from strength to strength.

China was the first key market into coronavirus lockdown, hitting smartphone sales hard. By the same token, it was the first out of lockdown and the first to begin to recover. This favored Huawei. How quickly Samsung’s key markets also begin to recover will determine whether Huawei can hold onto the coveted top spot for another month or maybe even the full quarter. 6park.com


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