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因美纳,输华大 - 美国基因测序巨头在美国被罚$334M
送交者: rleeyeah[♂☆★-炁体源流-★☆♂] 于 2022-05-09 23:44 已读 1362 次  


华大总算扳回一城吧. 6park.com

Illumina forced to pay almost $334M as it loses DNA sequencing patent case 6park.com

A federal jury in Delaware on Friday ordered Illumina to pay Complete Genomics Inc., a subsidiary of the BGI Group, the world’s largest maker of commercial genetic sequencers, almost $334 million, finding Illumina infringed on two DNA sequencing patents. 6park.com

The case, began in 2019 when CGI sued the San Diego-based biotech over the patents, alleging that Illumina’s “two-channel” sequencing system and its kits that prepare DNA fragments for sequencing violated CGI’s patent rights. 6park.com

The jury found that Illumina directly induced its customers to infringe and contributed to their infringement. The jury also rejected Illumina’s arguments that the patents are invalid as obvious. 6park.com

While the jury found that CGI also infringed on two of three Illumina patents involving similar technology, the jury held that the claims involving all three were invalid and CGI is not liable for any damages. 6park.com

Sequencing company MGI Tech, which CGI became a part of in 2018, said in a statement that it is pleased with the jury verdict supporting all its claims. 6park.com

“The protection of intellectual property is very important to life science and biotechnology companies around the world, and it is also a value that MGI has always adhered to,” the statement said. 6park.com

Illumina did not immediately reply to a request for comment from Endpoints News. 6park.com

This is not the first time that Illumina and BGI have battled in court. Last year, according to Law360, Illumina won the case and was awarded $8 million in damages but was seeking $24 million. 6park.com

However, this latest decision pushed Illumina stock {ILMN} down a 14% tumble on Friday, which has continued into the beginning of the week as their stock price has been off about 10% since the market opening on Monday.
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