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Preordering for iPhone 5 begins ahead of Dec. 14
送交者: 吃软饭的[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2012-12-05 23:26 已读 68 次  


Preorders for the iPhone 5, which is scheduled to hit the island on Dec. 14, have begun, with telecom operators reporting site crashes due to strong enthusiasm from the public. www.6park.com

Among the operators, Far EasTone and Taiwan Mobile began their preordering on Tuesday, while Chunghwa Telecom's activity began yesterday at 10 a.m. and will last till 11:59 p.m. Saturday. www.6park.com

Far EasTone on Tuesday opened its preordering process, which was done at the operators' 570 physical locations island-wide as well as through the firm's website, which crashed at one point after the process began. The firm had given away all its early-bird prizes within four hours after preordering began, it said. www.6park.com

“It was way better than what we had expected,” the operator said. www.6park.com

Taiwan Mobile began online preordering on Tuesday, and starting Friday the operator will open its directly operated and indirectly operated stores island-wide for preordering, for which a deposit of NT$3,000 is needed. According to the operator, its online preordering has been going strong, and sales for the phone are expected to surpass those of the iPhone 4S. www.6park.com

Chunghwa Telecom began its preordering yesterday, a day after Far EasTone and Taiwan Mobile as the leading operators wanted to kick off the preordering process after the official green light from Apple. Preordering began at 10 a.m., and in 30 minutes the site crashed due to the overwhelming amount of preorders, the operator said.

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