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Apple event 2018
送交者: six6parker[♂★品衔R5★♂] 于 2018-09-12 11:59 已读 4581 次  


Fall is a time for cozy sweaters, pumpkin spice lattes and new iPhones.

Apple is hosting its annual September press conference on Wednesday at the Steve Jobs Theater on its circular Apple Park campus in Cupertino, California. 6park.com

The company is expected to unveil new iPhones and an updated Apple Watch. It will likely share the dates for upcoming software updates, such as iOS 12 and Mac OS Mojave, and possibly share news about AirPods, its AirPower charging pad, and the iPad Pro line. 6park.com

Last September, the company unveiled the $999 iPhone X. Now it is expected to roll out some of that device's signature design features to other iPhones, such as edge-to-edge screens, face detection, and no home button. Look for a larger device, possibly called the iPhone XS Max, a slightly updated flagship device possibly called the iPhone XS, and less expensive versions in new colors. 6park.com

New iPhones typically go on sale late September. 6park.com

The event, which will be livestreamed, kicks off at 10:00 a.m. PT. 6park.com

A view from outside the circular Apple Park campus in Cupertino, California.


CEO Tim Cook and other executives will announce the latest Apple hardware updates in front of a packed room of media members, analysts, special guests and employees. It is the second event held in the Steve Jobs Theater, a 1,000 seat underground venue topped with a 20-foot high glass lobby and a metallic carbon-fiber roof. 6park.com

We will update this article live from the event with the latest details and photos for all of Apple's news.

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